Barry W. Botnen is a Hydrogeologist in the Oilfield Operations Group at the EERC, where he currently supports multiple activities for the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership, one of seven regional partnerships funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership Program. The PCOR Partnership Program is a three-phase, multiyear, multimillion-dollar program, focused on assessing the technical and economic feasibility of capturing and storing CO2 emissions from stationary sources in the northern Great Plains and adjacent area. Most recently, Mr. Botnen has been working to develop and implement monitoring, verification, and accounting concepts for large-scale (>1 million tons per year) CO2 storage and enhanced oil recovery operations. Mr. Botnen also served as the task leader for the Terrestrial Field Validation Test portion of the PCOR Partnership. Mr. Botnen has extensive experience in the design and construction of groundwater and soil remediation systems. He received his B.S. degree in Environmental Geology and Technology from UND. Prior to his position at the EERC, he served as an Associate Geologist with OASIS Environmental, Inc., in Anchorage, Alaska. Mr. Botnen has over 20 years of experience in CO2 sequestration/storage, contaminated site assessment, contaminant release investigation, remedial design/action, wetlands identification/delineation, biota studies, and the stewardship of contaminated nuclear sites. He has performed numerous subsurface site investigations relating to hazardous wastes and has completed many Phase I and Phase II site assessments as well as Phase III cleanup activities.