- Ethics and laws
- Clinical supervision
- Diagnosis, psychopathology and treatment
- Counseling methods
- Internalized racial oppression
- Racial oppression and mental health functioning
- Black psychology
- Multicultural psychology
- Interpersonal theory
- Psychodynamic therapy
- Multicultural and feminist counseling
- Person-centered therapy
Bailey, T.-K. M., Yeh, C. J., & Felipe, L. S. (2022). Using Community-Engagement to Teach
Mental Health Stigma Reduction. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision,
15(3). Retrieved from
Felipe, L. S., Bailey, T.-K. M., & Herrera, N. (2022). An Intersectional Approach. In J. E.
Estrellado, L. C. Felipe, & J. Celestial (Eds.), Clinical Interventions for Internalized
Oppression. Cognella
Taylor, T. O., & Bailey, T. K. M. (2022). Does race matter? An experimental vignette study
on harm severity, college student discipline, and restorative justice. Journal of Diversity
in Higher Education.
Taylor, T. O. & Bailey, T.-K. M. (2022). The Restorative Justice Attitudes Scale:
Development and Initial Psychometric Evaluation. The Counseling Psychologist, 50(1),
Bailey, T.-K. M., Yeh, C. J., & Madu, K. (2022). African American Adolescent Males’
Experiences with Racism, Internalized Racial Oppression, in and out of School. Journal
of Counseling Psychology, 69(4), 375-388.
Juntunen, C. L., Gallina, M. F., Bailey, T.-K. M., Obert, M. L., Ruggles, R. Burshek, K.
Munch, J. A., Ayala, E., & Hutter, M. P. (2019). Factors Influencing Farmers/Ranchers’
Land-use Decision Making. Ecopsychology, 11(4), 213-221
Bailey, T.-K. M., Williams, W. S., & Favors, B. (2014). Internalized oppression in the
African American community. In E.J. R. David (Ed.), Internalized Oppression: The
Psychology of Marginalized Groups. Springer Publishing Company.
Juntunen, C. L., & Bailey, T. -K. M. (2013). Training and employment services for adult
workers. In D. L. Blustein (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of the Psychology of Working. Oxford
University Press.
Chrishon, K. R., Anderson, D., Arora, G., & Bailey, T. -K. M. (2012). Race and psychiatric
diagnostic patterns: Understanding the influence of hospital characteristics in the national
hospital discharge survey. Journal of the National Medical Association, 104, 505-509
Bailey, T.-K. M., Chung, Y. B., Williams, W. S., Singh, A. A., & Terrell, H. K. (2011).
Development and validation of the Internalized Racial Oppression Scale for Black
individuals. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58, 481-593.
Desjarlais, C., Frantell, K. A., & Bailey, T.-K. M (2022). Eagles and Crows: Indigenizing and Decolonizing
Professional Expectations and Career Aspirations in the Field of Psychology. Difficult Dialogue at the
National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Virtual Conference
Desjarlais, C., Frantell, K. A., & Bailey, T.-K. M (2022). Indigenizing & Decolonizing Professional
Expectations & Career Aspirations in Psychology. Presentation at the National Multicultural Conference
and Summit, Virtual Conference
Bailey, T.-K. M, Yeh, C. J., Madu, K. (2020- accepted). African American Adolescent Males Experiences
with Racism, Internalized Racial Oppression, in and out of School. Poster for the Annual Meeting of the
American Psychological Association, Washington, DC (The poster was accepted, but not present due to COVID-19)
Taylor, T. O., Bailey, T.-K. M., (2020- accepted). Development and Validation of the Restorative Justice
Attitudes Scale (RJAS). Poster for the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association,
Washington, DC (The poster was accepted, but not present due to COVID-19)
Taylor, T. O., Bailey, T.-K. M., Wilcox, M. M., Di Bianca, M. (2020- accepted). Liberation through
Restorative Justice Practices: Implications for Research, Practice, Advocacy, and Education.
Symposium for the Counseling Psychology Conference. New Orleans, LA
(Symposium was accepted, but conference was cancelled due to COVID-19)
Taylor, T. O., Bailey, T.-K. M., (2020- accepted). Liberating Marginalized Voices: The Role of Counseling
Psychologists’ on Incarceration/Re-entry. Roundtable discussion for the Counseling Psychology
Conference. New Orleans, LA (Roundtable discussion was accepted, but the conference was cancelled due to COVID-19)
Taylor, T. O., Bailey, T.-K. M., Wilcox, M. M. (2019). Adopting restorative justice practices in counseling
psychology: A call to the profession. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Psychological Association, Chicago, IL
Bailey, T.-K. M., Yeh, C. J., & Felipe, L. S. (2018). An innovative approach to teaching mental health
Stigma reduction. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association,
San Francisco, CA
Hutchinson, A. N., Bailey, T.-K. M., Chapple L. E., Forbes, A., & Raymond, N. (2017, August). Issuing a
challenge to change: Addressing systemic racism and sexual violence at UND. Symposium presented at
the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC
Bailey, T. -K. M., Felipe, L. –C. S., Gonzalez, L., Spadafora, E. (2017, January) Examining the
Predictability of the Internalized Racial Oppression Scale (IROS) on the psychological well-being,
distress, and self esteem of African American Adults (Preliminary Results). Poster presented at the
National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Portland, OR.
Chrishon, K. R., Bailey, T. -K. M., Terrell, H. K., & McClullagh, J. (2014, August). Diagnostic Disparities
between Black and White Individuals in Inpatient Settings. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of
the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC
Bailey, T. -K. M., Wettersten, K. B., Yang, J., McCullagh, J. A., Stufflebeam, C. G., Yapondjian, M. (2013,
July). Racial Microaggressions experienced by Psychologists of Color from White Psychology Peers.
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawai’i
Olsen, G., Bailey, T. -K. M., & Patterson, R. (2011, October). Teasing and bullying in the Black
Community. Workshop presented at the 41st annual conference of the National Black Child
Development Institute, Inc., Nashville, TN
Walinsky, D., Pinterits, E. J., Bailey, T. -K. M., Pietrantonio, K., Draganic, J., Adamson, N. (2010,
August). Critical supervision. In T. R. Burnes (Chair) Training the next generation of professionals:
Current issues in counseling supervision & training. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the
American Psychological Association, San Diego.
Bailey, T. -K. M., & Chung, Y. B. (2008, March). Confirmatory factor analysis and the predictability of
internalized racial oppression. Poster presented at the International Counseling Psychology Conference,
Chicago, IL.
Williams, W. S., & Bailey, T. -K. M. (2007, October). Passing it down: Exploring transgenerational
transmission of internalized racial oppression. Presentation presented at the Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Bailey, T. -K. M., (2006, August). Linguistic Oppression and Mental Health. Poster presented at the
American Psychological Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Doctorate of Philosphy in Counseling Pscyhology
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
Master of Arts in African American Studies
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Master of Arts & Educational Specialist in Community Counseling
James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA