Anne Airth-Kindree Kelsch serves as Director of Faculty Development at UND and is a Professor of History. She earned her PhD in Modern British History from Texas A&M University. Her current research interests are in new faculty development, STEM faculty development and faculty governance. She has served as a senior fellow with the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) and on the board of the North Dakota Humanities Council. She currently is on the board of the North Dakota Women in Higher Education Network.
Select recent publications:
Borboa-Peterson, C. Ozaki and A. Kelsch, “Adoption of a Cross-Campus Community of Practice for the Implementation of Equity- Focused Faculty Development, “ in Teaching and Learning for Social Justice and Equity in Education edited by Laura Parson and C. Casey Ozaki (Macmillan Palgrave, 2021).
Lisa Bonneau, A. Kelsch, J. Hawthorne and R. Zerr, “Assessing the Impact of General Education on Student Learning” in Generally Speaking: The Impact of General Education on Student Learning in the 21st Century edited by Madeline Smith and Kristen Tarantin (Stylus, 2019).
Hawthorne, J., R. Zerr and A. Kelsch. “Assessment of General Education: An (Unexpected but Effective) Faculty Development Opportunity,” Assessment in Action: Evidence-Based Discussions about Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum edited by Claudia Stanny. New Directions in Teaching and Learning 155 (Fall 2018): 65-72.
Kelsch, A. “Shifting How We Think About Faculty Work,” Peer Review 19:3 (Summer 2017).
Hawthorne, J., A. Kelsch and B. Goodwin, “Learning What ‘Works’ in Transforming Pedagogy Within a STEM Curriculum,” Higher Learning Commission Annual Conference Proceedings 2016.
Kelsch, A. “"Slow Teaching: Where the Mindful and the Modern Meet," North Dakota Quarterly (Spring 2015), 80:2, 12-20.
Kelsch, A. and J. Hawthorne, "Preparing New Faculty for Leadership: Understanding and Addressing Needs,” To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development 33 (2014), 57-73.
Kelsch, A. and Hawthorne, J. “Leadership Development through Role-Play,” Academic Leader (Fall 2014). Invited.
Recent select presentations
Kelsch, A. “STEM Faculty Perceptions of Student Learning, Equity and Inclusion,” AAC&U’s Transforming STEM Higher Education Conference, Washington, DC (11/2022).
Kelsch, A., Zerr, R. and M. Gjellstad, “Supporting and Developing Effective Faculty Engagement in Governance," AAC&U Annual Conference, Washington DC (1/2020).
Kelsch, A. “Exploring and Addressing Fixed Mindset among STEM Faculty and Its Impact,” AAC&U’s Transforming STEM Higher Education Conference, Chicago, IL (11/2019).
Kelsch, A. "Addressing the Need to Develop Growth-Mindset in STEM Faculty,” Professional and Organizational Development Conference, Pittsburgh, PA (11/2019).
Kelsch, A. and J. Hawthorne, "’All-In’ Matters: Pedagogical Transformation in a STEM Department,” Professional and Organizational Development Conference, Montreal, Quebec (11/2017).
Holcombe, E. and A. Kelsch, "Leveraging Technologies to Extend and Enrich Communities of Practice," Professional and Organizational Development Conference, Montreal, Quebec (11/2017).
Kelsch, A., J. Hawthorne and B. Goodwin, “Improving Outcomes through a STEM Community of Practice: Grassroots Strategies for Shifting Departmental Culture,” AAC&U Transforming Undergraduate STEM Education Conference, Boston, MA (11/2016).
Kelsch, A. & K. McConnell, “Revisiting General Education & Assessment as Faculty Development Opportunities,” AAC&U LEAP States Summit, Milwaukee, WI (9/2016).
Kelsch, A. “SCALED-UP Teaching in STEM: What Faculty Say about Department-Wide Use of Active Learning Pedagogies,” Invited. University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (5/2016).
Kelsch, A., Goodwin, B. and J. Hawthorne. “Leveraging Technology in STEM Student Success,” AAC&U Annual Conference, Washington, DC (1/2016).
UND's Martin Luther King, Jr. Social Justice Award (2022)
Senior Fellow, American Association of Colleges & Universities (2015-16)
UND College of Arts & Sciences Teaching Award (2006)
State Historical Society of North Dakota Editor’s Choice Annual Article Award (2005)
Red River Valley Heritage Society’s Voyageur Award for Outstanding Research (1996)
UND President's Advisory Council on Women’s Outstanding Service Award (1996)
Alice T. Clark Scholars Mentoring Program (Year 1 & 2)
Clinical Instructors Mentoring Program
University Writing Program
Small Group Instructional Diagnostic (SGID) Program
Outstanding Faculty Awards
Senate Faculty Instructional Development Committee
Selected External Workshops
Inclusive Engagement Workshop, NSF Gateways Project, North Dakota State University (2019)
Advocating for Student Learning Workshop, NSF Gateways Project, North Dakota State University (2018)
Oral and Written Communications Outcomes, North Dakota Faculty Collaboratives Project Workshop, Valley City State University (2017)
Co-facilitator (with M. Weaver-Hightower & R. Zerr), Innovative Pedagogy and Authentic Assessment in US Higher Education, University of Shanghai for Science & Technology (2016)
Making the Most of Active Learning Environments, Fresno State University (2016)
External evaluator, General Education program, Hong Kong Baptist University (2018, 2012)
Consultant, AAC&U Faculty Collaboratives Project (2016)
Consultant, Curriculum Reform Teams, AAC&U Integrative Learning Institute, University of Delaware (2015)
External evaluator, General Education program, City University of Hong Kong (2010, 2009)