CE 101: Introduction to Civil Engineering and Sustainable Design (1 cr.hr.)
CE 301: Civil Engineering Laboratory I (2 cr.hrs.)
CE 411: Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory (1 cr.hr.)
CE 412L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory (1 cr.hr.)
CE 397: Cooperative Education (1-2 cr.hr.)
CE 416: Transportation Engineering (3 cr.hrs.)
CE 482: Civil Engineering Design I (3 cr.hrs.)
CE 483: Civil Engineering Design II (3 cr.hrs.)
CE 417/517: Transportation Asset Management (3 cr.hrs., Graduate Course)
CE 562: Graduate Seminar (1 cr.hr., Graduate Level)
ENGR 100: Introduction to Engineering (1 cr.hr., Civil Engineering Week)
ENGR 203: Mechanics of Materials (3 cr.hrs.)
- Infrastructure condition assessment
- Sustainable materials
- Mechanistic-empirical pavement design
- Performance-based specifications
- Traffic safety
Refereed Journal Publications
(*graduate student; **undergraduate student; Corresponding author underlined)
- Ainalem Nega, Daba Gedafa, and Hamid Nikraz. “New Numerical Simulation for Stress and Strain Characteristics in Flexible Pavement Using Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis,” (ready to be submitted)
- WhitneyLe B. Belkowitz**, Jon S. Belkowitz, Paul R. Bryant, and Daba S. Gedafa. “A Study on Colloidal Silica Enhanced Recycled Concrete Aggregate,” Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering (to be resubmitted).
- WhitneyLe B. Belkowitz**, Jon S. Belkowitz, Paul R. Bryant, and Daba S. Gedafa. “An Analysis on Colloidal Silica for Acid Resistant Concrete,” Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering (to be resubmitted).
- Robem S. Melaku*, Jun Liu*, and Daba S. Gedafa. “Impact of Bio-oils and Wastewater Sludge (WWS) on the Performance of Binders and HMA with High RAP Content,” Road Materials and Pavement Design (under review).
- Robeam S. Melaku* and Daba S. Gedafa. “Evaluation of HMA Low-temperature Cracking Resistance using Rate Normalized Fracture Energy,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements (under review).
- Robeam Melaku*, Jun Liu*, and Daba S. Gedafa. “Effect of Wastewater Treatment Sludge (WTS) on Binder and HMA Performance,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering (under review).
- Robeam S. Melaku* and Daba S. Gedafa. (2020). “Impact of Wastewater Treatment Sludge on Cracking Resistance of HMA Mixes at Lower Mixing Temperature,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0003506
- Rajib Saha*, Robeam S. Melaku*, Bishall Karki*, Anthony Berg*, and Daba S. Gedafa. (2020). “Effect of Bio-Oils on Binder and Mix Properties with High RAP Binder Content.” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, https://ascelibrary.org/doi/10.1061/%28ASCE%29MT.1943-5533.0003057
- Spencer Tolliver* and Daba S. Gedafa. (2016). “Investigating the Use of Fly Ash and Nanomaterials for Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure,” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 173-177.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Daniel Landrus*, and Nabil Suleiman. (2016). “Effect of Nanoclay on Rutting Resistance of HMA Mixes,” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 47-52.
- Hamzeh Haghshenas, Ali Khodaii, Mohammad Hossain, and Daba S. Gedafa. (2015). “Stripping Potential of HMA and SMA: A Study Using Statistical Approach,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 11.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Bryan Kaemingk*, Brian Mager*, Jeffrey Pape*, and Mark Tupa*, and Taryn Bohan**. (2014). “Impacts of Alternative Yield Sign Placement on Pedestrian Safety in Mixed Use Centers,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2464, pp. 11-19.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Richard Miller, and Thomas Van. (2014). “Network-level Flexible Pavement Structural Evaluation,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 309-322.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Stefan Romanoschi, and Andrew Gisi. (2013). “Flexible Pavement Design Simulation Using MEPDG,” Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 7, No. 11, pp. 1375-1384.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, and Stefan Romanoschi. (2013). “Perpetual Pavement Temperature Prediction Model,” Road Materials and Pavement Design, 15, No. 1, pp. 55-65.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, and Stefan Romanoschi. (2013). “Effect of Traffic Speed on Stresses and Strains in Asphalt Perpetual Pavement,” Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 7, No. 8, pp. 956-963.
- Daba S. Gedafa. (2013). “Safety Analysis for Older Drivers at Signalized Intersections,” Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 626-632.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Richard Miller, and Douglas A. Steele. (2012). “Surface Deflections of Perpetual Pavement Sections,” ASTM Special Technical Publication, 1555, pp. 192-204.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Lon S. Ingram, and Rick Kreider. (2012). “Performance-Related Specifications for PCC Pavements in Kansas,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 479-487.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Zahidul Q. Siddique, Kirk Fredrichs, and Dave Meggers. (2012). “Curling of New Concrete Pavement and Long-Term Performance,” Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 6, No. 2, pp. 121-131.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Lon S. Ingram, and Rick Kreider. (2011). “Performance-Related Specification for Superpave Pavements in Kansas,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2228, pp. 78-86.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Richard Miller, and Douglas A. Steele. (2010). “Network-Level Testing for Pavement Structural Evaluation Using a Rolling Wheel Deflectometer,” ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp.439-448.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Stefan Romanoschi, and Andrew Gisi. (2010). “Field Verification of Superpave Dynamic Modulus,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 22, No. 5, pp. 485-494.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Richard Miller, and Thomas Van. (2010). “Estimation of Remaining Service Life of Flexible Pavements from Surface Deflections,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 4, pp.342-352.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Stefan Romanoschi, and Andrew Gisi. (2010). “Comparison of Moduli of Kansas Superpave Asphalt Mixes,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2154, pp 114-123.
Refereed International Conference Proceedings
- Ainalem Nega and Daba S. Gedafa. “Application of Markov Chains and Monte Carlo Simulations for Pavement Construction Engineering,” Accepted for the 9th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM), June 20-23, 2022, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Abolghasem Yazdani* and Daba S. Gedafa. “Effect of Nanopolymer Modified Binder on Hot Mix Asphalt,” Accepted for International Conference on Transportation & Development, May 31-June 3, 2022, Seattle, WA.
- Ainalem Nega and Daba S. Gedafa. “Tire-Pavement Interaction Modelling,” Accepted for International Conference on Transportation & Development, May 31-June 3, 2022, Seattle, WA.
- Ainalem Nega and Daba S. Gedafa. “Investigation of Geotechnical Characterization Properties of Slope Moment and Soil Moisture in Portion,” Accepted for PORTS ’22, Honolulu, Hawaii, September 18-21, 2022.
- Jun Liu*, Robeam Melaku*, Daba S. Gedafa, and Nabil Suleiman. “Comparison of Field and Laboratory Mix Performance,” Accepted for 11th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways, and Airfields, June 28-30, 2022, Trondheim, Norway.
- Robeam Melaku*, Stephanie Ness*, Daba S. Gedafa, and Nabil Suleiman. “Investigating the Use of Fly Ash for Sustainable Asphalt Binders,” Accepted for 11th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways, and Airfields, June 28-30, 2022, Trondheim, Norway.
- Jun Liu*, Robeam S. Melaku*, Daba S. Gedafa, and Nabil Suleiman. (2021). “Performance Comparison of HMA Mixes Used on Different Levels of North Dakota’s Highway Performance Classification System,” ASCE International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference 2021, 137-145, https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784483503.014
- Rabindra Pariyar*, Nabil Suleiman, Daba S. Gedafa, and Bishal Karki*. (2021). “Comparison of Unconventional and Conventional HMA Mixes Performance in North Dakota,” ASCE International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference 2021, 209-218.
- Zeenat Nahar*, Nabil Suleiman, and Daba S. Gedafa. (2021). “Evaluation of Fiber-Reinforced HMA Mixes Performance in North Dakota,” ASCE International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference 2021, 272-279, https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784483503.027
- Ainalem Nega and Daba S. Gedafa. (2021). “Influence of Tire Footprint Contact Area and Pressure Distribution on Flexible Pavement,” ASCE International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference 2021, 1-12, https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784483503.001
- Daba S. Gedafa, Anthony Berg*, Bishal Karki*, Rajib Saha*, and Robeam S. Melaku*. (2019). “Cracking and Rutting Performance of Field and Laboratory HMA Mixes,” ASCE International Conference on Airfield and Highway Pavements 2019, https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784482469.002
- Daba S. Gedafa, Bishal Karki*, Anthony Berg*, Rajib Saha*, and Robeam S. Melaku* (2019). “Effect of Nanomaterials on Cracking and Rutting Resistance of HMA,” ASCE International Conference on Airfield and Highway Pavements 2019, https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784482476.010
- Bishal Karki*, Anthony Berg*, Rajib Saha, and Robeam S. Melaku, and Daba S. Gedafa. (2018). “Effect of Nanomaterials on Binder Performance,” ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2018, https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784481554.034
- Rajib Saha*, Bishal Karki*, Robeam S. Melaku*, and Daba S. Gedafa. (2017). “Effect of RAP on cracking and rutting resistance of HMA mixes,” ASCE Airfield and Highway Pavements 2017, 86-94. https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784480939.008
- Daba S. Gedafa, Daniel Landrus*, and Nabil Suleiman. (2017). “Effect of Nanoclay on Binder Rheology and HMA Rutting Resistance,” Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Shuvo Islam, Mustque Hossain, and Daba S. Gedafa. (2017). “Performance Evaluation of Perpetual Pavement after Ten Years,” 10th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields (BCRRA 2017), DOI: 1201/9781315100333-213
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Stefan Romanoschi, and Mbaki Onyango. (2016). “Effects of Binder and Mix Properties on the Mechanistic Responses of Fatigue Cracking APT Sections,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT), San Jose, Costa Rica. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-42797-3_25
- Daba S. Gedafa. (2016). “20-year Performance of SPS-2 Sections in North Dakota,” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, San Antonio, TX.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Jonathan Page*, and Harvey Gullicks. (2016). “Dust from Low-volume Roads Due to Energy Sector Traffic in North Dakota,” 96th TRB Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Stefan Romanoschi, and Mbaki Onyango. (2015). “Effects of Binder and Mix Properties on the Evolution of Mechanistic Responses of the APT Sections.” 95th TRB Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, and Stefan Romanoschi. (2014). “Mechanistic Responses in Perpetual Pavement,” Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Asphalt Pavements (ISAP), Raleigh, NC, pp. 201-210.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Stefan Romanoschi, and Andrew Gisi. (2013). “Effect of Aging on Dynamic Modulus and Fatigue Life of Superpave Mixes,” ASCE’s Airfield and Highway Pavement 2013: Sustainable and Efficient Pavements, Los Angeles, CA, pp. 1040-1050, https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784413005.087
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, and Stefan Romanoschi. (2013). “Prediction of Asphalt Pavement Temperature,” ASCE’s Airfield and Highway Pavement 2013: Sustainable and Efficient Pavements, Los Angeles, CA, pp. 373-382.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Kiran K. Uppu, Mustaque Hossain, Lon S. Ingram, and Rick Kreider. (2013). “Verification of Performance-Related Specifications for Superpave Pavements,” 92nd TRB Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Richard Miller, and Thomas Van. (2012). “Relationship between Cracking and Center Deflection,” 91st TRB Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC.
- Daba S. Gedafa, James Mulandi, Mustaque Hossain, and Greg Schieber. (2011). “Comparison of Pavement Design using AASHTO 1993 and NCHRP Mechanistic– empirical Pavement Design Guide,” Proceedings of the 1st Transportation and Development Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers Congress, Chicago, IL, 1, pp. 538-547, https://doi.org/10.1061/41167(398)52.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Taslima Khanum, Mustaque Hossain, and Greg Schieber. (2011). “Effect of Construction Environment on JPCP Performance,” Proceedings of the 1st Transportation and Development Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers Congress, Chicago, IL, 2, pp. 834-843, https://doi.org/10.1061/41167(398)80.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Lon S. Ingram, and Rick Kreider. (2010). “Composite Pay Index for Superpave Pavements in Kansas,” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Asphalt Pavement, Nagoya, Japan, Vol. 1, pp. 709-718.
- Stefan Romanoschi, Mbaki Onyango, and Daba S. Gedafa. (2010). “Accelerated Pavement Testing Validation of the Response and Distress Models for New Flexible Pavements in the Mechanistic-Empirical Design Guide,” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Asphalt Pavement, Nagoya, Japan, Vol. 1, pp. 532-541.
- Litao Liu, Vikranth S. Manepalli, Daba S. Gedafa, and Mustaque (2010). “Cost Effectiveness of Ultrathin Bonded Bituminous Surface and Modified Slurry Seal,” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pavement Preservation, Newport Beach, CA, pp. 317-329.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, and Stefan Romanoschi. (2009). “Simulation of Flexible Pavement Design in Kansas,” Proceedings of the 2009 Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium, Ames, Iowa.
- Taslima Khanum, Mustaque Hossain, Andy Gisi, and Daba S. Gedafa. (2008). “15-Year Performance of SPS-2 in Kansas,” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Concrete Pavements: The Golden Gate to Tomorrow's Concrete Pavements, International Society of Concrete Pavements, San Francisco, CA, Vol. 2, pp.976-994.
- Daba S. Gedafa. (2007). “Performance Prediction and Maintenance of Flexible Pavement,” Proceedings of the 2007 Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium, Ames, Iowa.
- Daba S. Gedafa. (2006). “Present Pavement Maintenance Practice: A Case Study for Indian Conditions Using HDM-4,” Compendium of Papers for Transportation Scholars Conference, Ames, Iowa.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, and Andy J. Gisi. (2006). “Mechanistic-Empirical Design Guide Analysis of Asphalt Pavements with Granular Base Course,” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Asphalt Pavements, Quebec City, Canada, Vol. 22, pp. 103-112.
- Daba S. Gedafa, L. Dhingra, and Habtamu M. Zelelew. (2006). “Predicting Flexible Pavement Performance Using Highway Development and Management (HDM-4),” Proceedings of the 3rd Gulf Conference on Roads, Muscate, Sultanate of Oman.
- Daba S. Gedafa. (2005). “Predicting Pavement Performance Using Distress Models in KENLAYER,” Proceedings of the 10th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT) and 16th Mini-EURO Conference, Poznan, Poland.
- Daba S. Gedafa and K.V. Krishna Rao. (2005). “Predicting Flexible Pavement Performance Using Distress and Deterioration Models,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Road & Airfield Pavement Technology, Seoul, South Korea.
(*graduate student; **undergraduate student)
- Jun Liu*, Robeam S. Melaku*, Daba S. Gedafa, and Nabil Suleiman. (2021). “Performance Comparison of HMA Mixes Used on Different Levels of North Dakota’s Highway Performance Classification System,” ASCE International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference 2021, https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784483503.014
- Daba S. Gedafa, Anthony Berg*, Bishal Karki*, Rajib Saha*, and Robeam S. Melaku*. (2019). “Cracking and Rutting Performance of Field and Laboratory HMA Mixes,” ASCE International Conference on Airfield and Highway Pavements 2019, https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784482469.002
- Daba S. Gedafa, Bishal Karki*, Anthony Berg*, Rajib Saha*, and Robeam S. Melaku* (2019). “Effect of Nanomaterials on Cracking and Rutting Resistance of HMA,” ASCE International Conference on Airfield and Highway Pavements 2019, https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784482476.010
- Bishal Karki*, Anthony Berg*, Rajib Saha*, and Robeam S. Melaku*, and Daba S. Gedafa. (2018). “Effect of Nanomaterials on Binder Performance,” ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2018, https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784481554.034
- Rajib Saha*, Bishal Karki*, Robeam S. Melaku*, and Daba S. Gedafa. (2017). “Effect of RAP on cracking and rutting resistance of HMA mixes,” ASCE Airfield and Highway Pavements 2017, https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784480939.008
- Daba S. Gedafa, Daniel Landrus*, and Nabil Suleiman. (2017). “Effect of Nanoclay on Binder Rheology and HMA Rutting Resistance,” Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Daba S. Gedafa. (2016). “20-year Performance of SPS-2 Sections in North Dakota,” Presented at 11th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, San Antonio, TX.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Jonathan Page*, and Harvey Gullicks. (2016). “Dust from Low-volume Roads Due to Energy Sector Traffic in North Dakota,” 95th TRB Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Stefan Romanoschi, and Mbaki Onyango. (2015). “Effects of Binder and Mix Properties on the Evolution of Mechanistic Responses of the APT Sections,” 94th TRB Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, and Stefan Romanoschi. (2014). “Mechanistic Responses in Perpetual Pavement,” 12th International Conference on Asphalt Pavements (ISAP), Raleigh, NC.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Bryan Kaemingk*, Brian Mager*, Jeffrey Pape*, and Mark Tupa*, and Taryn Bohan** (2014). “Impacts of Alternative Yield Sign Placement on Pedestrian Safety in Mixed Use Centers,” 93rd TRB Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Stefan Romanoschi, and Andrew Gisi. (2013). “Effect of Aging on Dynamic Modulus and Fatigue Life of Superpave Mixes,” ASCE’s Airfield and Highway Pavement 2013: Sustainable and Efficient Pavements, Los Angeles, CA.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, and Stefan Romanoschi. (2013). “Prediction of Asphalt Pavement Temperature,” ASCE’s Airfield and Highway Pavement 2013: Sustainable and Efficient Pavements, Los Angeles, CA.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Kiran K. Uppu, Mustaque Hossain, Lon S. Ingram, and Rick Kreider. (2013). “Verification of Performance-Related Specifications for Superpave Pavements,” 92nd TRB Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Richard Miller, and Thomas Van. (2012). “Relationship between Cracking and Center Deflection,” 91st TRB Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Richard Miller, and Thomas Van. (2012). “Network-level Flexible Pavement Structural Evaluation,” Presented at 91st TRB Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C. (invited talk).
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Richard Miller, and Douglas A. Steele. (2011). “Comparison of FWD and RWD Deflections on Perpetual Pavement Sections in Kansas,” ASTM International Symposium on Pavement Performance: Trends, Advances, and Challenges, Tampa, FL
(*graduate student; **undergraduate student)
- Daba S. Gedafa, Robeam Melaku*, Jun Liu*, and Nabil Suleiman. (2019). “Performance-Based Testing Specifications for Asphalt Pavement Constructions in North Dakota, “Dakota Asphalt Pavement Association Annual Conference, Deadwood, SD.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, and Stefan Romanoschi. (2009). “Simulation of Flexible Pavement Design in Kansas,” 2009 Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium, Ames, Iowa.
- Daba S. Gedafa. (2007). “Performance Prediction and Maintenance of Flexible Pavement,” 2007 Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium, Ames, Iowa.
- Daba S. Gedafa. (2006). “Present Pavement Maintenance Practice: A Case Study for Indian Conditions Using HDM-4,” Transportation Scholars Conference, Ames, Iowa.
(*graduate student; **undergraduate student)
- Daba S. Gedafa, Robeam Melaku*, Jun Liu*, and Nabil Suleiman. (2019). “Performance-Based Testing Specifications for Asphalt Pavement Constructions in North Dakota,” ND Asphalt Conference, Bismarck, ND.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Daniel Landrus*, and Nabil Suleiman. (2015). “Effect of Nanoclay on Rutting Resistance of HMA Mixes,” UND Graduate Scholarly Forum, Grand Forks, ND.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Bryan Kaemingk*, Brian Mager*, Jeffrey Pape*, and Mark Tupa*, and Taryn Bohan** (2014). “Impacts of Alternative Yield Sign Placement on Pedestrian Safety in Mixed Use Centers,” UND Graduate Scholarly Forum, Grand Forks, ND.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, and Stefan Romanoschi. (2014). “Perpetual Pavement Temperature Prediction Model,” UND Graduate Scholarly Forum, Grand Forks, ND.
- Daba S. Gedafa, Mustaque Hossain, Richard Miller, and Douglas A. Steele. (2012). “Comparison of FWD and RWD Deflections on Perpetual Pavement Sections in Kansas,” UND Graduate Scholarly Forum, Grand Forks, ND.
Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 2008
M.Tech., Transportation Systems Engineering, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, INDIA 2005
B.S., Civil Engineering, Addis Ababa University, ETHIOPIA 2001
Chair, Department of Civil Engineering, UND (07/2018-present)
Professor of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, UND (08/2022-present)
Associate Director, Transportation Technology Research Initiative (01/2023-present)
Interim Director, Transportation Technology Research Initiative (01/2022-12/2022)
Associate Prof. of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, UND (08/2017-07/2022)
Assistant Prof. of Civil Eng., Department of Civil Engineering, UND (08/2011 – 07/2017)
Assistant Professor in Residence, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut (08/2009 - 08/2011)
Post-doctoral Research Associate, Department of Civil Engineering, Kansas State University (12/2008-08/2009)
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Arbamich University, ETHIOPIA (09/2002-06/2003)