Curriculum Vitae
Laura J. Link, Ed.D., is an Associate Professor of Teaching & Leadership and Director of the Master of Science in Teaching & Leadership and Mastery Learning Graduate Certificate programs at the University of North Dakota. She holds a doctorate in Leadership & Policy Studies from the University of Memphis, and her research focuses on developing and supporting highly effective leaders and organizational cultures that prioritize effective grading practices, collaboration, and meaningful classroom assessment. She is the co-author of Cornerstones of Strong Schools: Practices for Purposeful Leadership (with J. Zoul, 2007), and author of Leadership in Grading Reform in What We Know About Grading (Guskey, T. R., & Brookhart, S. M., Eds., 2019) as well as multiple book chapters and articles such as Navigating the Legal Terrain of Grading Disputes (2024), Is Standards-Based Grading Effective? (2022), Are Your Grading Policies Legally Sound? (2021), How Traditional Grading Contributes to Student Inequalities and How to Fix It (2019), and Teachers’ Perceptions of Grading Practices: How Pre-service Training Makes a Difference (2018). Dr. Link also leads K-12 assessment and grading academies and has led an array of other professional development efforts, classes, and initiatives over her career. Since 2002, Dr. Link has presented locally and nationally on the topics of high-impact leadership, K-12 grading, mastery learning, research-practice partnerships, teacher support, and more. Her recent articles in The Conversation:
Before joining UND, Dr. Link served as Associate Dean of the College of Public Service at the University of Houston-Downtown in Texas. At UHD, she created the university’s first-ever Educational Leadership graduate programs, including a Foundations of Educational Leadership Certificate that is the only one of its kind in the state of Texas, and she facilitated an array of K-12 district partnerships. She also created the UHD’s first Urban Education Advisory Board, which involves superintendents and executive leaders from across the greater Houston region. Additionally, Dr. Link was an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at Purdue University Fort Wayne in Indiana. At PFW, she was an active member of the CAEP Assessment Steering Committee, led various local K-12 assessment and grading academies, co-facilitated PFW’s University Leadership Academy, and directed the Professors in Partnership K-16 collaborative.
Prior to her higher education experience, Dr. Link served as Chief Academic Officer at Jackson-Madison County Schools in Jackson, TN, and was Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning as well as Chief of Talent Management in Shelby County Schools in Memphis, TN. She was 1 of 7 Transition Steering Committee members charged with leading the largest school district merger in United States’ history. Additionally, Dr. Link has served in an array of central office and school-based administrative roles (in both urban and suburban settings) and has taught elementary, middle, high school and college students over her 34 years in public and private education. Dr. Link also served a long-standing state Board Member of Learning Forward Tennessee and President of Learning Forward Indiana, a professional association devoted exclusively to those who work in K-16 professional development.
EDL 512: Leading K-12 Classroom Assessment & Grading
EDL 527: Legal Issues in Education
TL 548: The Professoriate
EDL 514: Supervision & Professional Development
EDL 579: Special Topics in Educational Leadership
New Certificates Developed at University of North Dakota
Mastery Learning Certificate (graduate: launched 2023)
EDUC J500: Instruction in the Context of Curriculum, Assessment & Grading
EDUC A510: School – Community Relations
EDUC A515: Teacher Professional Development & Evaluation
EDUC A695: Practicum in Educational Leadership
EDUC A720: Workshop/ School Leadership: Introduction to Educational Research
PED 3305: Understanding the Early Childhood – Twelfth Grade Learner
SOSE 4303: Issues in Urban Teaching
Dr. Laura Link's primary research focuses on developing and supporting K-12 educators, schools, and districts toward effective grading practices and meaningful classroom assessment. Her minor research investigates Latina faculty's university leadership access, barriers, and support.
Publications: Articles
Link, L. J., Simonds, R. M., & Navarette-Burks, L. A. (under review). Disrupting the hidden costs of behavioral grading: Uncovering stakeholder perceptions to advance equity. Journal of School Administration Research and Development.
Navarette-Burks, L., Link, L. J., & Miller, D. M. (under review). Increasing Latina’s full leadership potential in university leadership roles: Towards liberated leadership. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.
Link, L. J., Guskey, T. R., & Lingat, J. M. (accepted, 2025). Variation in stakeholders’ views on homework and grading: A study to improve policy & practice. Improving Schools.
Link, L. J., & Wright, B. (2024). Navigating the legal terrain of grading disputes: Court challenges point to better methods for ensuring fairness and accuracy in assigning students’ grades. School Administrator, 81(11), 35 -37.
Link, L. J., & Guskey, T. R. (2022). Is standards-based grading effective? Controversies in education: Separating fact from fiction. Theory into Practice, 61(2), 1 – 12.*
*Selected for summary in the Marshall Memo (Memo reaches over 50,000 in 50 US states and 74 countries)
Guskey, T. R., & Link, L. J. (2022). Feedback for teachers: What evidence do teachers find most useful? Journal of Scholarship and Practice, 18(4), 9-20.*
Guskey, T. R., & Link, L. J. (2022). What teachers really want when it comes tofeedback. Educational Leadership, 79(7), 42-48.*
*Selected for summary in the Marshall Memo (Memo reaches over 50,000 in 50 US states and 74 countries)
Link, L. J., & Kauffman, K. D. (2021). Are your grading policies legally sound? How to avoid court entanglements when student grades are challenged. School Administrator, 5(78), 45- 48.
Link, L. J. (2020). Don’t overlook grading: How school leaders can use grading practices to improve school culture and student success. Principal Leadership, 21(4), 22-24.
Link, L. J. (2020). Professors in partnership: Leverage university expertise to benefit teachers and students. American School Board Journal, 207(5), 40-42.
Link, L. J., & Guskey, T. R. (2019). How traditional grading contributes to student inequities…and how to fix it. Curriculum in Context, 45(1), 12-19.
Guskey, T. R., & Link, L. J. (2019). The forgotten element of instructional leadership: Grading. Educational Leadership, 76(6), 1-6, online exclusive.
Guskey, T. R., & Link, L. J. (2019). Exploring the factors teachers consider in determining students’ grades. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policies & Practice, 26(1), 23-30.
Link, L. J. (2018). Finding expertise in your own backyard: K-12 educators can collaborate with a nearby university to devise a strategy that serves both partners’ needs and interests. School Administrator, 10(75), 38 – 42.
Link, L. J. (2018). Teachers’ grading perceptions: How pre-service training makes a difference. Journal of Research in Education, 27(2), 62 – 91.
Link, L. J. (2013). Rescaling and rethinking grading. Tennessee Educational Leadership, 40(1), 25 – 31.
Publications: Book Chapters
Link, L. J., Leeson, M. P., Anthes, J. R. (in press, 2025). Bridging the gap: Reforming grading practices for improved student equity and achievement. Information Age.
Burks, L., Hussein, A., Link, L. J., & Miller, D. (2024). Developing a new educational leadership program: All hands on deck. In N. A. Paufler & E. H. Reames (Eds.) Exploring the Role of the Educational Leadership Program Coordinator. Special Issue. Practice, problems, and possibilities. Information Age.
Zehavi, E., Miller, D., & Link, L. J. (2023). Three thresholds in a single crossing:Harnessing new alliances within a critical friendship. In A. Cameron-Standerford, B. Bergh., & C. Edge (Eds.) Pausing at the threshold: Opportunity through, with, and for self-study of teacher education practices. Self-Study in Teacher Education. Equity Press.
Link, L. J. (2020). I explicitly inform teachers/students what successful impact looks like from the outset. In J. Hattie & R. Smith (Eds.) Mindframes for Leaders: The Why, How, and What of the Visible Learning Leader (pp. 81-89). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Link, L. J. (2019). Leadership in grading reform. In T. R. Guskey & S. M. Brookhart (Eds.) What We Know About Grading (pp. 157-194). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Publications: Books
Zoul, J., & Link, L. J. (2007). Cornerstones of strong schools: Practices for purposeful leadership. Routledge.
National & International Conference Proceedings
Zehavi, E., Miller, D., & Link, L. J. (2023). Three thresholds in a single crossing: Harnessing new alliances within a critical friendship. Published CASTLE Conference Proceedings, Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices’ special interest group, American Educational Research Association.
Publications: Magazines/Newspapers/ Newsletters
Link, L. J., Lash, M., & Cox, A. (May 2018). Mastodons in Motion. Distinguish. Spring Issue, (7), 8-9.
Link, L. J. (May 2018). How to Improve Grading Practices. Learning Forward Connect Online Newsletter.
Link, L. J. (April 2017). Getting Assessment & Grading Right. CELT Newsletter.
Link, L. J. (August 2004). Ask a teacher: Making a smooth transition to high school.Atlanta Parent Magazine.
Publications: Sponsored with Graduate Students
Carpenter, M., Rentschler, J., & Zee, S. (2019). Mastery learning in action: One district’s journey towards the continuous improvement of assessment practices to positively impact student learning. Purdue Service Learning Journal.
Refereed Paper Presentations –National & International Meetings
Link, L. J., & Mitic, R. R. (accepted, 2025). Bridging the perception gap: Examining teacher-student classroom assessment disparities to inform equitable practices and policies. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
Navarette-Burks, L., Link, L. J., & Miller, D. M. (accepted, 2025). Cultural intersectionality and actualized university leadership: Testimonio access experiences of Latina tenured and tenure-track faculty. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
Link, L. J., Leeson, M. P., Anthes, J. R. (April 2024). Effects on students’ course grades when achievement and noncognitive skills are assessed and reported separately.Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Link, L. J., & Hunter, C. A. (April 2024) Students’ perceptions of classroom assessment and grading. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Navarette-Burks, L., Link, L. J., & Miller, D. M. (April 2024). Increasing Latina’s full leadership potential in university leadership roles: Towards liberated leadership. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Link, L. J., & Guskey, T. R. (December 2023). The feedback teachers find most useful. Learning Forward Annual Conference, Washington D.C.
Burks, L., Link, L. J., & Miller, D. M. (2023). Reshaping traditional definitions of university leadership: A programs coordinators’ community. The International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership, Inspiring Leadership for Innovations in Education Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Zehavi, E., Miller, D., & Link, L. J. (2023). Three thresholds in a single crossing: Harnessing new alliances within a critical friendship. Paper to be presented at the annual Castle Conference, Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices’ special interest group meeting of the American Educational Research Association, East Sussex, England.
Link, L. J., Guskey, T. R., & Link, N. G. (2022). Understanding Our Differences: Analyzing stakeholders’ views on homework, assessment, and grading.* Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
* Nominated for the 2023 Distinguished Paper Award, Classroom Assessment SIG
Link, L. J., Zehavi, E., & Miller, D. (2022). Changing structures: Improving students’ success through collaboration and faculty agency. Paper virtually presented at the annual Conference on Academic Research in Education (CARE), University of Nevada at Las Vegas.
Link, L. J., Zehavi, E, & Miller, D. (2021). Learning beyond the pandemic: New directions for teacher preparation. Paper presented via virtual lecture at the Annual Conference on Academic Research in Education (CARE), University of Nevada at Las Vegas.
Guskey, T. R., & Link, L. J. (2021). Feedback for teachers: What evidence do teachers find most useful? Paper virtually presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
Guskey, T. R., & Link, L. J. (2020). The proof is in the pudding: Helping teachers utilize the results of formative assessments. Paper virtually presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA
Guskey, T. R., & Link, L. J. (2019). Understanding different stakeholders views on homework and grading. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Link, L. J. (2018). Teachers’ grading perceptions: How pre-service training makes a difference. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York City, NY.
Guskey, T. R. & Link, L. J. (2017). Grades represent achievement and “something else:” Analysis of the non-achievement factors teachers consider in determining students’ grades*. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
* Distinguished Paper Award Finalist, Classroom Assessment SIG
Link, L. J. (2017) Classroom Assessment SIG Discussant at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
Professional Presentations – Invited
Link, L. J. (2023, March). Effective classroom assessment using mastery learning. Presented to Montpelier Public Schools, Montpelier, ND.
Link, L. J. (2023, February). A multiple grades approach. Presented to Bethlehem Area School District, Bethlehem, PA.
Link, L. J. (2022, October). Effective classroom assessment and grading. Presented to The Roundtable Group, Grand Forks, ND.
Link, L. J. (2022, October). What we’ve learned about grading. Presented to Gowanda Central School District, Gowanda, NY.
Link, L. J. (2022, October). No more nice girl: Use strategy & take risks. Presented to The Women’s Fund Leadership Academy, Grand Forks, ND.
Link, L. J. (2022, April). Classroom assessments that improve learning. Presented district-wide to McKenzie County Public School District #1, Watford City, ND.
Link, L. J. (August 2021). Effective Classroom Assessment. Presented to the Blair Academy, Blairstown, NJ.
Link, L. J. (August 2020 – March 2021). Grading Students Who Are Learning At Home and In Hybrid Formats. Presented to Fort Bend Independent School District, TX.
Link, L. J. (July, 2020). 10 Mindframes for Leaders. Presented to an international virtual audience. Hosted by Corwin Press.
Link, L. J. (September 2019). Getting Classroom Assessment Right. Presented at the East Asia Regional Council of Schools in Taiwan.
Guskey, T. R. & Link, L. J. (April 2019 & January 2020). Getting Classroom Assessment Right. Presented to Collierville Schools in Collierville, TN.
Link, L. J. (March 2019). Getting Classroom Assessment Right. Presented at the University of Saint Francis’ Best Practices Showcase in Fort Wayne, IN.
Link, L. J. (February & March 2019). Getting Classroom Assessment Right. Presented to Bishop Luers High School in Fort Wayne, IN.
Professional Presentations – National & Regional Meetings
Link, L. J. (April, 2023). Is standards-based grading effective? Current Trends in Education, North Dakota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Annual Conference. Mayville, ND.
Link, L. J., Ahn, J., Schleicher, J., & Schlenker, J. (April, 2023). Mastery learning: Getting classroom assessment right. Current Trends in Education, North Dakota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Annual Conference. Mayville, ND.
Link, L. J., Zehavi, E., & Miller, D. (2022). Changing structures: Improving students’ success through collaboration and faculty agency. Paper virtually presented at the annual Conference on Academic Research in Education (CARE), University of Nevada at Las Vegas.
Link, L. J. & Guskey, T. R. (2021). Know Your Stakeholders: How Crucial Data from Stakeholders Can Improve Assessment & Grading Reform. Virtuallypresented at the ASCD Empower21Annual Conference.
Link, L. J., Simmers, L., & St. John, J. (2020). K-12 Convergence: A District-University Partnership That Benefits Teachers and Students. Virtually presented at the ASCD Empower20 Annual Conference in Los Angeles, CA.
Guskey, T. R., & Link, L. J. (July 2018). Getting Assessment & Grading Right. Presented at the Tennessee Organization of School Superintendent’s Summer Institute in Knoxville, TN.
Guskey, T. R., & Link, L. J. (June 2018). Getting Assessment & Grading Right. Presented at the Tennessee Organization of School Superintendent’s Summer Institute in Jackson, TN.
Link, L. J., Lash, M., Cox, A., Cripe, M., & Taylor, M. (February 2018). The Grading Game. Presented at Science Central’s PFW Sponsorship Day in Fort Wayne, IN.
Guskey, T. R., & Link, L. J. (February 2018). School Leaders Getting Assessment & Grading Right. Presented at the Tennessee Organization of School Superintendent’s Legislative & Learning Conference in Nashville, TN.
Link, L. J., Guskey, T. R., Himsel, C., Cripe, M., & Taylor, M. (December 2017). A District Getting Assessment & Grading Right. Presented at the Learning Forward International Conference in Orlando, FL.
Link, L. J., Toler, B., & Cripe, M. (October 2017). Assessment Leadership Academy: A Research- Practice Partnership. Presented at the Consortium for Research on Educational Assessment and Teaching Effectiveness Conference in Richmond, Virginia.
Link, L. J. (2016). Teaching Classroom Diversity Through a Privilege Walk. Presented at PFW’s Alliance Teaching Showcase.
Link, L. J. (2016). Mindful Diversity. Presented at PFW’s College of Education and Public Policy’s Fall Convening.
Link, L. J. (2014). Accelerating Through the Curve. Presented at Jackson-Madison County Schools’ System-wide Address in Jackson, TN.
Link, L. J. (2013). Building a Pipeline of Effective Teachers. Presented at the People First /SCORE Convening. The University of Memphis. Memphis, TN.
Link, L. J. (2012). Talent Development & The Irreplacables. Presented at the Tennessee Superintendents’ Conference in Gatlinburg, TN.
Link, L. J. (2012). Gates Foundation’s iPD. Presented at the Learning Forward Annual Conference in Boston, MA.
Link, L. J. (2011). High-Impact Leadership. Presented at the Learning Forward Annual Conference in Anaheim, CA.
Link, L. J. (2011). Action Research: The Stories Behind the Numbers. Presented at the LEAD Conference in Nashville, TN.
Link, L. J. (2010). High-Impact Leadership. Presented at the NSDC Annual Conference in Atlanta, GA.
Link, L. J. (2009). High-Impact Leadership. Presented at the NSDC Annual Conference in St Louis, MO.
Link, L. J. (2009). Leading Schools to High Achievement: Practical Strategies for High Impact School Improvement. Presented via webinar to Ft. McMurray Schools in Alberta, Canada.
Zoul, J., & Link, L. J. (2007). Schools That Learn. Presented at the NSDC Annual Conference in Dallas, TX.
Zoul, J., & Link, L. J. (2007). Closing the Knowing-Doing Gap in Schools. Presented at the NMSA Annual Conference in Houston, TX.
Zoul, J., & Link, L. J. (2007). Closing the Knowing-Doing Gap in Schools. Presented at the NSCD Annual Conference in Dallas, TX.
Link, L. J. (2007). Improving Your School Through Clear, Consistent, and Collaborative Communication. Presented at the International Network of Principals Center’s Annual Convention in Atlanta, GA.
Link, L. J. (2007). Engaged Educators + Engaged Students = Student Achievement. Presented at the NSDC Summer Conference in Denver, CO.
Link, L. J. (2003). It’s Good to Be…Presented at Forsyth County’s Convocation in Cumming, GA.
Link, L. J. (2003). Life’s Bargain. Presented at Forsyth County’s Partners in Education Luncheon in Cumming, GA.
Link, L. J. (2003 & 2002). The Forsyth County Way. Presented at Forsyth County’s New Educator Orientation in Cumming, GA.
Podcasts/ Interviews
Thurston, P. (October 26, 2024). Research shows that holding back students to improve literacy is counterintuitive. KCBS Radio. San Francisco, CA.
Bergin, M., & Seeley, A. (Hosts). (May, 2023). The problem with grades with Dr. Laura Link (No. 477). [Audio podcast episode]. Tests and the Rest: College Admissions Industry Podcast.
Mullen, G. (Host). (November, 2022). The core principles of standards-based grading with Dr. Laura Link (Season 3, No. 6). [Audio podcast episode]. Exploring the Core.
In the News (featuring programs Dr. Link has created and currently directs)
Irvine, J. (July, 2024). UND apprenticeship program to make school teachers into principals. The Grand Forks Herald.
Vonasek, J. (November, 2023). Teaching & Leadership graduate program in a class all its own. UND Today.
Knudson, P. (October 2023). Grand Forks school board hears report on partnership with UND to attract and retain highly-effective teachers: New program provides teachers pathway to earn master’s degree, Mastery Learning graduate certificates. The Grand Forks Herald:
Honors & Awards
Excellence in Research and Scholarship Award, College of Education & Human Development, University of North Dakota, (nominated 2023-24)
Graduate Teaching Faculty Award, University of North Dakota, (nominated, 2023-24)
Excellence in Research and Scholarship Award, College of Education & Human Development, University of North Dakota, (nominated 2022-23)
Graduate Teaching Faculty Award, University of North Dakota, (nominated, 2021-22)
Featured Faculty Excellence in Engagement Award, Purdue University Fort Wayne (2019)
Dean’s Award for Community Engagement, PFW’s College of Education & Public Policy (2017)
Research, Scholarship & Creative Endeavors Portal to the Public Fellowship, VPAA Award, PFW (2017)
Dean’s Award for Community Engagement, PFW’s College of Education & Public Policy (2016)
University of Memphis’ Outstanding Doctoral Leadership & Policy Studies Candidate Award (2014)
Forsyth County’s STAR Teacher and Outstanding Educator Award (2003 & 2004)
Forsyth County’s district-wide Teacher of the Year (2002-2003)
2024 Rethinking Assessment in STEM Education: A Comprehensive Approach to Understanding Student Progress. National Science Foundation (NSF), Discovery Research K-12 (submitted, November 2024). (PI: Laura Link, $100,000).
2024 Aspiring Principals’ Pipeline Grant (PI: Laura Link $150,000, ND Departmentof Public Instruction—Funded)
2021 “21st Century Community Learning Center” (Co-PI: Laura Link and Steven Villano, $8M; Texas Education Agency—unfunded, finalist).
2020 “Teacher Quality Partnership” (PI: Laura Link, $4M, U.S. Department of Education—unfunded).
2017 IRSC Faculty Conference Travel Grant, Purdue University-Fort Wayne, ($4,000—Funded).
Ed.D. The University of Memphis (2014) | Leadership & Policy Studies
[Dissertation Topic: Teachers’ Perceptions of Grading Practices]
M.S. The University of Georgia (2004, add-on certificate) | Educational Administration
M.S. North Georgia College and State University (1998) | Secondary English Education
B.S. Florida State University (1991) | English Language and Literature
Associate Professor, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND (present)
Associate Dean, College of Public Service, University of Houston Downtown, Houston, TX
Assistant Professor, University of Houston Downtown, Houston, TX
Assistant Professor, Purdue University Fort Wayne, IN
Chief Academic Officer, Jackson, TN
Chief Talent Management Officer, Memphis, TN
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching, Learning & PD, Memphis, TN
Director of Professional Development & Leadership, Memphis, TN
Assistant Principal, Otwell Middle School, Forsyth, GA
Vice Principal, South Forsyth High School, Forsyth, GA
Teacher, North Forsyth High School, Forsyth, GA
Adjunct Instructor, North Georgia College, Dahlonega, GA
Teacher, Donellan Elementary School, Atlanta, GA
Teacher, Archdiocese of Miami Schools, Miami, FL
Teacher, South Broward High Evening School, Fort Lauderdale, FL