- Biol 121: Introduction to Fisheries and Wildlife Biology Seminar
- Biol 397: Cooperative Education (internship experience)
- Biol 426: Birds and Mammals
- Biol 431: Wildlife Management
- Biol 432: Wildlife Techniques in Population Assessments
- Gamebird ecology and management
- Mesomammal population sampling techniques, population dynamics, and behavior
- Predator-prey community dynamics through simultaneous study of predators and prey
- Issues associated with predator management for game and imperiled species
- Avian nest predation and behavior, particularly through the use of 24-hour camera monitoring
- Human-wildlife conflict including minimizing wildlife damage, bird strike with aircraft mitigation, wildlife-vehicle collisions, wildlife management in agricultural systems, and management of wildlife with energy development
- Application of new techniques and technology in Wildlife Ecology
- Application of quantitative and spatial tools [GIS] to study wildlife conservation issues
Peer- Reviewed Publications
- Voss, M.A., F.R. Reed, and S.N. Ellis-Felege. 2006. Use of a new model to quantify compromises between embryo development and parental self-maintenance in three species of intermittently incubating passerines. Journal of Thermal Biology 31:453-460. Role: Collected, analyzed data, contributed text, approved and revised manuscript
- Ellis-Felege, S.N., J.S. Burnam, W.E. Palmer, D.C. Sisson, S.D. Wellendorf, R.P. Thornton, and H.E. Stribling. 2008. Cameras identify white-tailed deer depredating northern bobwhite nests. Southeastern Naturalist 7:562-564. Role: Conceived, analyzed data, wrote manuscript
- Etterson, M.A., S.N. Ellis-Felege, D. Evers, G. Gauthier, J.A. Grzybowski, B.J. Mattson, L.R. Nagy, B. J. Olsen, C.M. Pease, M. Post van der Burg, A. Potvien. 2011. Modeling fecundity in birds: conceptual overview, current models and considerations for future developments. Ecological Modelling 222: 2178-2190. Role: Contributed text, approved and revised manuscript.
- Ellis-Felege, S. N., M. J. Conroy, W. E. Palmer, and J. P. Carroll. 2012. Predation reduction results in compensatory shifts in losses of avian ground nests. Journal of Applied Ecology 49: 661-669. (Article featured in the “Science in Short” section of the Wildlife Professional (2012, vol. 6, pg 11)). Role: Conceived, conducted and collected data, analyzed, wrote manuscript.
- Ellis-Felege, S. N., C. S. Dixon, S. D. Wilson. 2013. Impacts and management of invasive cool-season grasses in the Northern Great Plains: challenges and opportunities for wildlife. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:510-516. Role: Conducted, analyzed, and wrote manuscript.
- Ellis-Felege, S.N., J. S. Burnam, W. E. Palmer, D. C. Sisson, and J.P. Carroll. 2013. Fight or flight: parental decisions about predators at bobwhite nests. Auk. 130: 637-644. Role: Collected some of data and analyzed data, wrote manuscript
- Desell, T., R. Bergman, K. Goehner, R. Marsh, R. Vanderclute, and S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2013. Wildlife@Home: combining crowd sourcing and volunteer computing to analyze avian nesting video. Pp. 107-115 in 2013 IEEE 9th International Conference on e-Science. ( Role: Conceived with T. Desell, conducted and collected data, contributed text, approved and revised manuscript.
- Ellis-Felege, S. N., T. Desell, C. J. Felege. 2014. A bird’s eye view of …birds: combining technology and citizen science for conservation. Wildlife Professional 8: 27-30 (Peer-edited Article). Role: Conceived, conducted and collected data, and wrote manuscript.
- Desell, T., K. Goehner, A. Andes, R. Eckroad, and S.N. Ellis-Felege. 2015. On the effectiveness of crowd sourcing avian nesting video analysis at Wildlife@Home. International Conference on Computational Science. 51: 384-393. Role: Conceived with T. Desell, conducted and collected data, contributed text, approved and revised manuscript.
- Goehner, K., T. Desell, R. Eckroad, L. Mohsenian, P. Burr, N. Caswell, A. Andes, and S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2015. A comparison of background subtraction algorithms for detecting avian nesting events in uncontrolled outdoor video. 11th IEEE International Conference on eScience. E-Science 11: 187-195. DOI: 10.1109/eScience.2015.10
- Darby B.J., S.F. Erickson, S.D. Hervey, S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2016. Digital Fragment Analysis of Short Tandem Repeats. Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2221 Role: Conceived with B. Darby, conducted and collected data, contributed text, approved and revised manuscript.
- Bowley, C., A. Andes, S. N. Ellis-Felege, and T. Desell. 2016. Detecting wildlife in uncontrolled outdoor video using convolutional neural networks. IEEE 12th International Conference on e-Science. DOI: 10.1109/eScience.2016.7870906
- Mattingly III, M., A. Barnas, S. N. Ellis-Felege, R. Newman, D. Iles, and T. Desell. 2016. Developing a citizen science web portal for manual and automated ecological image detection. IEEE 12th International Conference on e-Science. E-Science 12:251-259. DOI: 10.1109/eScience.2016.7870903
- Burr, P.C., A. C. Robinson, R. T. Larsen, R.A. Newman, S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2017. Sharp-tailed grouse nest survival and nest predator habitat use in North Dakota’s Bakken oil field. PLoS One.
- X. Yu, S. N. Ellis-Felege, and J. P. Carroll. 2017. Risk taking by incubating northern bobwhites: effects of predator type and investment. Avian Biology Research 10(2): 69-75.
- Ellis-Felege, S. N, S. E. Albeke, N. P. Nibbleink, M. J. Conroy, W. E. Palmer, D.C. Sisson, and J. P. Carroll. 2017. Landscape features affecting northern bobwhite predator-specific nest failures in the southeastern United States. Proceedings of the Eighth National Quail Symposium 8:344-354.
- Gormezano, L. J., S. N. Ellis-Felege. D. T. Iles, A. Barnas, and R.F. Rockwell. 2017. Polar bear foraging behavior during the ice-free period in western Hudson Bay: observations, origins, and potential significance. American Museum Novitiates 3885: 1-28.
- Gross, R., S. Tucker, B. J. Darby, and S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2017. Trapping efficiency and incidental take of waterbirds using covered and uncovered floating muskrat sets. Wildlife Research.
- Bowley, C, M. Mattingly III, A. Barnas, S. N. Ellis-Felege, and T. Desell. 2017. Toward Using Citizen Scientists to Drive Automated Ecological Object Detection in Aerial Imagery. E-Science 13: 99-108. DOI:10.1109/eScience.2017.22
- Barnas, A., R. A. Newman, C. J. Felege, M. P. Corcoran, S. D. Hervey, T. D. Stechmann, R.F. Rockwell, and S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2018. Evaluating Behavioral Responses of Nesting Lesser Snow Geese to Unmanned Aircraft Surveys. Ecology and Evolution.8 (2):1328 – 1338. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3731
- Ellis-Felege, S. N., C. Skaggs, and G. A. Knutsen. 2018. Increased Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola) Breeding Activity in Minnesota. Canadian Field Naturalist 131(4): 338-343. DOI:
- Barnas, A., C.J. Felege, R.F. Rockwell, and S.N. Ellis-Felege. 2018. A pilot(less) study on the use of an unmanned aircraft vehicle for studying polar bears. Polar Biology. .
- Felege, C. J., C. Hunter, J. Hunter, and S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2018. Pedagogy and practice in STEM field experience: intersections of student and mentor identity and impacts upon student outcomes. Journal of Education for Teaching.
- Bowley, C., M. Mattingly III, A. Barnas, S. N. Ellis-Felege, and T. Desell. 2018. Detecting wildlife in unmanned aerial systems imagery using convolutional neural networks trained with an automated feedback loop. International Conference on Computer Science 10860: 69-82. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-93698-7_6
- Andes, A. K., T.L. Shaffer, M.H. Sherfy, C. M. Huber, C. Dovichin, and S.N. Ellis-Felege. 2019. Accuracy of Nest Fate Classification and Predator Identification from Evidence at Nests of Least Terns and Piping Plovers. IBIS 161: 286-300.
- Palmer, W.E., J. P. Carroll, D. C. Sisson, S.D. Wellendorf, T. M. Therhune, S. N. Ellis-Felege, and J. A. Martin. 2019. Reduction in meso-mammal nest predators improves northern bobwhite demographics. Journal of Wildlife Management 83(3): 646 – 656
- Bowley, C., A. Barnas, M. Mattingly, S. N. Ellis-Felege, and T. Desell. 2019. An Analysis of Altitude, Citizen Science and a Convolutional Neural Network Feedback Loop on Object Detection in Unmanned Aerial Systems. Journal of Computational Science 34: 102-116.
- Barnas, A., B. J. Darby, G. Vandeberg, R. F. Rockwell, and S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2019 Assessment of lesser snow goose (Anser caerulescens caerulescens) habitat degradation in La Perouse Bay using unmanned aircraft. PLOS ONE.
- Felege, C., R. Romsdahl, J. Hunter, C. Hunter, and S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2019. Immersive field experiences lead to higher level of learning and more translational impacts on students. Journal of Environmental Studies and Science 9.
- Hervey, S.D, A. F. Barnas, T.J. Stechmann, R.F. Rockwell, S.N. Ellis-Felege, and B.J. Darby. 2019. Kin grouping is insufficient to explain the inclusive fitness gains of conspecific brood parasitism in the common eider. Molecular Ecology.
- Svedarsky, D. W., R. Grosshans, H. Venema, S. N. Ellis-Felege, J. Bruggman, A. Ostlund, and J. Lewis. 2019. Integrated management of invasive cattails for wetland habitat and biofuel in the Northern Great Plains of the United States and Canada: A review. Mires and Peat 25:1-14. DOI: 10.19189/MaP.2018.APG.367
- Barnas, A. F., D. Chabot, A. Hodgson, D. Johnston, D. M. Bird, and S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2020. Standardized protocol for reporting methods when using drones for wildlife research. Journal of Unmanned Vehicles. DOI: 10.1139/juvs-2019-0011.
- Miller, S., A. Derenne, S. Ellis-Felege, and T. Rhen. 2020. Incubation temperature and satiety influence general locomotor and exploratory behaviors in the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentine). Physiology and Behavior. DOI:
- Barnas, A. F., D. T. Iles, T. J. Stechmann, E. M. Wampole, D. N. Koons, R. F. Rockwell, S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2020. A Phenological comparison of grizzly (Ursus arctos) and polar bears (Ursus maritimus) as waterfowl nest predators in Wapusk National Park. Polar Biology 43(5): DOI:10.1007/s00300-020-02647-w
- Andes, A. K., M. H. Sherfy. T. L. Shaffer, and S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2020. Plasticity of Least Tern and Piping Plover Nesting Behaviors to Sand Temperature. Journal of Thermal Biology - Helvey, M., M. Ryckman, S. N. Ellis-Felege, J.V. Aardt, and C. Salvagio. 2020. Duck nest detection through remote sensing. 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS -2020: 6321-6324. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS39084.2020.9323500
- Ellis-Felege, S.N., C. Riley, and S. Cavanah. 2020. Science Communication for Natural Resource Outreach. Pp. 140-141 in L. Knuffman (editor). Proceedings of the Fifth Biennial Conference on the Conservation of America’s Grasslands, National Wildlife Federation, Washington, DC.
- Romsdahl, R., C. J. Felege, J. Hunter, C. Hunter, and S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2021. Americans’ support for renewable energy is disconnected from their understanding of powerline infrastructure as a mechanism to mitigate climate change. Energy and Environment Research 11: 10.5539/eer.v11n1p12.
- Felege, C. J., C. Hunter, and S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2022. Personal Impacts of the Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Experience. Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 22:
- Clark, D., A.F. Barnas, R. Brook, S.N. Ellis-Felege, S., Fishback, L.-A., Higdon, J. W., Manning, K., Rivet, D., Roth, J. D., Trim, V., Webb, M., Rockwell, R. 2022. The state of knowledge about grizzly bears in Northern Manitoba. Arctic. 75:105-120.
- Blomberg, E. J., B.E. Ross, C. J. Cardinal, S. N. Ellis-Felege, D. Gibson, A. P. Monroe, P. K. Schwalenberg. 2021. Galliform exclusion from the Migratory Bird Treaty Act has produced an alternative conservation path, but no evidence for differences in population status. Ornithological Applications 124: 1-21.
- Ellis-Felege, S. N., T. Stechmann, S. Hervey, C. Felege, R.F. Rockwell, and A. Barnas. 2022. Nesting common eiders (Somateria mollisima) show little behavioral response to fixed-wing drone surveys. Drone Systems and Applications (Special Issue on Arctic/Polar Applications for Drones) 10: 1-14.
- Barnas, A., B. Darby, B., D.T. Iles, D. Koons, C, Semeniuk, and S.N, Ellis-Felege, S. 2022. Bear presence attracts avian predators but does not impact lesser snow goose nest attendance. Journal of Avian Biology.
- Ryckman, M. D., K. Kemink, C. J. Felege, B. Darby, G. S. Vandeberg, and S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2022. Behavioral responses of blue-winged teal and northern shoveler to unmanned aerial vehicle surveys. PLOS ONE 17: e0262393
- Lenzi, J., C.J. Felege, R.A. Newman, B. McCann, and S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2022. Feral Horses and Bison at Theodore Roosevelt National Park Exhibit Shifts in Behavior during Drone Flights. Drones 6:1-12
- Kemink, K., K. J. Kuechle, M. L. Sieges, S. Krohn, C.D. Isaacson, J. Palarksi, N. Conrad, A. Nelson, B. Liu, T. K. Buhl, and S.N. Ellis-Felege. 2023. Nest remains are insufficient to identify predators of waterfowl nests. Wildlife Research 50(3): 182-189. DOI:
- Lenzi, J., A.F. Barnas, A. A. ElSaid, T. Desell, R.F. Rockwell, and S.N. Ellis-Felege. 2023. Artificial intelligence for automated detection of large mammals creates path to upscale drone surveys. Scientific Reports 13: 947. DOI:
- Cavanah, S., S. Owens, K. Kemink, C. Riley, S. Kim, J. Lee, and S.N. Ellis-Felege. 2023. Birds of a feather flock together: a longitudinal study of a social media outreach effort shows audience similar to project team. Biological Conservation 281:
- Yannuzzi, S., C. Beach, K. Kemink, A.M.V. Fournier, and S.N. Ellis-Felege. 2023. Fowl Women: the unsung multifaceted contributions of women to the success of waterfowl conservation. The Wildlife Professional. 17:40-43.
- Linder, T., S.N. Ellis-Felege, and C. J. Felege. 2023. Ten tips Taylored for Successful Talks with Landowners in Ranching and Range Management Landscapes. Ecology and Conservation Science: Open Access 3(1): DOI: 10.19080/ECOA.2023.03.555603.
- Kemink, K., S. Cavanah, S. N. Ellis-Felege, and C. J. Felege.2023. You come for the cause and stay for the people: a grounded theory case study of mission internalization through a Ducks Unlimited event. Journal of Leadership, Accountability, and Ethics 20(4): 2023
- Jørgensen, A. V., C. D. Isaacson, J. Kolar, and S. N. Ellis-Felege. 2023. The Mixing Pot: Observations of Hybridization between Sharp-tailed Grouse and Greater Prairie-Chickens in North Dakota. Prairie Naturalist 55:152-160.
- Burton, A. C. …S. N. Ellis-Felege… R. Kays. 2024. Mammal response to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. Nature Ecology and Evolution: 8: 924-935.
2023: UND Founder’s Day Faculty Scholar Award
2019 and 2017: The Wildlife Society’s Student Chapter Advisor of the Year
2017: UND Foundation/McDermott Faculty Award for Individual Excellence in Teaching
PhD: University of Georgia
BS: Penn State University