Policy Office
The Policy Office assists units in the development of new university policies and the revision of existing university policies.
While the Policy Office is responsible for maintaining a policy document's integrity and guiding policy development, responsibility for its content resides with the policy's responsible office.
What is a University policy?
A University policy is a document that states the University’s position on a particular issue, and includes procedures for compliance.
University policies are defined by the following criteria:
- Articulates requirements for the University as a whole and provides a way for implementation
- Helps achieve compliance with laws and regulations
- Enhances the University’s mission, reduces institutional risk and/or promotes operational efficiency
- Meant to last
- Extensive development/review process
- Has been reviewed by Executive Council and approved by the president.
If a document fits these criteria, it is a University policy. If it does not, it is a departmental, office, or division policy.
Request Policy Development
Contact the Policy Office to determine if your policy falls under the Division of Finance and Operations or another division on campus. The Policy Office will notify you on how to proceed. For additional information and guidance, please review the policy development tools.
Policy Office Updates/Blog
Policy Pulse is your go-to resource to understand new initiatives, current practices, and the policies and procedures that guide the University of North Dakota.