Fall 2024
- NORW 101 - Beginning Norwegian I
- NORW 350 - Norwegian Culture: "Vikings & Sagas"
- ENGL 100 - Humanities Seminar
Spring 2025
- NORW 102 - Beginning Norwegian II
- NORW 403 - Great Literary Works of Norway: "Henrik Ibsen"
2024 (forthcoming). "Developing Students’ Post-Pandemic Global Competencies through Sustainable Humanities." ADFL Bulletin, 48.1. Co-authored with Dr. Thyra Knapp and Dr. Rebecca Weaver-Hightower.
2023. Book Review. Einar Odd Mortensen Sr. with Gerd Kjustad Mortensen, The Fur Trader: From Oslo to Oxford House. Ingrid Urberg and Daniel Sims eds. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2022. Prairie History: The Journal of the West, vol. 10, pp. 55-56. https://www.mhs.mb.ca/docs/prairiehistory/10/index.shtml
2023. “Rehearsing the Fulbright: Teaching Grant Writing in a Humanities General Education Course.” Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study; Austin, Texas.
2022. “Healthier Humanities: Postpandemic Program Building.” Co-presented with Dr. Thyra Knapp and Dr. Rebecca Weaver-Hightower. Modern Language Association; Washington, D.C.
2020. “Vulnerability When Fecundity Fails: Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technologies in The Bridge.” Vulnerability in Scandinavian Art and Culture. Eds. Adriana Margareta Dancus, Mats Hyvönen, & Maria Karlsson. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 103-125. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-37382-5
2020. Intermediate Norwegian language online materials. Godt i gang. https://godtigang.com/
2019. “Reflections on Teaching the Convergence of Scandinavian Settlement and Native American Removal in the Upper Midwest.” Norwegian-American Studies, vol. 37, pp. 37-46.
2018. “Simmering with Rage: Kitchens and Intimate Partner Violence in Eva Sørhaug’s 90 Minutter.” Journal of Scandinavian Cinema. 8.3 (Fall): 175-192.
2018. “Faculty Navigating the Age of Austerity: Affirming Roles and Renewing Alliances.” North Dakota Quarterly. 85.1-4 (Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter): 163-180. With Ryan Zerr.
2016. “Caregiving Fathers. Fiction and Reality.” New Dimensions of Diversity in Nordic Culture and Society. Ed. Jenny Björklund and Ursula Lindqvist. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 247-262.
2016. Review of Karen V. Hansen’s Encounter on the Great Plains: Scandinavian Settlers and the Dispossession of Dakota Indians, 1890-1930. Scandinavian Studies 88.2: 203-208. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5406/scanstud.88.issue-2
2015. Skarstein, Karl Jakob. The War with the Sioux: Norwegians against Indians 1862-1863. Grand Forks: The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota. https://commons.und.edu/press-books/3/
2015. “Becoming American: A Brief Historiography of Norwegian and Native Interactions.” The War with the Sioux: Norwegians against Indians 1862-1863. Trans. Gjellstad and Skjelver. Grand Forks: The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota. xxi-xxvii. https://commons.und.edu/press-books/3/
2015. “Creating New Fairytales. Statoil, Snøhvit, and Petroleum Exploration in the Arctic.” Scandinavian-Canadian Studies 22: 66-77. http://scancan.net/article.htm?id=gjellstad_1_22
2015. Løveid, Cecilie. “Rye” and “The Piano Tuner”. Voices from the Prairie. ed. Kristi Rendahl and Danielle Skjelver. Rugby, ND: Village Arts Press.
2015. “Aligning Assessment: Developing Performance Tasks to Assess GE Outcomes.” HLC Collection of Papers 2015. The Higher Learning Commission Annual Conference; Chicago, IL. With Joan Hawthorne and Ryan Zerr. http://cop.hlcommission.org/Assessment/hawthorne2015.html
2010. “Picturing Family Histories: Torill Kove and Lene Ask” Scandinavian Studies 82 (4): 439-464. http://www.jstor.org/stable/i25769039
2008. “Food, Sex, and Masculinity in Kyrre Andreassen’s Svendsens catering” Tekster på tvers: Queer inspirerte lesninger. Festskrift til Pål Bjørby. eds. Christine Hamm, Jørgen Seierstad, and Lars Rune Waage. Trondheim: Tapir forlag. 224-241.
2008. Forsgren, Frida. San Francisco Beat Art in Norway. Oslo: Forlaget Press.
Ph.D. 2004. University of Washington; Seattle, WA
- Scandinavian Language and Literature
- Theory and Criticism Certificate Program; Comparative Literature
- Dissertation Mothering at Millennium’s End: Family in 1990s Norwegian Literature
M.A. 2000. University of Washington; Seattle, WA
- Scandinavian Language and Literature
B.A. 1998. Concordia College; Moorhead, MN
- Majors: Scandinavian Studies & Biology – Cum Laude