Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Yun Ji is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of North Dakota. She earned her B.S. in China., M.S. in Thailand, and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Maine. She worked at a Postdoc Research at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) prior to her job in the univeresity.
ChE 303 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
ChE 332 Chemical Engineering Lab III
ChE 435/535 Materials & Corrosion
ChE 505 BioChemical Engineering
ChE 515 Design of Engineering Experiments
CHE 562 Seminar in Chemical Engineering
Biomass pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis, forestry bio-refinery and renewable chemicals and fuels, green composites and materials. Other areas include: oil and gas pipeline detection modeling, metal-ion co-catalysts to improve biomass pretreatment yields, pulp and paper technology, paper recycling, and process/environmental engineering applications.
2007 Ph.D., University Maine, Chemical Engineering
2002 M.S., Asian Institute of Technology, Process Technology/Pulp and Paper Technology
1999 B.Eng, Northwest University of Light Industry, Light Industry Technology
2023-Present Professor, University of North Dakota
2015 – 2023 Associate Professor, University of North Dakota
2018 Fulbright Scholar & Visiting Professor, VTT Technical Research Center, Finland
2009 – 2015 Assistant Professor, University of North Dakota
2007 – 2009 Postdoc Researcher, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
2002 – 2007 Research Assistant, University of Maine
2005 Project Engineer, International Paper
2002 Research Engineer, Kymi Paper Oy, UPM-Kymmene, Finland