Curriculum Vitae
A true chimera caused by the absorption of a twin in the womb, Sean T. Hammond is quixotic and mercurial. Born in a loving and supporting home in the state of Maine, his dreams of running away and living in a culvert were realized when he attended the Rochester Institute of Technology. While matriculating, he met a fever dream with whom he has had children. Receiving a BS in Biotechnology, his crippling inability to read caused him to accidentally apply to the University of Maryland at Baltimore County. Impressed with his fashion sense, they awarded him an MS in Applied Molecular Biology. License in hand and inspired by Travels with Charlie, the newly minted Master Hammond travelled the USA with an imaginary friend, meeting old friends and avoiding the state of Texas.
Upon return to the Empire State, he was mistakenly accepted to Cornell University where he received a PhD for work modelling fake trees in real computers.
Dr. Hammond has worked as a janitor, a secretary, a meat packer, assembling circuit boards for Digital Computer, a sternman on a lobster boat, editor for a weekly arts and satire magazine, and as a lab technician that helped run experiments at the cyclotron in Brookhaven, NY. He was once confronted with a spigot labled "syrup", and has been struck by lightning...but only once.
ESSP 160 Sustainability & Society (Fall)
ESSP 330 Climate Change: Adaptation & Mitigation (Spring, odd years)
ESSP 504 The Biosphere (Fall)
ESSP 520 Earth System Modelling (Spring, odd years)
- Allometric theory
- Human Macroecology
- Tree and forest modelling
- Cliodynamics
Selected presentations
- 09 October 2023. "AI in the Classroom" panel discussion hosted by the Chester Fritz Library. [link]
- 31 March 2023. "From Word Games to Computer-Assisted Writing Tools: Exploring Student Use and Grade Outcomes." [link]
Selected publications
- K. J. Niklas, S. T. Hammond. 2019. “On the Interpretation of the Normalization Constant in the Scaling Equation.” Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 6 (212). doi: 10.3389/fevo.2018.00212.
- S.T. Hammond, James H. Brown, Joseph R. Burger, Tatiana P. Flanagan, Trevor S. Fristoe, Norman Mercado-Silva, Jeffrey C. Nekola, Jordan G. Okie. 2015. “Food Spoilage, Storage and Transport: Implications for a Sustainable Future.” Bioscience. 65 (8). doi: 10.1093/biosci/biv081.
- Niklas, K.J., S.T. Hammond. 2014. “Assessing Scaling Relationships: Uses, Abuses, and Alternatives.” International Journal of Plant Sciences. 175 (7): 754-763. (Editorial focus piece) doi: 10.1086/677238.
- Brown, J.H., J.R. Burger, W.R. Burnside, M. Chang, A.D. Davidson, T.S. Fristoe, M.J. Hamilton, S.T. Hammond, A. Kodric-Brown, N. Mercado-Silva, J.C. Nekola. 2013. “Macroecology Meets Macroeconomics: Resource Scarcity and Global Sustainability.” Ecological Engineering. 65: 24-32. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2013.07.071.
- Nekola, J.C., C.D. Allen, J.H. Brown, J.R. Burger, W.R. Burnside, A.D. Davidson, T.S. Fristoe, M.J. Hamilton, S.T. Hammond, A. Kodric-Brown, N. Mercado-Silva and J.G. Okie. 2013. “The Malthusian-Darwinian Dynamic and the Trajectory of Civilization.” Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 28 (3): 127-130. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2012.12.001.
- Niklas, K.J. and S.T. Hammond. 2012. “Biophysical Effects on Plant Competition and Co-existence.” Functional Ecology. 27 (4): 854-864. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2012.02035.x.
- Deng, J., W. Zuo, Z. Wang, Z. Fan, M. Ji, G. Wang, J. Ran, C. Zhao, J. Liu, K.J. Niklas, S.T. Hammond and J.H. Brown. 2012. “Insights Into Plant Size-Density Relationships From Models and Agricultural Crops.” PNAS 109 (22): 8600-8605. doi:10.1073/pnas.1205663109.
- Hammond, S.T. and K.J. Niklas. 2012. “Computer Simulations Support a Core Prediction of a Contentious Plant Model.” American Journal of Botany 99 (3): 508–516. doi:10.3732/ajb.1100415.
- Hammond, S.T. and K.J. Niklas. 2011. “Modeling Forest Self-Assembly Dynamics Using Allometric and Physical First Principles.” Bioscience 61 (9): 663–676. doi:10.1525/bio.2011.61.9.5.
- Hammond, S.T. and K.J. Niklas. 2011. “Computer Simulations of Plant Biodiversity in Stable and Unstable Environments: a Test of the Neutral Biodiversity Theory.” Journal of Biological Systems 19 (1): 1–17. doi:10.1142/S0218339011003762.
- Hammond, S.T. and K.J. Niklas. 2009. “Emergent Properties of Plants Competing in Silico for Space and Light: Seeing the Tree From the Forest.” American Journal of Botany 96 (8): 1430. doi:10.3732/ajb.0900063
- UND Foundation Award for Outstanding Graduate or Professional Teaching (Fall 2023) [link]
- School of Graduate Studies’ Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award (Fall 2024)
2011 Ph.D., Botany, Cornell University
2005 M.S., Plant Cell and Molecular Biology, Cornell University
1999 M.S., Applied Molecular Biology, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
1996 B.S., Biotechnology, Rochester Institute of Technology
One time I was chased by a moose.