Office Hours
by appointment (contact via email)
Always happy to meet at a mutually agreeable time.
Biol 333 Population Biology
Biol 534 Quantitative Ecology
Biol 536 Advanced Population Biology
Biol 571 Research Design and Statistical Analysis
ENRV 100 Environmental Studies Seminar
Ecology, Population Genetics, Wildlife Biology, Wetland ecology, Climate Change, Herpetology, Amphibian ecology, Movement and Landscape Ecology, Remote Sensing of the Environment, Science-Policy interface, Science Communication
B.S. Zoology, Duke University
Ph.D. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Pennsylvania
Ecological Society of America
- Diversity Committee, member
- past-Chair, Communication & Engagement section
- Leadership Team, Traditional Ecological Knowledge section
- member, Environmental Justice, Rangeland Ecology sections
The Wildlife Society
- Climate Change and Sustainability committee, member
- past-Chair, Climate Change and Wildlife working group
- Board member, Native Peoples' Wildlife Management working group
- member, Biological Diversity, Biometrics, Education, Gender and Ethnic Diversity, Wetlands working groups
- ND Chapter of The Wildlife Society
- Central Mountains and Plains section
Herpetologists' League
Society for the Study of Reptiles and Amphibians
National Adaptation Forum (Climate Adaptation)
- Program committee
- Equity and Climate Justice working group
National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Network (Association of Fish and Wildlfe Agencies)
- charter member and planning committee
Graduate Director, Biology
University Senate (Arts and Sciences, Natural and Physical Sciences)
former member (x2) of the SGS Graduate Committee