Current and Recent UND Courses
NURS 410: Clinical Reasoning for Safety and Quality Outcomes
NURS 415: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Healthcare System Outcomes
NURS 500: Theories/Concepts Nursing
NURS 526: Ethical, Legal, and Health Policy Issues in Health care
NURS 554: Writing for Publication
NURS 573: Research Funding
NURS 590: Directed Studies
NURS 591: Readings in Nursing
NURS 999: Dissertation
Professional Identity Formation in Nursing
Transformative Learning and Identity Theory
Advance Practice Nurses Professional Development
Nurse Role Transition
Transition to Practice
Nursing Education
Nursing Workforce Development
Nursing Workforce Recruitment, Retention, Work Satisfaction, Intent to Stay
Rural Health
Owens, R.A., & Godfrey, N. (2022). Fostering professional identity formation in nursing: How to wholly support nurse well-being. American Nurse Journal, 17(9).
Owens, R.A., Burwell, P.M., & Petros, T. (2022).Nurses’ and student nurses’ intent to stay:The impact of quality of life, work environment, and work satisfaction. Nursing Management. 53(8), 34-43. 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000853236.32160.d2
Joseph, M.L., Edmonson, C., Godfrey , N., Kuhl, L., Shaffer, F.,Owens, R.A., Bickford, C.,Cusack, C., Dickow, M., Liebig, D., Orouke, M., Priddy, K., Sommer, S.The conceptual model for professional identity in nursing: A interdependent perspective. Nursing Science Quarterly (In Press)
Owens, R.A., Burwell, P. M., Deese, S., & Petros, T. (2021). Graduating nursing student and practicing nurse perceptions on promoting recruitment, work satisfaction, and intent to stay: A qualitative study. Journal of Nursing Regulation. 11(4), 41-50.
Owens, R. A., Christian, S. A. A hybrid concept-based BSN clinical practicum course: An Innovative approach. Nursing Education Perspectives. 42(6), E105-E106.
Owens, R. A. (2020). Exploring nurse practitioner professional identity formation at rural care settings. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. 33(11), 975-982.
Owens, R. A., & Zwilling, J. G. (2020). Nurse practitioner workforce: One rural state’s experience of comparing state data with national trends. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 32(10), 668-675.
Owens, R. A. (2019). Student perceptions of learning in a hybrid professional development course. Western Journal of Nursing Research [Abstract], 15(16), 1699 – 1700.
Owens, R. A. (2019). Exploring an innovative course delivery method for accelerated BSN students. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 16(1), online,
Owens, R.A. (2019). Nurse practitioner role transition and identity development in rural healthcare settings: A scoping review. Nursing Education Perspectives, 40(3), 157-161.
Owens, R.A. (2018). Transition experiences of new rural nurse practitioners. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 14(8), 605-611.
Owens, R.A. (2018). Two-year institution part-time nursing faculty experiences during their role transition and identity development: A phenomenological study. Nursing Education Perspectives. 39(1), 10-15.
Owens, R.A. (2017). Part-time nursing faculty perceptions of their learning needs during their role transition experiences. Teaching and Learning in Nursing. 12(1), 12-16.
Owens, R.A. (2012). Transcultural nursing course in Tanzania, Africa. Home Healthcare Nurse, 30(6), 347-352.
Owens, R.A. (2008). Teaming up to improve the quality of surgical care. American Nurse Today, 3(5, 25-26.
Owens, R.A. (2006). The caring behaviors of the home health nurse and influence on medication adherence. Home Healthcare Nurse, 24(8), 517-526.
Owens, R. A. (2012). Chapters 32, 34, 35, 36 and 37 of the Gastrointestinal System Unit: White, L., Duncan, G., Baumle, W. (2012). Medical-Surgical Nursing an Integrated Approach (3rd ed.). New York: Delmar Cengage Learning.
Please refer to CV for additional publications and presentations
PhD Teaching and Learning - Higher Education, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND
MS - Nursing, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND
BSN - Minot State University,Minot, ND