The primary areas of interest in my laboratory study include aging, colon cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders. My long-term goal is to study an effective regulating molecular mechanism of inflammation with age that is linked to the pathogenesis of colon cancer and neuroinflammation. Over the years, in addition to my independent and collaborative projects, I have successfully applied my knowledge and developed conditional knockouts, mouse lines, and advanced techniques such as GeoMX, single cell RNA-seq, proteomics, and functional immunology to better understand the molecular mechanisms underlying aging and its impact on colon cancer, as well as to find better therapeutics for both young and old adults.
- Gill JS, Bansal , Guo K, Huang F, Singh H, Hur J, Khan N, Mathur R*. Mitochondrial oxidative stress regulates FOXP3+ T cell activity and CD4-mediated inflammation in frail older adults. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024, 25(11), 6235;
- Zhihan Wang, Pan Gao, Kai Guo, Mansib Rahman, Abby Lund Da Costa,Het Mehta, Julia Fleecs, Shilpi Jain, Trishna Debnath,Junguk Hur, Robert Sticca, Holly Brown-Borg, Donald A Jurivich, Ramkumar Mathur* The deregulation of intestinal epithelium fucosylation favors the tumor microenvironment and increases the risk of colon cancer with age. (Provisional accepted in Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight (Manuscript ID# 167676-INS-RG-RV-2, In Press).
- Kai Guo, Trishna Debnath, Zhihan Wang, Shilpi Jain, Eden Abrham, Zachery Even, Het Mehta, Abby Lund, Mansib Rahman, Min Wu, Xusheng Wang, Junguk Hur, Adrian Ting, Holly Brown-Borg, Donald A Jurivich, Nadeem Khan, Mathur R*. Mitochondrial Transcription Factor A Regulates Foxp3+ T Cell Mediated Maintenance of CD4+ T Cell Landscapes and Immunological Aging. bioRxiv. 2022:2022.03. 08.483517.
- Huang H, Even Z, Wang Z, Li L, Erickson A, Golovko M, Golovko S, Darland D, Mathur R*, Wang X*. Proteomics Profiling Reveals Regulation of Immune Response to Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Infection in Mice. Infection and Immunity. 2023;91(1):e00499-22.
- Chetna Soni, Antariksh Tyagi, Xusheng Wang, and Ramkumar Mathur*. Editorial: The Molecular Basis of Programmed Cell Death and Neuroinflammation in Neurodegenerative Diseases Frontier in Immunology DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1359136. 2024.
- Mathur R*, Alam MM, Zhao X-F, Huang Y, Zhu X. Mechanistic insight into the development of TNBS-mediated intestinal fibrosis and evaluating the inhibitory effects of rapamycin. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments). 2019(151):e60067.
- Mathur R*, Alam MM, Zhao X-F, Liao Y, Shen J, Morgan S, Huang T, Lee H, Lee E, Huang Y. Induction of autophagy in Cx3cr1+ mononuclear cells limits IL-23/IL-22 axis-mediated intestinal fibrosis. Mucosal immunology. 2019;12(3):612-23.
- Jain S, Abrham E, Khan MN, and Ramkumar Mathur*. An Account of Immune Senescence in the Clinical Pathophysiology of COVID-19 Infection in Aging. Aging and Disease. 2021 Apr;12(2):662-670. doi: 10.14336/AD.2020.1019. e-Collection 2021 Apr. Invited Commentary: Lund Da Costa A, Mehta H, Mathur R*. Promoting autophagy to mitigate coronavirus disease pathology in the elderly. Clinical and Translational Discovery. 2022;2(2):e68.
- Fleecs J, Abrham E, Kuntz M, Khan MN, Mathur R*. Targeting Pathogenic Inflammation for Therapeutic Intervention Against Colon Cancer. Colon Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy Vol 3: Springer International Publishing Cham; 2022. p. 173-91.
- Mathur R, Murugaiyan G, Khan MN. Cross-Talk Between Inflammation and Barrier Framework at Mucosal Surfaces in the Lung: Implications for Infections and Pathology. Frontiers in Immunology, 2020. p. 598533.
- Guo K, Yombo DJK, Wang Z, Navaeiseddighi Z, Xu J, Schmit T, Ahamad N, Tripathi J, De Kumar B, Mathur R, Hur J, Sun J, Olszewski MA, Khan N. The chemokine receptor CXCR3 promotes CD8(+) T cell-dependent lung pathology during influenza pathogenesis. Science Advances. 2024 Jan 5;10(1):eadj1120. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adj1120. Epub 2024 Jan 3. PubMed PMID: 38170765.
- Navaeiseddighi Z, Tripathi JK, Guo K, Wang Z, Schmit T, Brooks DR, Allen RA, Hur J, Mathur R, Jurivich D, Khan N. IL-17RA promotes pathologic epithelial inflammation in a mouse model of upper respiratory influenza infection. PLoS Pathogens. 2023 Dec;19(12):e1011847. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1011847. eCollection 2023 Dec. PubMed PMID: 38060620; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC10729944.
- Schmit T, Guo K, Tripathi JK, Wang Z, McGregor B, Klomp M, Ambigapathy G, Mathur R, Hur J, Pichichero M. Interferon-? promotes monocyte-mediated lung injury during influenza infection. Cell reports. 2022;38(9):110456.
- Guo K, Yombo DJK, Schmit T, Wang Z, Navaeiseddighi Z, Sathish V, Mathur R, Wu M, Kumar BD, Hur J. Cellular Heterogeneity and Molecular Reprogramming of the Host Response during Influenza Acute Lung Injury. Journal of Virology. 2022;96(21):e01246-22.2021;12(2):662.
- Even Z, Huang H, Mathur R, Wang X. Genome-Wide Analysis of Methylome in the Mouse Brain using Long-Read Sequencing Technology2021.
- Alam MM, Zhao X-F, Liao Y, Mathur R, McCallum SE, Mazurkiewicz JE, Adamo MA, Feustel P, Belin S, Poitelon Y. Deficiency of microglial autophagy increases the density of oligodendrocytes and susceptibility to severe forms of seizures. Eneuro. 2021;8(1).
- Zhao X-F, Liao Y, Alam MM, Mathur R, Feustel P, Mazurkiewicz JE, Adamo MA, Zhu XC, Huang Y. Microglial mTOR is neuronal protective and antiepileptogenic in the pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Journal of Neuroscience. 2020;40(40):7593-608.
- Schmit T, Ghosh S, Mathur RK, Barnhardt T, Ambigapathy G, Wu M, Combs C, Khan MN. IL-6 deficiency exacerbates allergic asthma and abrogates the protective effect of allergic inflammation against Streptococcus pneumoniae pathogenesis. The Journal of Immunology. 2020;205(2):469-79.
- Schmit T, Ambigapathy G, Ghosh S, Mathur R, Wu M, Combs C, Khan N. IL-6 deficiency exacerbates allergic asthma and promotes Streptococcus pneumoniae pathogenesis. The Journal of Immunology. 2020;204(1_Supplement):65.8-.8.
- Debnath T, Kim E-K, Lee K-G, Debnath NC, Mathur R*. Antioxidant compounds from marine seaweeds and their mechanism of action. Journal of Marine Research. 2020;78(2):131-48.
- Zhao X-F, Alam MM, Liao Y, Huang T, Mathur R, Zhu X, Huang Y. Targeting microglia using Cx3cr1-Cre lines: revisiting the specificity. eneuro. 2019;6(4).
- Mathur R, Huang T, Alam MM, Zhao X-F, Lee HJ, Lee E, Huang Y, Xinjun Z. 863–Induction of Autophagy in Cx3Cr1+ Mononuclear Cells Limits Il-23/Il22 Axis-Mediated Intestinal Fibrosis. Gastroenterology. 2019;156(6):S-192.
- Ambigapathy G, Schmit T, Mathur RK, Nookala S, Bahri S, Pirofski L-a, Khan MN. Double-edged role of interleukin 17A in Streptococcus pneumoniae pathogenesis during influenza virus coinfection. The Journal of infectious diseases. 2019;220(5):902-12.
- Zhao X, Liao Y, Morgan S, Mathur R, Feustel P, Mazurkiewicz J, Qian J, Chang J, Mathern GW, Adamo MA. Noninflammatory changes of microglia are sufficient to cause epilepsy. Cell reports. 2018;22(8):2080-93.
- Ramkumar Mathur YL, Xiaofeng Zhao, Yunfei Hunag, Xinjun Zhu. IL23/MTOR Axis in CX3CR1 Residential Macrophages Modulates IL22-Mediated Intestinal Fibrosis. Gastroenterology. 2017;152(Issue 5):S612.
- Ballesté-Delpierre C, Fabrega A, Ferrer-Navarro M, Mathur R, Ghosh S, Vila J. Attenuation of in vitro host–pathogen interactions in quinolone-resistant Salmonella Typhi mutants. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2016;71(1):111-22.
- Khan TH, Srivastava N, Srivastava A, Sareen A, Mathur RK, Chande AG, Musti KV, Roy S, Mukhopadhyaya R, Saha B. SHP-1 plays a crucial role in CD40 signaling reciprocity. The Journal of Immunology. 2014;193(7):3644-53.
- Koblansky AA, Jankovic D, Oh H, Hieny S, Sungnak W, Mathur R, Hayden MS, Akira S, Sher A, Ghosh S. Recognition of profilin by Toll-like receptor 12 is critical for host resistance to Toxoplasma gondii. Immunity. 2013;38(1):119-30.
- Mathur R, Oh H, Zhang D, Park S-G, Seo J, Koblansky A, Hayden MS, Ghosh S. A mouse model of Salmonella typhi infection. Cell. 2012;151(3):590-602.
- Kulshreshtha M, Mathur R, Kulshreshtha M, Mathur R. Hindi language and its dialects. Dialect Accent Features for Establishing Speaker Identity: A Case Study. 2012:15-20.
- Kulshreshtha M, Mathur R, Kulshreshtha M, Mathur R. Speech Materials and Instrumentation. Dialect Accent Features for Establishing Speaker Identity: A Case Study. 2012:21-6.
- Kulshreshtha M, Mathur R, Kulshreshtha M, Mathur R. Analysis and Results. Dialect Accent Features for Establishing Speaker Identity: A Case Study. 2012:27-50.
- Krishnareddy S, Mathur R, Wang Z-Y, Arguelles-Grande C, Bhagat G, Green PH, Ghosh S. Sa1338 Characterization of IL-17 Producing Cells in Celiac Disease. Gastroenterology. 2012;5(142):S-276.
- Krishnareddy S, Mathur R, Bhagat G, Green PH, Ghosh S. Sa1337 Analysis of Toll-Like Receptor and Defensin Expression in Celiac Disease. Gastroenterology. 2012;5(142):S-276.
- Park S-G, Mathur R, Long M, Hosh N, Hao L, Hayden MS, Ghosh S. T regulatory cells maintain intestinal homeostasis by suppressing ?? T cells. Immunity. 2010;33(5):791-803.
- Mathur RK, Awasthi A, Saha B. The conundrum of CD40 function: host protection or disease promotion? Trends in parasitology. 2006;22(3):117-22.
- Majumder N, Dey R, Mathur RK, Datta S, Maitra M, Ghosh S, Saha B, Majumdar S. An unusual pro-inflammatory role of interleukin-10 induced by arabinosylated lipoarabinomannan in murine peritoneal macrophages. Glycoconjugate journal. 2006;23:675-86.
- Mathur RK, Awasthi A, Saha B, Welburn SC, Coleman PG, Maudlin I. FORMERLY PARASITOLOGY TODAY. Parasitology. 2006;22(3):97-142.
- Mathur RK, Awasthi A, Wadhone P, Ramanamurthy B, Saha B. Reciprocal CD40 signals through p38MAPK and ERK-1/2 induce counteracting immune responses. Nature medicine. 2004;10(5):540-4.
- Awasthi A, Mathur RK, Saha B. Immune response to Leishmania infection. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2004;119:238-58.
- Awasthi A, Mathur R, Khan A, Joshi BN, Jain N, Sawant S, Boppana R, Mitra D, Saha B. Brief Definitive Reports-CD40 signaling is impaired in L. major-infected macrophages and is rescued by a p38MAPK activator establishing a host-protective memory T cell response. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2003;197(8):1037-44.
Crohn's And Colitis Foundation of America, 2016-2019
DaCCOTA (Dakota Cancer Collaborative on Translational Activity) Feasibility Pilot grant
Ph.D. National Center for Cell Science, Pune University, Pune, India
Postdoc Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Associate Research Scientist Columbia University, New York, USA