Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Sherif M. Gaweesh is an esteemed Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at the College of Engineering and Mines, University of North Dakota (UND). With a robust background spanning over 17 years. Dr. Gaweesh possesses extensive practical and research experiences in the field of transportation engineering, focusing particularly on traffic safety and emerging technologies in transportation Engineering. At the forefront of his scholarly pursuits lie his research interests, which encompass a diverse range of areas such as traffic safety analysis, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Connected and Automated Vehicles, and statistical and big data analytics. His dedication to advancing road safety for all users, including connected and autonomous vehicles, drives the core of his research. Dr. Gaweesh's remarkable contributions have not gone unnoticed within the academic community. He has authored and co-authored over 50 noteworthy scientific articles and technical reports. Dr. Gaweesh has been recognized as a Road Safety Professional (RSP) by the Transportation Professional Certification Board Inc. In recognition of his outstanding research endeavors, Dr. Gaweesh was awarded the prestigious 2022 High Value Research Project, underscoring his ability to tackle significant challenges within transportation engineering. He received acclaim in the Safety, Security, and Emergencies supplemental category for the High Value Research Projects for 2022.
- Crash Modeling
- AI Applications in Transportation
- Connected Vehicle
- Safety Evaluation
- Analysis of Surrogate Safety Measures
- Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
- Driving Simulations and Driving Simulator Studies
- Human Factors
- Big Data Analysis
Gaweesh, Sherif M., Irfan Ahmed, and Mohamed M. Ahmed. (2023) "Analysis Framework to Assess Crash Severity for Large Trucks on Rural Interstate Roads Utilizing the Latent Class and Random Parameter Model." Transportation Research Record.
Gaweesh, S., Ahmed, I., Ahmed, M., and Wulff, S. (2023). Developing a Statewide Safety Performance Functions for Commercial Trucks Transporting Hazardous Materials on Interstate Rural Roads in Wyoming. Journal of Transportation Research Record.
Ahmed, I., Gaweesh, S., and Ahmed, M. (2022). Assessing the Effectiveness of Centerline Rumble Strips Accounting for Winter Maintenance Operational Levels on Wyoming Highways Using Before-After Empirical Bayes. Journal of Transportation Engineering: Part A.
Houseal, L., Gaweesh, S., Dadvar, S., and Ahmed, M. (2022). Causes and Effects of Autonomous Vehicles Field Data Crashes and Disengagement Using Binary Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, and Explanatory Factor Analysis. Journal of Transportation Research Record., S., Khan, N., & Ahmed, M. (2021). Development of a Novel Framework for Hazardous Materials Placard Recognition System to Conduct Commodity Flow Studies Using Artificial Intelligence AlexNet Convolutional Neural Network. Journal of Transportation Research Record.
Gaweesh, S., Bakhshi, A., & Ahmed, M. (2021). Safety Performance Assessment of Connected Vehicles in Mitigating the Risk of Secondary Crashes: A Driving Simulator Study. Journal of Transportation Research Record.
Bakhshi, A., Gaweesh, S., & Ahmed, M. (2021). The safety performance of connected vehicles on slippery horizontal curves through enhancing truck drivers’ situational awareness: A driving simulator experiment. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour.
Subedi, B., Gaweesh, S., Yang, G., & Ahmed, M. (2020). Connected Vehicle Training Framework and Lessons Learned to Improve Safety of Highway Patrol Troopers. Transportation Research Record.
Yang, G., Ahmed, M., Gaweesh, S., & Adomah, E. (2020). Connected vehicle real-time traveler information messages for freeway speed harmonization under adverse weather conditions: Trajectory level analysis using driving simulator. Accident Analysis & Prevention.
Ahmed, I. U., Gaweesh, S. M., & Ahmed, M. M. (2020). Exploration of hazardous material truck crashes on Wyoming’s interstate roads using a novel Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Markov Chain Bayesian inference. Transportation Research Record.
Ahmed, M. M., Yang, G., & Gaweesh, S. (2020). Assessment of Drivers’ Perceptions of Connected Vehicle–Human Machine Interface for Driving Under Adverse Weather Conditions: Preliminary Findings From Wyoming. Frontiers in psychology.
Shaaban, K., Gaweesh, S., & Ahmed, M. M. (2020). Investigating in-vehicle distracting activities and crash risks for young drivers using structural equation modeling. PLoS one.
Raddaoui, O., Gaweesh, S., & Ahmed, M. (2020). “Assessment of the Effectiveness of Connected Vehicle Weather and Work Zone Warnings in Improving Truck Driver Safety”. Journal of International Association of Traffic and Safety Science (IATSS).
Gaweesh, S., Ahmed, M., & Piccorelli A. (2019). Developing Crash Prediction Models Using Parametric and Nonparametric Approaches for Rural Mountainous Freeways: A Case Study on Wyoming Interstate 80. Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention.
Yang, G., Gaweesh, S., & Ahmed, M. (2019). Development and Assessment of a Connected Vehicle Training Program for Truck Drivers. Journal of Transportation Research Record.
Ahmed, M., Gaweesh, S., & Yang, G. (2019). A Preliminary Investigation into the Impact of Connected Vehicle Human-Machine Interface on Driving Behavior. (International Federation of Automatic Control, IFAC.
Gaweesh, S., & Ahmed, M. (2019). Evaluating the safety effectiveness of a weather-based variable speed limit for a rural mountainous freeway in Wyoming. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security.
Winner for the 2022 High Value Research Project, Received recognition in the Safety, Security, and Emergencies supplemental category for the High Value Research Projects for 2022. Research Project entitled Human Machine Interface for Connected Vehicle: Requirements, Development, and Assessment.
Winner of the first “Student of the Year” award for the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) CO/WY Section, 2018.
- Doctoral of Philosophy in Transportation Engineering, University of Wyoming, USA - Aug. 2018
- Master of Science; Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Banha University, Egypt - May 2013
- Bachelor Civil; Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Banha University, Egypt - May 2006
Over 17 years of practical and research experiences in the field of transportation and traffic engineering with a focus on traffic safety; research interests include traffic safety analysis, Connected Vehicle (CV), Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), and Big data analysis.
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