Curriculum Vitae
University of North Dakota - Fall Semester 2019: AtSc 520 - Atmospheric Chemistry
University of North Dakota - Fall Semester 2018: AtSc 535 - Measurement Systems
University of North Dakota - Fall Semester 2017: AtSc 405 - Numerical Methods (Graduate Teaching Assistant: Matt Tuftedal)
University of North Dakota - Fall Semester 2016: AtSc 535 - Measurement Systems
University of North Dakota - Fall Semester 2015: AtSc 565 - Air Quality
University of North Dakota - Fall Semester 2014: AtSc 535 - Measurement Systems
University of North Dakota - Spring Semester 2014: AtSc 540 - Statistical Methods in Atmospheric Science
University of North Dakota - Fall Semester 2013: AtSc 520 - Atmospheric Chemistry
University of North Dakota - Fall Semester 2012: AtSc 535 - Measurement Systems (Graduate Teaching Assistant: Travis Toth)
University of North Dakota - Fall Semester 2011: AtSc 520 - Atmospheric Chemistry
University of North Dakota - Fall Semester 2010: AtSc 535 - Measurement Systems (Graduate Teaching Assistant: David Keith)
University of North Dakota - Fall Semester 2008: AtSc 535 - Measurement Systems
University of North Dakota - Spring Semester 2007: AtSc 270 - Computer Concepts in Meteorology (Graduate Teaching Assistant: Jason Naylor)
University of North Dakota - Fall Semester 2006: AtSc 405 - Numerical Methods in Meteorology
University of North Dakota - Fall Semester 2006: AtSc 535 - Measurement Systems
University of North Dakota - Spring Semester 2006: AtSc 270 - Computer Concepts in Meteorology (Graduate Teaching Assistant: Derek Blestrud)
University of Wyoming - Spring Semester 1997: Introduction to Meteorology (Laboratory Instructor)
University of Wyoming - June 2-13, 1997: Engineering Summer Program (Laboratory Instructor)
University of North Dakota's 'Spirit Faculty Achievement' Award (May 7, 2014).
University of North Dakota's Student Chapter of the American Meteorology Society 'Golden Remer' Award (April 2013).
University of North Dakota's Student Chapter of the American Meteorology Society 'Biggest Techie' Award (May 3, 2009).
University of North Dakota's Student Chapter of the American Meteorology Society 'Golden Remer' Award (April 2007).
University of North Dakota's Student Chapter of the American Meteorology Society 'Most Valuable' Award (April 24, 2005).
Member of the National Physics Honor Society, Sigma Pi Sigma.MTU
Chapter president of the Society of Physics Students, 1992-1993 school year.
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
September 1995 - December 1998
Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science, GPA 3.43/4.0
Dissertation: Vertical Profiles of Cloud Condensation Nuclei at Midcontinental Sites Through the Development and Use of a Balloon-borne Instrument
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI
September 1993 - August 1995
Master of Science in Geophysics, GPA 3.62/4.0
Thesis: Remote Sensing of Volcanic Ash Clouds Using Special Sensor Microwave Imager Data
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI
September 1989 - May 1993
Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics, GPA 3.53/4.0
Emphasis on Computational Physics
August 2019 - Present
Research Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND.
I am working with a team of research to conduct significant scientific research.
August 2011 - 2019
Associate Research Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND.
I am working with the aircraft group within the Department of Atmospheric Sciences and with scientists around the work to conduct significant scientific research.
July 2002 - July 2011
Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND.
I am working with the aircraft group within the Department of Atmospheric Sciences and with scientists around the work to conduct significant scientific research.
April 2001 - June 2002
Scientific Computing Research Associate at the John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences, Grand Forks, ND.
Worked with the Upper Midwest Aerospace Consortium to develop products and services for agriculture and natural resource management using satellite technology.
January 1999 - March 2001
Research Associate at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Boulder, CO.
Worked with the aerosol group of the Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory to evaluate uncertainties in satellite retrievals of aerosol optical depth due to assumptions made in the aerosol retrieval algorithm. The research aim is to use statistics derived from long-term, in situ aerosol measurements to quantify the uncertainties in satellite retrievals due to assumptions made about the aerosol properties.
September 1995 - December 1998
Research Assistantship in the Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.
Worked with Dr. Terry Deshler on balloon-borne aerosol measurements. During this work, I conducted an extensive calibration of a new balloon-borne cloud condensation nuclei counter and developed C and Matlab codes to process and analyze the aerosol measurements.
June 1994 - August 1994
Internship at Science Applications International Corporation, Hampton, VA.
Worked with Dr. Er-Woom Chiou at NASA Langley Research Center developing IDL and FORTRAN codes for the reconstruction of SAGE II ozone and water vapor fields for the polar regions.
September 1993 - August 1995.
Research Assistantship Department of Geological Engineering and Science, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.
Worked with Dr. William Rose on remote sensing of volcanic ash clouds using AVHRR and SSMI data. Developed IDL and FORTRAN codes to process and analyze satellite data.
1991-1993 school years
Coach for the Physics Learning Center, Michigan Technological University , Houghton, MI.
Individual and group tutoring for general physics classes
Member of the American Association for Aerosol Research
Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
Member of the American Geophysical Union
Member of the American Meteorological Society
Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers
Member of the Lake Agassiz Chapter of the American Meteorological Society
Member of the Weather Modification Association
Founder and President