Dr. Marc Gandarillas (Vilafranca del Penedès, Barcelona - 1987) is an Assistant Professor at the University of North Dakota. He holds a Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Hispanic Linguistics by the University of Florida (2022). He also holds a B.A. in Classics (2009), a B.A. in Linguistics (2014), and a M.A. in Ancient Cultures and Languages (2011) from the Universitat de Barcelona. His interests include bilingualism, anthropological linguistics, revitalization, and language policy.
- Catalan
- Lexicography
- Bilingualism
- Language Policy
- Sociolinguistics
- Historical Linguistics
- Anthropological Linguistics
Scholarly research books:
Gandarillas, M. (in progress). The Case for Majorcan Catalan as a Heritage Language in San Pedro, Argentina: An anthropological, sociolinguistic, and morphopragmatic perspective. London, UK: Palgrave MacMillan.
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
Gandarillas, M. (forthcoming, 2023). “El cambio prosódico en el español en contacto y la relevancia de los factores sociolingüísticos” [Prosodic change in Spanish in contact and the relevance of sociolinguistic factors]. Onomázein, 59.
Gandarillas, M. (forthcoming, 2023). “La evolución de la lexicografía española: El Diccionario del español moderno de Martín Alonso Pedraz” [The evolution of Spanish lexicography: The Diccionario del español moderno by Martín Alonso Pedraz]. Publications of the Modern Language Association [PMLA].
Gandarillas, M. (forthcoming, 2023). “La possessió en el txitximec de Jonaz i llengües emparentades” [Possession in Jonaz Chichimeca and related languages]. Revista Lucero, University of Berkeley, 7(2).
Gandarillas, M. (2022). “Gender and Language studies: A long road already traveled, yet longer (and curvier) roads ahead.” FEMERIS, 7(2), 114-117.
Gandarillas, M. (2022). “Supervivència lingüística i el respecte de la normativa” [Language survival and the observance of the standard language]. Revista Llengua Nacional, 119.
Gandarillas, M. (2022). “Préstamos y calcos en el español actual: ¿Vehículos de cambio lingüístico?” [Loanwords and calques in modern Spanish: A driving force for language change?]. Onomázein, 55, 24–31.
Gandarillas, M. (2021). “The grammaticalization of Catalan anar (‘to go’) + infinitive for the expression of perfective past: A diachronic, corpus-based perspective.” International Linguistics Research, 4(4).
Gandarillas, M. (2021). “El reflex de les relacions romanogermàniques en el lèxic: Nota breu” [Lexical evidence for Roman-Germanic relationships: Brief remarks]. Revista de Filología Románica, 38, 205–207.
Gandarillas, M. (2021). “The addressee-ship of ancient Greek novels: Portraying pictures, debunking myths.” Anuari de Filologia. Antiqua et Mediaeualia, 1(11), 1–24. Revistes Científiques de la Universitat de Barcelona (RCUB).
Gandarillas, M. (2021). “Convergencia y transferencia en el español en contacto.” [Convergence and transfer in Spanish in contact]. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 39, 5–8.
Gandarillas, M. (2020). “El papel de la subjetivación en los procesos de gramaticalización” [The role of subjectification in grammaticalization processes]. Spanish and Portuguese Review, 6, 73–86.
Gandarillas, M. (2020). “Grammaticalization degrees in Catalan anar vs. estar + adjective in the 19th and 20th centuries: A language contact, corpus-based distributional approach.” Isogloss: Open Journal of Romance Linguistics, 6, 1–18.
Book chapters:
Gandarillas, M. (forthcoming, 2023). “Les llengües d’Austràlia” [The languages of Australia]. In: Junyent, C. (ed.), Manual de llengües del món [Handbook of World Languages]. Barcelona: Eumo Editorial.
Gandarillas, M. (forthcoming, 2023). “Les llengües de Papua Nova Guinea” [The languages of Papua New Guinea]. In: Junyent, C. (ed.), Manual de llengües del món [Handbook of World Languages]. Barcelona: Eumo Editorial.
Book reviews:
Gandarillas, M. (forthcoming, 2023). “Jackson, H. (ed) (2022), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Lexicography.” International Journal of Lexicography.
Gandarillas, M. (2022). “Junyent, C. (2020), El futur del català depèn de tu” [The Future of the Catalan Language Depends on You]. Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana, 32, 267–270.
Gandarillas, M. (2021). “Bradley, D., & Bradley, M. (2019). Language Endangerment.” Language in Society, 50(4).
Gandarillas, M. (2021). “John Considine (ed). 2019. The Cambridge World History of Lexicography.” International Journal of Lexicography, 34(2), 265–276.
Gandarillas, M. (2020). “Christopher Stray, Michael Clarke, and Joshua T. Katz (eds). 2019. Liddell and Scott: The History, Methodology, and Languages of the World’s Leading Lexicon of Ancient Greek.” International Journal of Lexicography, 33(3), 358–375.
Books translated:
Sagrera, J. (in press). Grasshopping Around Kathmandu [ES original: Un saltamontes en Katmandú] (M. Gandarillas, ES-EN trans.). Gainesville, FL: La Pereza Ediciones.
Winterberg, P. (2021). El lloc més segur del món [The Safest Place in the World] (M. Gandarillas, EN-CA trans.).
Winterberg, P. (2020). Soc petita? [Am I a tiny girl?] (M. Gandarillas, EN-CA trans.).
Winterberg, P. (2020). M’entra per una orella, em surt per l’altra! [In Here, Out There!] (M. Gandarillas, EN-CA trans.).
Other publications:
Gandarillas, M. (2022, July 15). “Corregir o no corregir? Vet aquí la qüestió” [To correct or not to correct: That is the question]. VilaWeb (online:; last checked: 1/4/2023).
Gandarillas, M. (2021, December 19). “Els territoris no són bilingües; les persones (de vegades) ho són” [Regions are not bilingual; individual speakers (sometimes) are]. VilaWeb (online:; last checked: 1/4/2022).
Gandarillas, M. (2021, July 21). “Que encara teniu català? ‘An bhfuil Gaedhilge agat?’” [Do you still have Catalan? ‘An bhfuil Gaedhilge agat?’]. Núvol. Diari digital de cultura en català (online:; last checked: 8/9/2021).
Gandarillas, M. (2020, December 2). “‘Al seti de la guineu, qui se n’alça ja no hi seu,’ o el valor pedagògic i lingüístic de les dites” [‘Al seti de la guineu, qui se n’alça ja no hi seu,’ or the pedagogic and linguistic value of idiomatic expressions]. El Cargol (online:
Gandarillas, M. (2020, September 12). “Quan el català es parlava als Estats Units d’Amèrica” [When Catalan was once spoken in the United States of America]. Núvol. Diari digital de cultura en català (online:; last checked: 8/9/2021).
Gandarillas, M. (2020, August 24). “Raons per a l’optimisme, dins i fora de l’aula” [Reasons for optimism, inside and outside the classroom setting]. El Cargol (online:
Gandarillas, M. (2020, July 23). “Tot repensant el model educatiu post-Covid” [Rethinking a post-pandemic educational model]. El Cargol (online:
Ph.D. Dissertation:
Gandarillas, M. (2022). Fading voices: An anthropological and sociolinguistic approach to the Majorcan Catalan of San Pedro, Argentina. University of Florida.
M.A. Thesis:
Gandarillas, M. (2011). L'especificitat de la llengua sarda en l'herència del lèxic llatí. Dipòsit Digital de la Universitat de Barcelona (online:
“‘My grandparents would speak the language between themselves, but not with their children:’ Documenting and revitalizing Catalan as a heritage language in Argentina.” 8th International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation (ICLDC 8), University of Hawai'i at M?noa, Honolulu, HI; March 2-5, 2023.
“'Mom got married not even knowing dad could speak a different language:' The case for San Pedro, Argentina, Catalan as an endangered language variety.” Hispanic Linguistics Symposium (HLS 2022), Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ; November 3-5, 2022.
“Latin lexical heritage in Sardinian: A comprehensive historical perspective.” 1st Spanish and Portuguese Academic Research Conference (SPARC), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, March 2020. [Accepted. Cancelled due to pandemic restrictions]
“Cross-generational variation in Barcelona Catalan laterals: A language contact and attitudinal perspective.” 10th International Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics (WSS10), Georgia Tech Leaning Center, Atlanta, GA; April 15-18, 2020. [Accepted. Cancelled due to pandemic restrictions]
“Intergenerational de-velarization of laterals in Barcelona Catalan: Methodological proposal and sociolinguistic implications.” Hispanic Linguistics Symposium (HLS 2019). El Paso, TX; October 22-26, 2019.
“Euskara, Eusko-Romance, or Euskañol? A diachronic approach to loanwords in Basque.” University of Alabama Languages Conference (UALC 2019), Tuscaloosa, AL; February 8-9, 2019.
[Last updated: 1/11/2022]
2018 – 2022 Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Hispanic Linguistics
University of Florida; Gainesville FL, US
Principal advisor: Dr. Jessi Elana Aaron
Committee: Dr. Jorge Valdés Kroff, Dr. Gillian Lord, Dr. George Aaron Broadwell
Dissertation: «Fading voices: An anthropological and sociolinguistic approach to the Majorcan Catalan of San Pedro, Argentina»
2009 – 2011 M.A. in Ancient Cultures and Languages
Universitat de Barcelona; Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Co-Advisors: Dr. Reina Bastardas i Rufat; Dr. Ignasi-Xavier Adiego i Lajara
Thesis: «L’especificitat de la llengua sarda en l’herència del lèxic llatí» [The specificity of the Sardinian language in its Latin lexical heritage]
2010 – 2014 B.A. in Linguistics, Universitat de Barcelona; Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
2005 – 2009 B.A. in Classics [summa-cum-laude graduation], Universitat de Barcelona; Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
2010 Certificat de nivell avançat de llengua francesa [Certificate of Proficiency in French], Escola Oficial d’Idiomes [Catalonia Government’s Official Language School]; Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
2010 Certificat de nivell avançat de llengua anglesa [Certificate of Proficiency in English], Escola Oficial d’Idiomes [Catalonia Government’s Official Language School]; Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
2009 Certificate of Teaching Competency, Institut de Ciències de l’Educació
[Institute for Educational Sciences], Universitat de Barcelona; Barcelona,
Catalonia, Spain
2009 Certificate of Proficiency in English, University of Cambridge (ESOL Examinations), UK
Certificato di Conoscenza della Lingua Italiana livello 3 (CELI 3), Istituto Italiano di Cultura; Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
2006 Certificat de nivell superior de català (C2) [Certificate of Proficiency in Catalan]. Secretaria de Política Lingüística, Generalitat de Catalunya [Catalonia Government]; Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
2004 Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française (DELF) [Certificate of French-language Studies], Alliance Française.