Curriculum Vitae
Adam K. Matz, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of North Dakota (UND). He previously worked in research positions with the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA), an affiliate of the Council of State Governments (CSG), as well as the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) with the Kentucky Court of Justice (KCOJ). His research interests include police-probation/parole partnerships, interagency information sharing, occupational culture, probationer/parolee recidivism and desistance, and the mentoring of youth with an incarcerated parent. His teaching interests include research methods, statistics, correctional alternatives, and evidence-based practices and programs. He has been involved in numerous committees, serving as Chair for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) Corrections Section and as a former Vice-Chair of the Global Standards Council (GSC) with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). He received his doctorate in Criminology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), as well as master and bachelor degrees from Eastern Kentucky University (EKU). His publications have appeared in a variety of renowned scholarly journals including the Journal of Criminal Justice, Journal of Crime and Justice, Journal of Criminal Justice Education, Police Quarterly, and Criminal Justice and Behavior.
- CJ 220: Introduction to Courts
- CJ 270: Introduction to Corrections
- CJ 350: Alternatives to Corrections
- CJ 401: Administration of Criminal Justice Systems (Capstone)
- CJ 440: Evidence-Based Practices/Programs in Criminal Justice
- CJ 503: Research Methods in Criminal Justice
- CJ 507: Program Evaluation in Criminal Justice
- CJ 540: Criminal Justice Policy
- Community Supervision Practice (i.e., probation, parole, community corrections)
- Criminal Recidivism and Desistance
- Mentoring and Support for Youth with an Incarcerated Parent
- Risk Assessment, Classification, and Case Planning
- Occupational Culture, Turnover, Burnout, Stress, and Workload Concerns
- Interagency Partnerships and Information Sharing (e.g., police-probation/parole partnerships, specialty court workgroups)
Select Publications:
Alarid, L. F., & Matz, A. K. (2024). The importance of social support for individuals on specialized probation: A gender comparison of relapse and revocation. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 51(6), 831-849.
Matz, A. K. (2022). The debate and concerns of risk assessment with historically marginalized populations. In E. M. Ahlin, O. Mitchell, & C. Atkin-Plunk (Eds.), Handbook on Inequalities in Sentencing and Corrections among Marginalized Populations. Routledge.
Matz, A. K., Martinez, A. R., & Kujava, E. (2021). Assessing risk in North Dakota juvenile probation: A preliminary examination of the predictive validity of the Youth Assessment and Screening Instrument. Crime & Delinquency, 67(4), 551-573.
Matz, A. K., & Lowe, N. C. (2020). An exploration of correctional counselor workloads in a Midwestern state. The Prison Journal, 100(6), 769-786.
Matz, A. K., & Kim, B. (2020). Working with the police: A positive outlook from a national sample of probation and parole officers. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 35(4), 480-493.
Matz, A. K., Conley, T., & Johanneson, N. (2018). What do supervision officers do? An examination of probation/parole officer workloads in a rural western state. Journal of Crime and Justice, 41(3), 294-309.
Matz, A. K., & Kim, B. (2017). A national survey of chief probation/parole officers’ perceived interest in and impact of partnerships with police. Corrections: Policy, Practice and Research, 2(4), 269-291.
Garland, B., & Matz, A. K. (2017). Preparing community supervision officers through undergraduate education: A study of academic and practitioner expectations. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 28(2), 259-284.
Turner, J. R., Hemmens, C., & Matz, A. K. (2016). Is it reasonable? A legal review of warrantless searches of probationers and parolees. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 27(7), 684-701.
Matz, A. K., Wells, J. B., Minor, K. I., & Angel, E. (2013). Predictors of turnover intention among staff in juvenile correctional facilities: The relevance of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 11(2), 114-130.
Matz, A. K., Adams, J. H., & Williamson, D. L. (2011). Understanding culture in Kentucky's courtrooms: An essential tool for management and long-range planning. Juvenile & Family Court Journal, 62(3), 25-42.