Dr. June-Yung Kim's primary research focuses on the sequelae of prenatal exposure to substances and family violence, particularly co-occurring substance use and mental health symptoms, with the aim of mitigating the transgenerational effects of trauma. Dr. Kim has been actively involved in federally funded studies as a research fellow and statistician, including a 21-year longitudinal birth-cohort study investigating the neurobehavioral developmental outcomes of prenatal cocaine/polydrug exposure (NIH/NIDA R01 DA07957) and another longitudinal study examining the roles of sibling structural factors in determining the developmental trajectories of behavioral health among young children exposed to family violence (NIH/NICHD R03 HD078416). As a principal investigator, Dr. Kim is currently conducting a pilot research project, in partnership with practitioners and policy makers, to delineate the constructs of trauma and resilience across the social determinants of health domains unique to indigenous prenatal drug use, a sub-award funded through the Indigenous Trauma & Resilience Research Center by the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (NIH/NIGMS 1P20GM139759).
SWK 996/997 Independent Study
SWK 560/493A Motivational Interviewing: Evidence-Based Practice
SWK 529 Advanced Generalist Research Methods and Analysis
SWK 507 Generalist Research Methods and Analysis (lead instructor)
SWK 317 Social Work Research (lead instructor)
Research Topics
- Social drivers (aka social determinants) of prenatal drug use
- Drug use and co-occurring mental health problems as sequelae of prenatal drug exposure
- Intergenerational and early life trauma and resilience
Research Methods
- Longitudinal data analysis
- Systematic literature review
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications (Since I joined UND)
Lee, J. G., Lee, J. M., Kim, J. H. Lee, H., & Kim, J. Y. (2024). Relationship between Adverse childhood experiences and resilience: The indirect effect of a sense of purpose in Life. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work.
Kim, J. Y., Minnes, S., Kobulsky, J., Kim, S., Min, M. O., Yoo, C., & Singer, L. T (2024). Maternal childhood trauma and children’s developmental course of aggressive behavior from ages 4 to 12. Psychology of Violence.
Mueller, T., Evavold, D., Kim, J. Y., Klug, M. G., & Burd, L. (2024). Is a mini-screen for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder feasible? Open Journal of Pediatrics.
Singer, L. T., Albert, J., Minnes, S., Min, M. O., & Kim, J. Y. (2024). Infant behaviors mediate the relationship of prenatal drug exposures to adult deficits. JAMA Network Open, 7(5), e2411905-e2411905.
Kim J. Y., Zhang, L., Gruber, A. M., Kim, S., Holmes, M. R., & Brevda, A. (2023). Prenatal Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Child Developmental Outcomes: A Scoping Review Study. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
Min, M. O., Albert, J. M., Minnes, S. Kim, J. Y., Powers, G., Kim, S., & Singer, L. T. (2023). Prenatal cocaine exposure and self-reported behavioral adjustments from ages 12 to 21: Environmental pathways. Psychological Medicine, 1-11.
Singer, L. T., Powers, G., Kim, J. Y., Minnes, S., & Min, M. O. (2023). Cognitive and functional outcomes at age 21 after prenatal cocaine/polydrug exposure and foster/adoptive care. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 107151.
Min, M. O., Minnes, S., Kim, S. Kim, J. Y., & Singer, L. T. (2023) Prenatal cocaine exposure and substance use disorder in emerging adulthood at age 21. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
Powers, G., Lewis, B., Min, M. O., Minnes, S., Kim, J. Y, Kim, S. K., & Singer, L. T. (2023). The Association of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure with Expressive and Receptive Language Development, Phonological Processing and Reading Ability at Age 17. Neurotoxicology and Teratology.
Kim, J. Y., Minnes, S., Min, M. O., Kim, S. K., Weishample, P., Short, E. J., Powers, G., Lang, A., & Singer, L.T. (2022). Self-reported mental health symptoms in prenatally cocaine exposed adolescents at age 17. Neurotoxicology and Teratology.
Zhang, L., Mersky, J. P., Gruber, A. M., & Kim, J. Y. (2022). Intergenerational Transmission of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Children’s Outcomes: A Scoping Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
Kim, J. Y., Minnes, S., Min, M. O., & Ridenour, T. A. (2022). Co-occurrence of Psychopathology Problems in At-Risk Adolescents. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 1-16.
Min, M. O., Kim, J. Y., Minnes, S., Kim, S. K., Musson Rose, D., & Singer, L. T. (2022). Substance use and individual assets in urban adolescents: Subgroups and correlates in emerging adulthood. Journal of Adolescence.
Min, M. O., Lewis, B. A., Minnes, S., Gonzalez-Pons, K. M., Kim, J. Y., & Singer, L. T. (2022). Preschool blood lead levels, language competency, and substance use in adolescence. Environmental Research, 206, 112273.
Kim, J. Y., Minnes, S., Ridenour, T. A., Perzynski, A. T., Min, M. O., & Singer, L. T. (2022). Attitudinal Tolerance of Deviance in At-Risk Early Adolescents. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.
Fitzgibbons, R. P., & Enright, R. (2021). Forgiveness therapy: An empirical guide for resolving anger and restoring hope. (Shin, S. N., Cho, S. B., Kim, J. Y., … & Shin, S. M. Trans). (Original work published 2000).
Corcoran, J. (2017). Motivational interviewing: Workbook for social workers. (Shin, S. M., Jang, S. O., Yoo, C. Y., & Kim, J. Y., Trans). Seoul, Korea: Sigma Press. (Original work published 2016)
Westra, H. A. (2017). Motivational interviewing in the treatment of anxiety. (Shin, S. M., Kim, J. Y., & Kim, A., Trans). Seoul, Korea: Sigma Press. (Original work published 2012)
Anthony, W., Cohen, M., Farkas, M., & Gagne, C. (2014). Psychiatric Rehabilitation (2nd ed.). (Shin, S. M., Sohn, M. J., & Kim, J. Y., Trans). Seoul, Korea: Hakjisa Publishing. (Original work published 2002)
Junior Career Achievement Award, Korean American Social Worker Educators Association, Council on Social Work Education (2024)
Outstanding Dissertation Award, Korean American Social Worker Educators Association, Council on Social Work Education (2021)
Arol Shack Dissertation Award, The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (2020)
Dr. Paul KH Kim Scholarship, Korean American Social Worker Educators Association, Council on Social Work Education (2019)
Richard A. Zdanis Research Fellowship Award, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (2019)
Licensed Master Social Worker (2021-Present) State of North Dakota, License Number 6145
Licensed Social Worker, Class 1 (2011-Present) Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare, License Number 1-96915
PhD in Social Welfare, The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
MA in Social Welfare (MSW equivalent), Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
BA in Social Welfare and Counseling Psychology, Handong Global University, Pohang, South Korea
Magna cum laude
Co-occurring Psychopathology Problems among Individuals with Prenatal Drug Exposure from Late Adolescence into Emerging Adulthood: Childhood RDoC-Informed Antecedents. My Role: Principal Investigator; Funded by College of Nursing and Professional Discipline Seed Grant, University of North Dakota; Award $5,000; Funding Period: 05/2024-04/2025.
Social Determinants of Indigenous Prenatal Drug Use: Trauma and Resilience. My Role: Principal Investigator of Pilot Project, Sub award funded through Indigenous Trauma & Resilience Research Center by the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (NIGMS/NIH) 1P20GM139759 (Interim PI: Jonathan Geiger, PhD); Award: $74,298; Funding Period: March 2024-Feb 2026.
Indigenous Voices to Reconstruct Social Determinants of Prenatal Drug Use: Photovoice Participatory Action Research. My Role: Principal Investigator, CNPD Faculty Innovative Summer Grant Development Award; Award: $7,500; Funding Period: 05/2024-08/2024.
Maternal Childhood Trauma and Children's Developmental Course of Aggressive Behavior from Preschool Years to Adolescence. My Role: Principal Investigator; Funded by College of Nursing and Professional Discipline Seed Grant, University of North Dakota; Award $3,000; Funding Period: 05/2022-04/2024.
Youth Co-occurring Mental Health Problems: A Scoping Review Study Informed By the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Framework. My Role: Principal Investigator; Funded by College of Nursing and Professional Discipline Seed Grant, University of North Dakota; Award $3,000; Funding Period: 05/2021-04/2023.