Dr. Bruce C. Folkedahl is a Principal Research Engineer in Critical Minerals at the EERC, where he studies rare-earth element (REE)/critical materials (CMs) extraction/purification from coal/coal combustion products (CCPs) and traditional source materials for REEs/CMs; Development and characterization of ceramic and plastic composites for construction products; combustion and gasification for electricity generation; aerosol and fine particulate emissions during combustion; process development for the conversion of biomass feedstocks to fuels, chemicals, and value-added products; and corrosion and development of high-temperature materials to withstand aggressive combustion environments. Dr. Folkedahl also performs research in novel methodologies for water minimization in power production, and he has been responsible for the development of two novel technologies for water reduction in power generation systems. Dr. Folkedahl received his Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Pennsylvania State University and his B.S. degree in Computer Science from UND and has authored and coauthored numerous professional publications.