Ryan E. Flinn, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of North Dakota (UND) in the College of Education & Human Development (CEHD). They are supported by the CEHD Rose Isabelle Kelly Fischer Professorship (2024-2027). They also serve as Co-Director of the SAMHSA-funded Mountain Plains Addiction Technology Transfer Center (HHS Region 8) and the Director of the State Opioid Response/Tribal Opioid Response-Technical Assistance team for Region 8 (2023-2029).
Ryan completed their master’s degree at the University of Detroit Mercy, their doctorate at New Mexico State University (internship at The Ohio State University’s Counseling and Consultation Service), and postdoctoral training in HIV/LGBTQ Health Psychology at the Medical College of Georgia where they provided behavioral health services in Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program clinics in Augusta, GA.
Ryan is active in American Psychological Association (APA) service as a Committee on Early Career Psychologists (CECP) member. Through this role, Ryan engages in efforts to represent early career psychologists on the Committee of State Leaders (CSL) and the Executive Board of Division 31 (State, Provincial, and Territorial Psychological Associations Affairs). Ryan also serves on the Early Career Professionals Committee of Division 17 (Society of Counseling Psychology) and the Public Policy Committee of Division 44 (Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity). Ryan contributed as a research assistant to the revision of the APA Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Sexual Minority Persons (February 2021), co-author of the Statement Opposing Legislation Targeting Transgender and Gender Diverse People released by Division 44 (June 2023), and contributor to the APA Policy Statement on Affirming Evidence-Based Inclusive Care for Transgender, Gender Diverse, and Nonbinary Individuals, Addressing Misinformation, and the Role of Psychological Practice and Science (February 2024). Ryan also enjoys serving on the editorial boards of the Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion, the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, The Counseling Psychologist, Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, and Journal of Counseling Psychology.
Ryan is a teacher, supervisor, advisor, mentor, advocate, clinician, and researcher. Ryan has trained and worked in Iowa, Nebraska, California, Michigan, New Mexico, Texas, Ohio, and Georgia. The National Institute on Drug Abuse supports Ryan’s research through mentored training grants at UCLA, Brown University, Brandeis University, and the Lighthouse Institute (Chestnut Health Systems). Ryan directs the Trauma, Substance, Justice, and Recovery Lab at UND. This lab aims to address the syndemic of trauma, substance use, legal system involvement, and HIV transmission, especially among sexual and gender minorities, people of color, and people with low income and economic marginalization. Please visit our website to learn more (
- COUN 530: Theories of Counseling, Personality, and Development
- COUN 568: Adult Cognitive and Personality Assessment
- COUN 560: Supervision and Consultation Theory and Practice
- COUN 565: Professional Seminar for Interprofessional Healthcare
- Addressing health disparities among people with lived and living experience of substance use disorder (SUD) and mental health (MH) concerns, especially those with comorbid trauma/PTSD and justice system involvement: How can recovery supporters, healthcare providers, and health systems better support these populations?
- Promoting MH and SUD recovery, especially among underserved populations: What works, when, for whom, and why?
- Assessing implementation equity and other diversity considerations in SUD, MH, and recovery research: How can prevention, treatment, recovery support services, and recovery communities be supported in becoming more responsive to the needs of populations with high levels of unmet need for SUD and MH services (e.g., LGBTQ, BIPOC, people with low income, people living with HIV, emerging adults)? How are recovery innovations being implemented in various populations and areas of the country? How can systems of all kinds more effectively collaborate with people with lived experience of these concerns to get to solutions faster?
- Cioffi, C.C., Flinn, R.E., Pasman, E., Gannon, K., Gold, D., McCabe, S.E., Kepner, W., Tilson, M., Colditz, J.B., Smith, D.C., Bohler, R.M., O’Donnell, J., Hildebran, C., Montgomery, B. W., Clingan, S., & Lofaro, R.J. (2024) Beyond the 5-Year Recovery Mark: Perspectives of Researchers with Lived and Living Expertise on Public Engagement and Discourse. International Journal of Drug Policy.
- Budge, S.L., Abreu, R.L., Flinn, R.E., Donahue, K., Estevez, R., Olezeski, C., Bernacki, J., Barr, S., Bettergarcia, J., Sprott, R., & Allen, B.J. (2024). Gender affirming care is evidence-based for transgender youth. Journal of Adolescent Health.
- Cascalheira, C. J., Chapagain, S., Flinn, R.E., Klooster, D., Laprade, D., Zhao, Y., Lund, M., Gonzalez, A., Corro, K., Wheatley, R.,Gutierrez, A.,Villanueva, O. G., Saha, K., De Choudhury, M., Scheer, J. R., & Hamdi, S. M. (2024). The LGBTQ+ minority stress on social media (MiSSoM) dataset: A labeled dataset for natural language processing and machine learning. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 18th International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM).
- Cascalheira, C. J., Chapagain, S., Flinn, R.E., Zhao, Y., Boubrahimi, S. F., Klooster, D., Gonzalez, A., Lund, E. M., Laprade, D., Scheer, J. R., & Hamdi, S. M. (2023). Predicting linguistically sophisticated social determinants of health disparities with neural networks: The case of LGBTQ+ minority stress. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), 1314-1321, IEEE Computer Society, 2023/12/1.
- Draheim, A.A., Kridel, M.M., Flinn, R.E., Ravoori, N., Brands, S., Mosley, C., Drescher, C.F., Stepleman, L.M. (2023). Risk factors of homelessness among sexual and gender minorities in the Southeastern U.S. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness.
- Hong, C., Flinn, R. E., Ochoa, A. M., John, S. A., Garth, G., & Holloway, I. W. (2023). Internalized homophobia and social well-being among Black sexual minority men living with HIV: The mediating role of LGBT community connectedness and racial, gender, and sexual identity integration. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Advance online publication.
- Cascalheira, C.J., Nelson, J., Flinn, R.E., Zhao, Y., Helminen, E.C., Scheer, J.R., Stone, A.L. (2023). High-risk polysubstance use among LGBTQ+ people who use drugs in the United States: An application of syndemic theory. International Journal of Drug Policy, 118.
- Cascalheira, C.J., Flinn, R.E., Zhao, Y., Klooster, D., Laparade, D., Hamdi, S.M., Scheer, J.R., Lopez, A.G., Lund, E.M., Gomez, I.N., Saha, K., & De Choudhury, M. (2023). Models of gender dysphoria using social media for use in technology-delivered interventions: Machine learning and natural language processing validation study. JMIR Formative Research, 7, e47256.
- Pryor, E.K., Tyre, M., Brands, S., Flinn, R.E., Stepleman, L.M., & Holt, N.R. (2023). Barriers to mental health care identified by sexual and gender minority individuals in Georgia and South Carolina. Southern Medical Journal, 116(3), 264-269.
- Jackman, K.P., Tilchin, C., Wagner, J., Flinn, R.E., Trent, M., Latkin, C., Ruhs, S., Fields, E., Hamill, M., Mahaffey, C.C., Greenbaum, A., Jennings, J. (2023). Desires for individual and interpersonal level patient portal use for HIV prevention among urban sexual minority men: A cross-sectional study. JMIR Formative Research, 7, e43550.
- 2024-2027, Rose Isabelle Kelly Fischer Professor (Endowed Professorship), University of North Dakota
- 2023-2024, Justice Involved and Emerging Adults Population Initiative, Chestnut Health Systems (NIDA R24DA051950)
- 2023-2024, SUD Systems Performance Scholars Program, Brandeis-Harvard SPIRE Center (NIDA P30DA035772)
- 2022-2024, Lifespan/Brown Criminal Justice Research Training Program, Brown University (NIDA R25DA037190)
- 2021-2023, HIV/AIDS Substance Abuse and Trauma Training Program, UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior (NIDA R25DA035692)
- 2019, Emerging Scholars Fellowship, Active Minds
- 2021 Ph.D: Counseling Psychology (APA-Accredited), New Mexico State University
- 2016 M.A.: Clinical Psychology, University of Detroit Mercy
- 2014 B.S.: Sociology and Psychology, Creighton University
- 2009 A.A.S.: Sign Language Interpreting, Iowa Western Comm. Coll.
- 2023-Present: Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track), Department of Education, Health, & Behavior Studies, The University of North Dakota
- 2021-2023: Postdoctoral Fellow (HIV/LGBTQ Health Psychology), Department of Psychiatry & Health Behavior, The Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University
- 2020-2021: Psychology Intern (APA-Accredited Internship), The Ohio State University Counseling and Consultation Service