Curriculum Vitae
My research focuses on ecological applications of remote sensing and GIS. While working on my master's degree (with M. Duane Nellis at Kansas State University) I developed an interest in land use/land cover mapping and land-cover change detection using remotely sensed data. I continue to do work in that area, most recently investigating land-cover changes related to a pervasive flooding event in the Devils Lake Basin of North Dakota.
During my Ph.D. (with Doug Goodin at Kansas State University), I worked to characterize a number of biophysical properties of prairie vegetation canopies using close-range remote sensing devices.
I did my doctoral field work on Konza Prairie near Manhattan, Kansas. The field spectroscopy interest also persists, although it is now related primarily to characterizing the spectral-temporal properties of various invasive plant species. My work on Konza instilled an interest in prairie plants and ecosystems.
Finally, I am engaged in remote sensing education. I am the PI on an AmericaView grant, which seeks to improve general awareness about remotely sensed data and to expand the user base for USGS satellite data. I have also worked with state and tribal colleges in North Dakota to improve GIS and remote sensing curricula, either by adding new courses or supplementing those that exist. My graduate students generally have an interest in biogeography and geospatial technologies, although that is not always the case.
Ph.D., Geography, Kansas State University, 2000
M.A., Geography, Kansas State University, 1995
B.Journalism, News-Editorial, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1991