Yee Han Chu is the Academic Support and Fellowship Opportunities Coordinator in the UND Academic Affairs Office. She assists students in applying for nationally competitive scholarships and fellowships. She also teaches courses in gifted education in the UND Special Education Program and has mentored students seeking professional development in gifted education. Prior to these duties, Yee Han worked as an assistant professor in the social work department at UND. She has practice experience in substance abuse treatment, in-patient psychiatric work with adults, out-patient mental health work with children and adults, and forensic child abuse evaluations. She was a licensed clinical social worker in Oregon and Nevada and is a licensed certified social worker in North Dakota. Yee Han graduated with a BA in Psychology and BS in Genetics from the University of California, Davis, in 1991; a MSSW concentrating in Advanced Clinical Social Work from Columbia University School of Social Work in 1995; and a PhD in Teaching and Learning with emphasis on higher education from the UND-Department of Teaching and Learning in 2014. Yee Han currently serves as the President of the North Dakota Association for Gifted Children, as the Secretary on the ND Advisory Committee to the US Commission on Civil Rights, and as a Board Member of the North Dakota Ballet Company & Academy.
Gifted Education
Yee Han has presented at the Global Science and Technology Forum, National Association for Gifted Children Annual Convention, National Association of Social Workers National Conference, Hawaii International Conference on Education Conference, and the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children about the educational, social justice, and more recently sensory processing needs of high ability students. She has published in the Global Science and Technology Forum International Journal of Law and Social Sciences, Hawaii International Conference on Education Conference Proceedings, Journal of Social Work Education, Journal of Teaching in Social Work, School Social Work Journal, Journal of Natural Inquiry and Reflective Practice in Teaching and Learning, and the National Association for Gifted Children Conceptual Foundation Newsletter in the areas of gifted education, advising, and teaching with technology.
Yee Han received the Best Research Paper Award for her co-authored paper presented and published in the Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations, and Public.