Curriculum Vitae
Yanjun Zuo is a professor at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, USA. He teaches computer information systems courses. His research interests include information security, blockchains, information management, data analytics, and pervasive and ubiquitous computing.
- IT Governance and Audit (Graduate)
- Information Systems (Graduate)
- Database Management
- Programming for Data Analytics (Python)
- Fundamentals of Computer Information Systems
- Information Security
- Operating Systems Principles
- Applications development (Java)
- Advanced Information Systems Programming
- Personal Productivity with Information Technology
- Special Topics: Web Applications Development (PHP, Apache, and MySQL)
- Special Topics: Survivable Information Systems: Issues and Technologies
- Special Topics: Advanced Information Security
Information security, data analytics, blockchains, and artificial intelligence
Zuo, Y. (2023) Big Data and Big Risk - a Four-factor Framework for Big Data Security and Privacy. International Journal of Business Information Systems, (42)2, pp. 224-242.
Zuo, Y. (2022) Tokenizing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) – A Blockchain Approach for REC Issuance and Trading. IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 134477 - 134490.
Zuo, Y. (2022) Towards A Learner-Managed Education Credentialing System Based On Blockchain. Information Resource Management Journal, (35)1, pp.1-18, DOI: 10.4018/IRMJ.309983.
Zuo, Y. and Qi, Z. (2021) A Blockchain-based IoT Framework for Oil Field Remote Monitoring and Control. IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 2497-2514.
Zuo, Y. (2021) Towards a Trustworthy RFID System - From a Security Perspective. International Journal of Business Information Systems, (36)3, pp. 432-448.
Zuo, Y. (2020) Making Smart Manufacturing Smarter - a Survey on Blockchain Technology in Industry 4.0. Enterprise Information Systems, (15)10, pp. 1323-1353.
Zuo, Y. and Liu, J. (2017) A Reputation-based Model for Mobile Agent Migration for Information Search and Retrieval. Internatioanl Journal of Information Management, (37)5, pp. 357-366.
Zuo, Y. (2016) Reputation-based Service Migration for Moving Target Defense. Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, pp. 239-246.
Zuo, Y. (2015) A Holistic Approach for Service Migration Decision, Strategy and Scheduling. Proc. of 10th Annual Symposium on Information Assurance, pp. 14-17.
Zuo, Y. (2015) Fuzzy Inference for Service Migration Strategy. IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, pp. 54-61.
Zuo, Y. (2015) Belief-based Decision Making for Service Migration. Proc. of 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences , 10 pages.
Zuo, Y. (2014) A Constrained, Possibilistic Logial Approach for Software System Survivability Evaluation. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering,(24)5,pp.777-800.
Sedgeman, P. and Zuo, Y. (2014) Web of Things: Readiness and Applications from a Business and Consumer Perspective. International Journal of Business Information Systems,(18)3, pp. 321-337.
Gackle Bennett and Zuo, Y. (2014) A New Approach for Credit Extended Mobile Phone Payment. International Journal of Business Information Systems, (15)4, pp. 434-449.
Zuo, Y. (2014) Data Labeling for Integrity in SCADA Systems. Proc. of 13th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, pp. 111-118
Zuo, Y. and Panda, B. (2013) Composition and Combination-based Object Trust Evaluation for Knowledge Management in Virtual Organizations. VINE-The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, (43)3, pp. 296-321.
Zuo, Y. (2013) Toward an RFID Scheme for Secure Material Flow Tracing and Verification in Supply Chains. International Journal of Handheld Computing Research, (4)4, pp. 72-89.
Zuo, Y. (2013) Moving and Relocation: A Logical Framework of Service Migration for Software System Survivability. Proc. of 7th IEEE International Conference on Software Security and Reliability, pp. 139-148
Zuo, Y. (2013) Modeling Service Migration and Relocation in Mission-Critical Systems. Critical Infrastructure Protection III, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Volume 417, pp. 155-170.
Zuo, Y. (2012) Automatic Proof of Survivability Compliance – Approaches and Techniques. International Journal of Computer Theory and Techniques, (4)5, pp. 740-744.
Zuo, Y. (2012) Survivability Experiment and Attack Characterization for RFID. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, (9)2, pp.289-302.
Zuo, Y. (2012) Incorporating Constraints to Software System Survivability Specification and Proof. Proc. of 6th IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, pp. 67-74.
Zuo, Y. and Babin, J. (2012) Searching for the Optimal Proof Schedule in a Proof-Carrying Survivability Paradigm – a Dynamic, Interactive Approach. Proc. of 9th International Conference on Information Technology – New Generations, pp. 201-208
Zuo, Y. and and O’Keefe, T. (2011) RFID-enabled Logistic Flow Tracing in Supply Chains: Communications, Protocol, and Security. Proc. of the 2011 IEEE Global Communication Conference, 5 pages.
Zuo, Y. and Lande, S. (2011) A Logical Framework of Proof-Carrying Survivability. Proc. of 10th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, p. 472-481.
Zuo, Y. (2011) Survivable RFID Systems:Issues, Challenges, and Technologie. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C, Special Issue on Availability, Reliability and Security, (40)4,pp.404-418.
Zuo, Y. (2011), Designing Security Requirements – A Flexible, Balanced, and Threshold-based Approach. Proc. of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS’11), 10 pages.
Zuo, Y. (2010). A Holistic Approach for Specification of Security Requirements in Ubiquitous Computing. Proc. of 2010 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 18 pages.
Zuo, Y. (2010). Changing Hands Together: A Secure Group Ownership Transfer Protocol for RFID Tags. Proc. of 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 10 pages.
Zuo, Y. (2010). A Framework of Survivability Requirement Specification for Critical Information Systems. Proc. of 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 10 pages,
Lande, S., Zuo, Y. and Pimple, M. (2010) Survivability Decision Model for Critical Information Systems Based on Bayesian Network. Proc. of 5th Annual Symposium on Information Assurance, pp. 23-30.
Zuo, Y. (2010) RFID Survivability Quantification and Attack Modeling. Proc. of the Third ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security, pp. 13-19.
Zuo, Y., Lande, S. and Pimple, M. (2010) Analysis and Simulation of System Survivability. Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, pp. 36-41.
Zuo, Y. (2009) Secure and Private Search Protocols for RFID Systems. Information Systems Frontiers, Special Issue on Advances in RFID Technology, (12)5, pp. 507-519.
Zuo, Y. (2009) Prompt Damage Identification for System Survivability. International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 2(4) 411-433.
Zuo, Y. and Panda, B. (2009) Unifying Strategies and Tactics: A Survivability Framework for Countering Cyber Attacks. Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, pp. 119-124.
Hu. W., Zuo, Y., Kaabouch, N. and Yang, H. (2009) Mobile Data Protection Using Handheld Usage Context Matching. Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, pp. 595-599.
Zuo, Y., Hu, W. and O’Keefe, T. (2009) Trust Computing for Social Networking. Proc. of 6th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG’09), pp. 1534 – 1539.
Zuo, Y. and Panda, B. (2008) A Two-level Decision Model for Information Assurance. Decision Support Systems, 45(2), pp. 291-309.
Zuo, Y. and O’Keefe, T. (2007) Post-release Information Privacy Protection: A Framework and Next-generation Privacy-enhanced Operating Systems. Information Systems Frontiers, Special Issue on Secure Knowledge Management, 9(5), pp. 451-467.
Zuo, Y. (2007) Component Comparison Based Information Quality Assurance. International Journal of Information Quality, (1)3, 295-313.
Zuo, Y. and Panda, B. (2007) Network Viruses - Threats to Business Information Systems. Proc. of the Sixth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, pp. 1275-1283.
Zuo, Y. and Panda, B. (2006) Distributed Database Damage Assessment and Recovery Paradigm. Journal of Information Management and Computer Security, 14(2) 116–139.
Zuo, Y. and Panda, B. (2006) Information Trustworthiness Evaluation Based on Trust Combination. Proc. of the 21th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 1880-1885.
Zuo, Y. and Panda, B. (2005) Component Based Trust Management within the Context of a Virtual Organization. Proc. of the 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 1582-1588.
Hu, Y., Panda, B. and Zuo, Y. (2004) Assessing the Effects of Deceptive Data in the Web of Trust. Proc. of the Secure Knowledge Management Workshop, pp. 39-44.
Zuo, Y. and Panda, B. (2004) Fuzzy Dependency and its Applications in Damage Assessment and Recovery. Proc. of the 5th Annual IEEE Information Assurance Workshop, pp. 350-357.
Zuo, Y. and Panda, B. (2003) A Service Oriented System Based Information Flow Model for Damage Assessment. Proc. of the 6th IFIP TC-11 WG 11.5 Working Conference on Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems, pp. 177-194.
Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA, 2005
M.S., Computer Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA, 2003
M.B.A., University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, USA, 2000