Internal Auditing
We provide routine internal audits of departments' major internal control areas.
We also provide special request assistance for any internal control concerns or questions that you may have, or concerns about possible improprieties that may exist in your department. Contact our office and we will handle them as soon as possible.
To support and contribute to the University's mission by providing an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve operations.
To act as an independent adviser to the President and to University departments by furnishing them with information, analyses, appraisals, and recommendations regarding the activities reviewed. Internal Auditing objectively reviews departments' internal control systems to ensure that:
- Assets are properly safeguarded
- Policies, procedures, and laws are complied with
- Operations are run effectively and efficiently
- Financial information is reliable
Internal Control Responsibility
We all contribute to the University's internal control system. Management is ultimately responsible for proper internal controls. This responsibility is delegated from the President to the Vice Presidents to the Deans to the Department Heads and to faculty and staff. Any weakness in this structure can create a weakness in our internal control system. If problems are noticed, employees should communicate their concerns to their supervisors. Internal Auditing should be contacted for any assistance desired.
- tanner.bjerke@UND.edu
- 701.777.2134
Twamley Hall
Grand Forks ND 58202-7111
Student Auditor Internships
Accounting students working as student auditors can receive internship credits. Contact Dee Ann Ellingson (deeann.ellingson@UND.edu) in the Accountancy Department.