Curriculum Vitae
Andreas Michael is an Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering at UND. He previously was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Colorado School of Mines, performing research on underground tunnels. A Greek Cypriot, Dr. Michael holds bachelor and master’s degrees from The University of Texas at Austin and a doctorate from Louisiana State University (LSU), all in petroleum engineering. His PhD dissertation titled, “Fluid-Driven Fracture Initiation from Oil and Gas Wells Considering Lifetime Stresses” received LSU’s Distinguished Dissertation of the Year Award for STEM in 2020.
He has authored 15 peer-reviewed journal articles (7 first-authored, 4 single-authored), 33 conference papers, and 18 magazine articles. He served as the 2020-21 Managing Editor (de facto Editor-in-Chief) of The Way Ahead, the Society of Petroleum Engineers' (SPE) magazine for young professionals. In 2019, he captained LSU's SPE PetroBowl Championship-winning team and placed second in the SPE International Student Paper Contest, the next morning.
- PTRE 361 “Petroleum Engineering Labotatory I,” 1 credit, on-campus/online (Spring/Summer 2024-25)
- PTRE 411 “Drilling Engineering,” 3 credits, on-campus/online (Fall 2023-24)
- PTRE 451 “Advanced Drilling Engineering,” 3 credits, on-campus/online (Spring 2024-25)
- PTRE 462 “Petroleum Engineering Laboratory II,” 1 credit, on-campus/online (Spring/Summer 2024-25)
- PTRE 465 “Petroleum Geomechanics,” 3 credits, on-campus/online (Fall 2023-24)
- PTRE 475 “Well Completions,” 3 credits, on-campus/online (Spring 2024-25)
Undergraduate/Technical Electives: none
- PTRE 531 “Reservoir Geomechanics,” 3 credits, on-campus/online (Fall 2023-24)
- PTRE 545 “Advanced Topics in Drilling Engineering,” 3 credits, on-campus/online (Spring 2024-25)
- PTRE 575 “Advanced Stimulation Techniques,” 3 credits, on-campus/online (Spring 2024-25)
Topical Areas:
- Hydraulic fracture initiation
- Underground blowout prevention
- Wellbore integrity
- Reservoir simulation
- Data-driven/physics-based modeling
Active Research Projects and Resources:
- “Underground Blowout Prevention After Offshore-Well Capping” (funded by NDIC G-51-098)
- “Laboratory-Data-Driven Modeling of CO2-EOR Applications in Carbonate Reservoirs” (funded by NDIC G-51-098)
- “Optimization of Hydraulic Fracturing from Horizontal Wells: Laboratory-Scale Experiments on Transparent Gelatin Blocks” (funded by NDIC G-51-098)
- “Mechanistic Modeling of Wellbore Integrity Considering Stress-Distribution Evolutions Within the Casing-Cement Sheath-Rock Formation System” (funded by NDIC G-51-098)
- “Play-Agnostic Thermo-Poro-Hydro-Mechanical (TPHM) Modeling of Hydraulic Fracture Initiation from Perforated Wells” (funded by NDIC G-51-098)
- “Data-Driven Probabilistic Predictive Modeling for Simultaneous-Hydraulic-Fracture Growth from Horizontal Wells” (funded by NDIC G-51-098)
Books and Edited Volumes:
- none
Chapters in Books and Edited Volumes:
- none
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers:
- Michael, A. (2025). Tunnel Intersection Mechanics: Closed-Form Pseudo-3D Approximations for Deformation Modeling and Shear-Failure Prediction. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 158, 106394. Elsevier,
- Michael, A. and Khouissat, A. (2024). Coupling Reservoir Depletion and Geomechanics to Assess Risks During Post-Blowout Well Capping: Case Study on Macondo. Ore and Energy Resource Geology, 100068 (in press; posted 26 September 2024). Elsevier,
- Khouissat, A. and Michael, A. (2024). Blowout Contingency Decision-Making Leveraging Reservoir/Wellbore Pressure Modeling: Cap-and-Restrain or Cap-and-Divert? SPE J. 29 (12): 6775–6792. OnePetro,
- Abes, A. and Michael, A. (2024). Dynamic-Permeability Variations Induced During CO2-EOR Application in Carbonate Reservoirs: Upper Red River Formation, North Dakota. SPE J. 29 (11): 6402–6417. OnePetro,
- Ni, R., Ling, K., Fadairo A., Michael, A., Zhao, J., and Chenyu, W. (2024). Improving Precision in Assessments for CO2 Geological Storage: Investigating the Influence of Pore Pressure on Rock Properties. Energy and Fuels, American Chemical Society. ACS Publications,
- Michael, A. (2024). Transparent Gelatin as a Reservoir Analogue: Dimensional Scaling for Hydraulic Fracturing Laboratory Experiments. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 177, 105732. Elsevier,
- Elnoamany, Y., Michael, A., Gupta, I., Bhinde, T., Todman, S., Waltrich, P.J., and Chen, Y. (2024). Blowout-Capping-Fracturing-Relief Well: A Full Cycle Workflow. SPE J. 29 (02): 780-797. Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE-217462-PA. OnePetro,
- Michael, A. (2023). A Hybrid Data-Driven/Physics-Based Modeling Approach for Hydraulic Fracture Initiation and Early-Phase Propagation in Shale. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 100453. Elsevier,
- Michael, A., and Gupta, I. (2022).Wellbore Integrity After a Blowout: Stress Evolution Within the Casing-Cement Sheath-Rock Formation System. Results in Geophysical Sciences, 100045. Elsevier,
- Michael, A. (2021).Hydraulic Fractures from Non-Uniform Perforation Cluster Spacing in Horizontal Wells: Laboratory Testing on Transparent Gelatin. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 104158. Elsevier,
- Michael, A., and Gupta, I. (2021).A Comparative Study of Oriented Perforating and Fracture Initiation in Seven Shale Gas Plays. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 103801. Elsevier,
- Michael, A., and Gupta, I. (2021).A Semi-Analytical Modeling Approach for Hydraulic Fracture Initiation and Orientation in Shale Reservoirs. SPE Prod & Oper 36 (03): 501–515. Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE-204480-PA. OnePetro,
- Michael, A., and Gupta, I. (2021).Fracture Prevention Following Offshore Well Blowouts: Selecting the Appropriate Capping Stack Shut-In Strategy. SPE Drill & Compl 36 (02): 232–244. Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE-199673-PA. OnePetro,
- Michael, A., Olson, J.E., and Balhoff, M.T. (2020).Orientation Prediction of Fracture Initiation from Perforated Horizontal Wells: Application in Shale Reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Elsevier,
- Michael, A., and Gupta, I. (2020). Analytical Orientation Criteria for Drilling and Completion-Induced Fracture Initiation Considering Fluid Infiltration from the Wellbore. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 107033. Elsevier,
Invited Presentations:
- “Hybrid Data-Driven/Physics-Based Modeling Approaches for Drilling and Completions: Towards Simple-and-Effective Predictive Tools,” Research Seminar (2024, March 6). Colorado School of Mines.
- “A Hybrid Data-Driven/Physics-Based Approach for Near-Wellbore Hydraulic Fracture Modeling,” ARMA Future Leaders Webinar Series – Lecture 20 (2023, December 15). American Rock Mechanics Association.
- “Petroleum Engineering: The History, Money, and Politics of the Most Lucrative Engineering Discipline,” presented to UND’s ENGR 100: Introduction to Engineering class (2023, October 10).
- “Excellence in Petroleum Engineering,” presented to UND’s Department of Petroleum Engineering (2023, July 17).
- “Orientation of Hydraulic Fracture Initiation from Perforated Horizontal Wellbores,” Industry Technical Focused Presentations (2020, February 10). Society of Petroleum Engineers – North America Student Symposium. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
Conference Papers:
- Michael, A., Kalu, C., Bouabdallah, N. (2024). MultiFracSimPPM: A Data-Driven Probabilistic Predictive Model for Hydraulic Fracture Growth from Uniformly and Non-Uniformly-Spaced Perforation Clusters. In 58th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. OnePetro,
- Bouabdallah, N., and Michael, A. (2024). A Play-Agnostic Thermo-Poro-Hydro-Mechanical Approximation for Hydraulic Fracture Initiation: Insights on Stress Distortions Between the Wellbore and a Perforation Tunnel. In 58th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. OnePetro,
- Khouissat, A., and Michael, A. (2024). Blowout Contingency Decision-Making Leveraging Pressure Modeling: Cap-and-Restrain or Cap-and-Divert? In Offshore Technology Conference, OTC (p. D041S054R001). OnePetro,
- Khouissat, A., and Michael, A. (2024). Using Worst Case Discharge (WCD) Estimations to Prevent Underground Blowouts After Well Capping. In Offshore Technology Conference,OTC (p. D041S056R007). OnePetro,
- Khan, J. A., Khouissat, A., and Michael, A. (2024). Revisiting Post-Blowout Wellbore Integrity: Mechanistic Modeling of the Stress Evolutions Within the Casing-Cement Sheath-Rock Formation System. In SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and Exhibition(p. D011S008R002). OnePetro,
- Abes, A., and Michael, A. (2024). Recovery-Impacting Petrophysical Alterations of CO2-EOR Application in Carbonate Formations: Case Study on North Dakota's Upper Red River. In SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference(p. D041S038R001). OnePetro,
- Khan, J. A., and Michael, A. (2024). Mechanistic Modeling of Wellbore Integrity During CO2 Injection in Deep Saline Aquifers. In SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control(p. D011S006R002). OnePetro,
- Khan, J. A., and Michael, A. (2024). Wellbore Integrity Challenges in Saltwater Disposal: Case Study on the Fort Worth Basin. In SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control(p. D011S002R006). OnePetro,
- Michael, A. (2023). Excellence in Petroleum Engineering. In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. OnePetro,
- Michael, A., and Gutierrez, M. (2023). Mechanics of Tunnel Intersections: Closed-Form Approximations for Deformation Modeling and Failure Prediction. In 57th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. OnePetro,
- Michael, A. (2022). Petroleum Engineers Need a Strong Professional Society. In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. OnePetro,
- Michael, A. (2022). Analysis of Transparent Gelatin as a Reservoir Analogue for Hydraulic Fracturing Laboratory Experiments. In 56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. OnePetro,
- Michael, A. (2022). On the Near-Wellbore Geometry of Hydraulic Fractures Initiated from Horizontal Wells. In 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition(Vol. 2022, No. 1, pp. 1-5). European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers,
- Michael, A. (2022). On the Scalability of Gelatin as a Reservoir Analogue in Hydraulic Fracturing Experiments. In 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition(Vol. 2022, No. 1, pp. 1-5). European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers,
- Michael, A. (2021). Geomechanical Implications of Reservoir Depletion vis-à-vis Post-Blowout Well Capping: A Gulf of Mexico Case Study. In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. OnePetro,
- Michael, A. (2021). The True Market Value of a Good Petroleum Engineer: A Technical Perspective. In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. OnePetro,
- Michael, A. (2021). PIMPS3D2P: A Practical, Efficient, Three-Dimensional, Two-Phase Reservoir Simulator Written in MATLAB. In 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition (Vol. 2021, No. 1, pp. 1-5). European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers,
- Michael, A. (2021). Manometric Method for Sorbed Gas Estimation in Organic-Rich Shales Considering Matrix Swelling: An Overview. In 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition (Vol. 2021, No. 1, pp. 1-5). European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers,
- Michael, A. (2021). Graphical Method for Constraining the Local Stress State in Arbitrarily-Oriented Wells Using Drilling-Induced Tensile Fracture Observations. In 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition (Vol. 2021, No. 1, pp. 1-5). European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers,
- Michael, A. (2020). Hydraulic Fractures from Non-Uniform Perforation Cluster Spacing: Laboratory Study on Gelatin and Data-Driven Modeling. 2ndInternational Conference on Energy Geotechnics (ICEGT). E3S Web of Conferences, vol. 205, p. 03006.,
- Michael, A., and Gupta, I. (2020). Oriented Perforations: A Numerical Model for Fracture Initiation Pressure Prediction in Horizontal Wells. ARMA 19-2059, American Rock Mechanics Association.
- Elnoamany, Y. A., Michael, A., and Gupta, I. (2020). Numerical Modeling of Fracture Propagation During Post-Blowout Capping in Offshore Wells. ARMA 19-2012, American Rock Mechanics Association.
- Michael, A., and Gupta, I. (2020). A Semi-Analytical Modeling Approach for Hydraulic Fracture Initiation and Orientation in Shale Reservoirs. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. OnePetro,
- Michael, A., and Gupta, I. (2020). Wellbore Integrity During Blowouts: Broaching Prevention and Control. Society of Petroleum Engineers. OnePetro,
Contributed Presentations (no companion paper):
- Elnoamany, Y. A., Michael, A., and Gupta, I. (2020). Broaching Analysis During Post-Blowout Capping Following Worst Case Discharge: A Gulf of Mexico Case Study. In AGU Fall Meeting 2020. AGU.
- Michael, A., and Gupta, I. (2020). Selecting the Optimal Capping Stack Shut-In Strategy Following a Blowout. 24th Annual Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Technical Symposium, New Orleans, LA.
Magazine Articles:
- Michael, A. (2022). Guest Editorial: Four Real-World Challenges in Hydraulic-Fracture Modeling. SPE Journal of Petroleum Technology, Society of Petroleum Engineers online magazine,
- Michael, A. (2022). Profile of a Successful Energy Startup. SPE The Way Ahead, Society of Petroleum Engineers magazine for Young Professionals,
- Michael, A. (2022). Brownfield IOR: Selecting the Appropriate Artificial Lift Method. SPE The Way Ahead, Society of Petroleum Engineers magazine for Young Professionals,
- Michael, A. (2021). TWA Managing Editor’s Column: Five Classic R&D Challenges for Modern Petroleum Technology. SPE The Way Ahead, Society of Petroleum Engineers magazine for Young Professionals,
- Michael, A. (2021). TWA Managing Editor’s Column: How to Build Your Own Reservoir Simulator. SPE The Way Ahead, Society of Petroleum Engineers magazine for Young Professionals,
- Michael, A. (2021). Managing Editor’s Column: A Petroleum Engineer’s Perspective on Energy Transition. SPE The Way Ahead, Society of Petroleum Engineers magazine for Young Professionals,
- Michael, A. (2021). Managing Editor’s Column: Technology Transfer and the Challenges Foreign Students Face. SPE The Way Ahead, Society of Petroleum Engineers magazine for Young Professionals,
- Srivastava, A., Michael, A., Garg, L., and Harkouss, R. (2020). End-to-End Digital Transformation of Petroleum Engineering: The Evolution of a Revolution. SPE The Way Ahead, SPE magazine for Young Professionals,
- Ighalo, S., Michael, A., and Blaney, J. W. (2020). The True Market Value of a Good Petroleum Engineer. SPE The Way Ahead, Society of Petroleum Engineers magazine for Young Professionals, (Republished in SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) Chapter’s SandRose magazine, July 2020 issue, pp. 64-67).
- Ighalo, S., Blaney, J. W., Michael, A., and Dokun, O. (2020). The Big Crew Change — Bang or Whimper? SPE The Way Ahead, Society of Petroleum Engineers magazine for Young Professionals,
Professional Registration:
- none
- Certificate, “Foundations Skills in Business Management & Development for Engineers,” Total Professeurs Associes, by TOTAL S.A. (2019).
- Certificate, “Shale Oil and Gas: An Energy Revolution,” Total Professeurs Associes, by TOTAL S.A. (2019).
- Certificate, “Reservoir Evaluation,” Total Professeurs Associes, by TOTAL S.A. (2019).
- Certificate, “Logging for Oil & Gas Evaluation,” Total Professeurs Associes, by TOTAL S.A. (2019).
- Certificate, “Oil & Gas Project Management,” Total Professeurs Associes, by TOTAL S.A. (2018).
- Certificate, “Mid-to-Deep Offshore Drilling Techniques and Operations,” Total Professeurs Associes, by TOTAL S.A. (2018).
- Certificate, “Teaching Assistant Certification,” Cockrell School of Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin (2014).
- License, “Fundamental Level for Drilling with Stack Qualification of Surface,” Wild Well Control, Inc., No. 136868 (2013).
- ARMA Future Leaders (Class of 2023) - American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA)
- Distinguished Dissertation of the Year Award (2020) - LSU Alumni Association
- Louis Cagniard Award (2020) - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
- 1st Place, PetroBowl Championship (LSU Team Captain, 2019) - Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
- 2nd Place, International Student Paper Contest (PhD Division, 2019) - SPE
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, at Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, 2022; “Mechanics of Tunnel Intersections” Marte Gutierrez, Advisor
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA; Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering, December 2020; “Fluid-Driven Fracture Initiation from Oil and Gas Wells Considering Lifetime Stresses,” Ipsita Gupta, Advisor
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX; M.S.E., Petroleum Engineering, May 2016; “Hydraulic Fracturing Optimization: Experimental Investigation of Multiple Fracture Growth Homogenenity via Perforation Cluster Distribution,” Jon E. Olson, Advisor, Matthew T. Balhoff, Co-advisor
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX; B.S., Petroleum Engineering, December 2013; “Reevaluation and Appraisal of the Cuthbertson Field, DeWitt County, Texas,” Senior design project
Currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering at the University of North Dakota.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Colorado School of Mines
- Field Geologist II with Field Geo Services, Inc.
- Mudlogger with Edge Systems/PML Exploration Services, LLC
- Military service (two years, 286 Μ/Κ ΤΠ, 346 ΤΠ, 291 ΤΠ)
Proposals Submitted:
- none
Grants Awarded:
- Active
- none
- Completed
- none
Students Advised (as Committee Chair):
- Ph.D.
- Abdelhakim Khouissat, “Underground Blowout Prevention After Offshore-Well Capping”
- Abdelmalek Abes, “Laboratory-Data-Driven Modeling of CO2-EOR Applications in Carbonate Reservoirs”
- Chukwuemeka Kalu, “Optimization of Hydraulic Fracturing from Horizontal Wells: Laboratory-Scale Experiments on Transparent Gelatin Blocks”
- Nassim Bouabdallah, “Play-Agnostic Thermo-Poro-Hydro-Mechanical (TPHM) Modeling of Hydraulic Fracture Initiation from Perforated Wells”
- M.S.
- Chukwuemeka Kalu, “A Fully Data-Driven Probabilistic Predictive Model for Simultaneous-Hydraulic-Fracture Growth from Horizontal Wells”
- B.S.
- none
Advisory Committees and Funding Agency Panels:
- Early Career Keynote Lecture Selection Committee, ARMA (2024)
- Scholarship Selection Committee, UND (2023): Department of Petroleum Engineering; Harold Hamm School of Geology & Geological Engineering
Editorial Boards:
- SPE The Way Ahead, magazine for Young Professionals of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE YP): Advisor, Leadership Team (2021-22); Managing Editor (de facto Editor-in-Chief); Leadership Team (2020-21); Advisor, Technical Topics (2020); Lead Content Creator, Technical Topics (2020); Content Creator, Business Benchmarks, HR Discussions (2018-20); Associate Content Creator, Business Benchmarks (2018) - During my tenure as the Editor-in-Chief (2020-21), the magazine’s average monthly pageviews number increased by 32%, the average monthly users number increased by 37% and the nominations to the magazine’s “TWA Energy Influencers” program increased by 50%.
- Technical Reviewer: SPE Journal (SPEJ); Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (JNGSE, now Gas Science and Engineering/GSE); Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (JPSE, now Geo-energy Science and Engineering/GEOEN); International Journal of Solid Structures (IJSS); Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (RMRE); American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA); European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE); Applied Sciences (APPLSCI); Underground Space (UNDSP)
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - Faculty Advisor for UND's SPE Student Chapter (2023 - present)
American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA) - Faculty Advisor for UND's ARMA Student Chapter (2023 - present)
American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE) - Faculty Advisor for UND's AADE Student Chapter (2024 - present)