Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Kegang Ling has a background in petroleum engineering and petroleum geology. He has been involved in the gas and oil industry for more than 25 years as either an engineer or a researcher. Dr. Ling has published more than 130 journal and conference papers. His research interests are in the areas of CO2 and H2 storage, natural gas engineering, reserve evaluation, production optimization, and flow assurance.
Last 2 Years
Undergraduate Courses:
- PTRE 201 Introduction to Petroleum Engineering, 3 credits, on-campus/online, spring 2023 and 2024
- PTRE 301 Reservoir Rock Properties, 3 credits, on-campus/online, fall 2023 and 2024
- PTRE 421 Petroleum Production Engineering, 3 credits, on-campus/online, fall 2023 and 2024
- PTRE 461 Natural Gas Engineering, 3 credits, on-campus/online, spring 2023 and 2024
- PTRE 462 Petroleum Engineering Lab II, 1 credit, on-campus, spring 2023 and 2024
- PTRE 485 Senior Design, 3 credits, on-campus/online, spring 2023 and 2024
Graduate Courses:
- PTRE 511 Advanced Petroleum Engineering Labs, 1 credit, on-campus, spring 2023 and 2024
- PTRE 521 Advanced Production Engineering, 3 credits, on-campus/online, fall 2023 and 2024
- PTRE 561 Natural Gas Engineering, 3 credits, on-campus/online, spring 2023 and 2024
- PTRE 579 Advanced Topics in Petrophysics, 3 credits, on-campus/online, fall 2023 and 2024
Topical Areas:
1. Reservoir engineering
2. Rock geomechanics
3. Natural gas engineering
4. Reserve evaluation
5. Production optimization
6. Flow assurance
Active Research Project and Resource:
NDIC Project: Support for Petroleum Engineering Research at UND's College of Engineering & Mines
1. Enhanced oil recovery
2. Rock geomechanics
3. Natural gas engineering
4. Drilling fluid design
5. Production optimization
6. Oil-field produced water disposal
Books and Edited Volumes:
- none
Chapter in Books and Edited Volumes:
- none
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers:
- P Pothana, FE Garcia, K Ling. 2024. Effective Elastic Properties and Micro-mechanical Damage Evolution of Composite Granular Rocks: Insights from Particulate Discrete Element Modelling. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 1-45
- G Adeyemi, K Ling, A Fadairo. 2024. Experimental investigation of the impact of soybean oil-derived surfactant as a surface-active agent during gas well deliquification. Petroleum Research
- P Pothana, G Ifrene, K Ling. 2024. Integrated Petrophysical Evaluation and Rock Physics Modeling of Broom Creek Deep Saline Aquifer for Geological CO2 Storage. Fuels 5 (1), 53-74
- O Oni, AS Fadairo, W Gosnold, S Egenhoff, G Adeyemi, K Ling. 2023. Investigating the suitability of North Dakota fly ash as fluid loss reducing additive in densified water-based drilling fluid. Powder Technology 430, 118972
- C Wu, A Merzoug, X Wan, K Ling, J Zhao, T Jiang, L Jin. 2023. Development of a new CO2 EOR screening approach focused on deep-depth reservoirs. Geoenergy Science and Engineering 231, 212335
- P Pothana, G Ifrene, K Ling. 2023. Stress-Dependent Petrophysical Properties of the Bakken Unconventional Petroleum System: Insights from Elastic Wave Velocities and Permeability Measurements. Fuels 4 (4), 397-416
- A Fadairo, D Olatunji, K Ling, V Rasouli, G Adeyemi, O Gbadamosi. 2023. Machine learning model for constant volume depletion prediction of the Niger Delta condensate systems. Petroleum Science and Technology, 1-21
- S Afari, K Ling, D Maxey, B Sennaoui, J Porlles. 2023. Experimental investigation of gaseous solvent huff-n-puff in the Middle Bakken Formation. Petroleum Science
- Y Khetib, K Ling, C Tang, AE Aoun, AS Fadairo, H Ouadi. 2023. Investigating the Impact of Undulation Amplitude of Unconventional Oil Well Laterals on Transient Multiphase Flow Behavior: Experimental and Numerical Study. Fuels 4 (4), 417-440
- C Feng, Z Feng, R Mao, G Li, Y Zhong, K Ling. 2023. Prediction of vitrinite reflectance of shale oil reservoirs using nuclear magnetic resonance and conventional log data. Fuel 339, 127422
- J. Zhao, L. Jin, N. Azzolina, X. Wan, X. Yu, J. Sorensen, B. Kurz, N. Bosshart, S. Smith, C. Wu, J. Vrtis, C. Gorecki, K. Ling. 2022. Investigating Enhanced Oil Recovery in Unconventional Reservoirs Based on Field Case Review, Laboratory, and Simulation Studies. Energy & Fuels 36 (24), 14771-14788
- B Shi, Z Wang, Z Zhang, Y Xu, K Ling. 2022. A state of the art review on the wellbore blockage of condensate gas wells: Towards understanding the blockage type, mechanism, and treatment. Lithosphere 2022 (Special 12), 8076631
- A Fadairo, K Ling, V Rasouli, G Adeyemi 2022. A Semi-Analytical Approach for Calculating Productivity Index in Vertical Flowing Well: High Gas-Oil Ratio Field Data as a Case Study. Journal of Energy Resources Technology 144 (11), 113006
- H Fu, K Ling, H Pu. 2022. Identifying two-point leakages in parallel pipelines based on flow parameter analysis. Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering, 100052
- S Afari, K Ling, B Sennaoui, D Maxey, T Oguntade, J Porlles. 2022. Optimization of CO2 huff-n-puff EOR in the Bakken Formation using numerical simulation and response surface methodology. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 215, 110552
- A Fadairo, C Obi, K Ling, V Rasouli, O Aboaba, O Gbadamosi. 2021. An improved model for severe slugging stability criteria in offshore pipeline-riser systems. Petroleum Research
- A Fadairo, G Adeyemi, T Ogunkunle, K Ling, V Rasouli, E Effiong, J Ayoo 2021. Study the suitability of neem seed oil for formulation of eco-friendly oil based drilling fluid. Petroleum Research 6 (3), 283-290
- G Han, G Ma, Y Gao, H Zhang, K Ling. 2021. A new transient model to simulate and optimize liquid unloading with coiled tubing conveyed gas lift, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 108394
- C Feng, J Feng, Z Feng, Y Zhong, Z Mao, K Ling, 2021. Determination of reservoir wettability based on resistivity index prediction from core and log data, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205, 108842
- H Fu, S Wang, K Ling, 2021. Detection of two-point leakages in a pipeline based on lab investigation and numerical simulation, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 204, 108747
- X Xu, L Zeng, H Tian, K Ling, S Che, X Yu, Z Shu, S Dong, 2021. Controlling factors of lamellation fractures in marine shales: A case study of the Fuling Area in Eastern Sichuan Basin, China, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 109091
- T Ogunkunle, A Fadairo, V Rasouli, K Ling, A Oladepo, O Chukwuma, J. Ayoo, 2021. Microbial-derived bio-surfactant using neem oil as substrate and its suitability for enhanced oil recovery, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 1-12
- T Guo, S Tang, Y Li, F Zhou, B Tan, Z Qu, K Ling, 2021. The effect of dissolved cavern on the fracture propagation in vuggy carbonate reservoir, Journal of Energy Resources Technology 143 (5)
- Y. Zhao, X. Qi, Z. Wang, K. Ling, Z. Rui, 2020. Effect of Emulsified Water Droplet on Wax Deposition Path in Multiphase Transportation Pipeline, Journal of Energy Resources Technology
- A. Fadairo, K. Ling, V. Rasouli, A. Adelakun, O. Tomomewo, 2020. An improved hydraulics model for aerated fluid underbalanced drilling in vertical wells, Upstream Oil and Gas Technology, 5, 100009
- H. Fu, L. Yang, H. Liang, S. Wang, K. Ling. 2020. Diagnosis of the single leakage in the fluid pipeline through experimental study and CFD simulation, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 107437
- S. Liu, T. Guo, Z. Rui, K. Ling. 2020. Performance Evaluation of Degradable Temporary Plugging Agent in Laboratory Experiment, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 142 (12)
- C. Feng, Z. Yang, Z. Feng, Y. Zhong, K. Ling, 2020. A novel method to estimate resistivity index of tight sandstone reservoirs using nuclear magnetic resonance logs, Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering.
Invited Presentation:
- none
Conference Papers:
- G Adeyemi, S Egenhoff, A Fadairo, K Ling, O Tomomewo, A Oladepo, A Ayoola, and O Jeffery. 2023. Investigating Suitability of Microbial Derived Biosurfactant for Deliquefying Gas Well - An Experimental Approach. Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, Lagos, Nigeria, July 2023. doi:
- P Pothana, V Gokapai, G Ifrene, K Ling. 2023. Effect of Binding Material on the Acoustic, Elastic and Strength Properties of Artificial Granular Rocks. ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2023-0560
- P Pothana, G Ifrene, K Ling, FE Garcia. 2023. Investigating Grain Size Influence on the Stress-Dependent Permeability of Porous Rocks Using Particulate Discrete Element Method. ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2023-0827
- O Bakelli, K Ling, N Timothy, M Taufique, and Y Khetib. 2023. Spatial Data Analysis of Water Production from Unconventional Reservoirs, Case Study from the Williston Basin, North Dakota. Paper presented at the 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 2023. doi:
- O Bakelli, H Chellal, A Aoun, Y Khetib, I Mellal, and K Ling. 2023. Integrated Reservoir Simulation and Discrete Fracture Network Modeling for Produced Water Source Identification in Tight Reservoirs, Case Study from the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin. Paper presented at the 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 2023. doi:
- Y Khetib, K Ling, AE Aoun. 2023. Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Toe-Up Trajectory Inclination Angle and Gas Lift Rate Effect on Unconventional Oil Well Performance. SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, D011S021R003
- A. Fadairo, S. Egenhoff, G. Adeyemi, K. Ling, O. Tomomewo, A. Oladepo, O. Oni, R. Nwaokwu. 2023. Improved Model for Predicting the Productivity of Multi-Fractured Shale Wells. TMS and EFS Field Data as Case Studies. SPE Western Regional Meeting, D021S001R005
- G Adeyemi, A Fadairo, K Ling, V Rasouli, T Ogunkunle, J Ayoo, A Olowu Evaluating the Performance of Natural Organic Sorbent for Produced Water Treatment. SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, 2022
- A Fadairo, G Adeyemi, K Ling, V Rasouli, A Iroko, SB Olayinka, ...2021. Modeling the Pressure Transverse for Foam Drilling Operation in Vertical Well, SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition
- Adeyemi, G., Fadairo, A., Ogunkunle, T., Oladepo, A., Alozie, A., Vamegh, R., Ling, K. Oredeko, O. (2020, August 11). A Model for Predicting Elemental Sulphur Induced Permeability Damage in a Fractured Sour Gas Reservoir. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/203750-MS
Contributed Presentations (no companion paper):
- none
Professional Registration:
- none
- none
1. SPE Faculty Enhancement Travel Grant, 2013, 2014
2. Research Assistantship, Texas A&M University
3. Research Assistantship, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
4. Institute Scholarships, China University of Petroleum at Beijing
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas; Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering, December 2010; Gas Viscosity at High Pressures and High Temperature; Dr. Gioia Falcone, Dissertation advisor
University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana; M.S., Petroleum Engineering, December 2006; A New Method for Predicting Deliverability of Multilateral Wells; Dr. Boyun Guo, Thesis advisor
China University of Petroleum at Beijing, Beijing, China; B.S. Geology, July 1995
Currently associate professor of the Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering at the University of North Dakota
- Petroleum Engineer at Ryder Scott Company in Houston, TX
- Petroleum Engineer at China National Offshore Oil Corporation
Proposals Submitted:
- Extracting Salts and Critical Elements from Oil-Field Produced Water; American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund New Directions Grants; $125,000
- Investigation on the hydrocarbon molecular thermodynamics in nano-scale pore systems; NSF; $585,405
Grants Awarded:
- Active
- Support for Petroleum Engineering Research at UND's College of Engineering & Mines, Co-PI; North Dakota Industrial Commission Oil and Gas Research Program; $2,980,000. 2023-2025.
- Completed
- Support for Petroleum Engineering Research at UND's College of Engineering & Mines, Co-PI; North Dakota Industrial Commission Oil and Gas Research Program; $3,728,000. 2020-2023.
- A Path to a Quantitative Clinical Method for Early Diagnosis of Cancer Based on Cell Mechanic, PI; Research North Dakota; $178,000. 2018-2021.
Last 5 Years
Students Advised (as Committee Chair)
- Ph.D.
- Chenyu Wu, "The Application of Machine Learning Algorithms on CO2 EOR" Engineer, UND EERC, Grand Fork, ND
- Samuel Afari, "Enhanced oil recovery by hydrocarbon gas injection in unconventional reservoirs"
- Hao Fu, "Detecting the leakage in the pipeline system through flow parameter analysis"
- M.S.
- B.S.
- none
Advisory Committees and Funding Agency Panels:
- none
Editorial Boards:
- Journal of Energy Resource Technology, ASME
- Technical reviewer of Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
- Technical reviewer of Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)