Executive Orders & Directives
As policies evolve, UND is committed to understanding these changes.
New executive orders, memos, and agency guidance are being issued with the change in presidential and congressional leadership in Washington. Some of these actions may have an impact on our work and community at the University of North Dakota. You can find updates on these Executive Orders and Presidential Actions on the White House website.
The full impact of these actions is still unclear and will likely depend on how they are interpreted and implemented by federal agencies, and in some cases, the courts. While uncertainty about the future can be unsettling, making changes without clear information and guidance could cause further confusion. Advocating for our community and providing clear guidance on key issues impacting our university is our goal.
Let Us Know Your Concerns
To address these developments, UND has formed a working group to monitor new and evolving federal directives that may affect our campus community. The university will provide updates and resources on this page, including addressing frequently asked questions, and we encourage students, faculty, and staff to check back frequently for the latest information.
We want to assure you that UND remains committed to our mission of providing exceptional educational experiences that enrich the lives of North Dakotans and the global community through excellence in teaching, innovative research, and meaningful engagement.
While we may not be able to respond to individual inquiries at this point in time, we will post relevant updates for the broader community here. We value your concerns and questions and are actively working to find answers. If you have questions about federal orders, memos, or agency guidance that are not addressed in the Q&A below, please let us know.
Last updated March 6, 2025
UND continues to follow current state and federal laws in our role as a public institution of higher education. There is still much confusion as to how recent federal actions may impact life or operations at the University. Below are frequently asked questions by members of our campus, and our responses as of February 18, 2025. Please remember this is an evolving situation as federal agencies are still in the process of understanding how certain directives may be implemented. More guidance to your questions will be posted as it becomes available.
As state and federal laws or policies evolve, UND is committed to providing accurate and timely information. In the left-hand navigation of this page, you will find additional guidance on specific topics as they relate to our campus community.
No. We encourage researchers to move forward with your proposal preparation and submission. Please adhere to current federal program guidance for the funding program to which you are applying and reach out to Research & Sponsored Program Development at UND.RSPD@UND.edu with any questions regarding specific solicitations.
We do not yet know how and to what extent individual faculty careers and research trajectories may be disrupted by procedural or policy-driven changes at the federal level. Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic provide examples of how to ensure faculty success during rapid change and uncertainty. Possibilities include allowing for one-year tenure clock extensions.
Make sure your dean and department chair are aware of any disruptions to your research agenda caused by federal directives. You can also reach out to:
Randi Tanglen
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
NIH released guidance on Feb. 7 indicating their intention to cap indirect cost recovery on all awards to 15%. On Feb. 10 a federal judge granted a temporary restraining order directing the NIH to continue granting new awards and reimbursing current awards at their agreed upon, negotiated indirect cost rates. If a principal investigator (PI) receives correspondence directly from the agency or institution that sponsors their work or the officer who oversees the funding program, they should reach out to:
Lauren Pite
Grants & Contracts Accounting
Michael Sadler
Research & Sponsored Program Development
The university will continue to monitor this closely and work with any areas that might be impacted by such a change.
Some federal agencies are providing agency-wide guidance and / or guidance directly to individual researchers and institutions. Before incorporating new federal directives or changing policy into your work processes, researchers should attempt to contact their federal program officer.
If you have questions about whether any of these directives apply to your work, or you have received direction from your federal program officer to stop or change certain activities, reach out to:
Lauren Pite
Grants & Contracts Accounting
Michael Sadler
Research & Sponsored Program Development
If you receive a stop-work order, you should immediately contact:
Lauren Pite
Grants & Contracts Accounting
Michael Sadler
Research & Sponsored Program Development
In the absence of further guidance from the federal funding agencies involved, PIs should continue their work as planned, unless you have received specific guidance to the contrary from your federal program officer. In terms of planning for future contingencies, should changes be enacted broadly that would disrupt active research programs on campus, the University will work to provide clear guidance to PIs about next steps and possible avenues for support.
Each case will likely need to be evaluated separately, but we want the campus community to know that we will do what we can—within legal limits and subject to available resources—to make sure faculty can continue to be successful and pursue their research agendas.
There is no current change to student organizations or employee affinity groups.
UND embraces a culture that welcomes all members of our community and celebrates our different perspectives and experiences. The University is prepared to meet with students and employees to address specific needs and concerns. Students may reach out to their advisors to schedule these meetings, if needed.
The health and safety of our campus members is our priority. We need to support one another and take steps toward maintaining our health, both mentally and physically. Information on campus resources available for faculty, staff, and students can be found at SafeUND.
Additional support services available to students can be accessed both through informal peer support programs and through the University Counseling Center. Employees have access to additional support through the Employee Assistance Program.
No. If you have any concerns about this, please reach out to:
Peggy Varberg
Associate Vice President of Human Resources
Yes. There is no federal or state regulation or law prohibiting this. Fostering a sense of belonging is one of our core values and we continue to celebrate the unique ways that we all connect and contribute to the work at UND.
Yes. No current executive order or legislation prohibits this and UND does not have a policy regarding what is required to be included on your campus email signature, name badges, and business cards. However, Marketing & Communications does offer branding guidelines for faculty and staff email signatures, name badges, and business cards.
Accrediting bodies are closely monitoring federal executive orders and the potential impact they will have on accredited programs. There may be a delay in detailed guidance from accrediting bodies as it relates to the issuance of an executive order, official interpretation or guidance, or a court decision. For questions on accreditation please reach out to:
Shane Schellpfeffer
Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation
Policy & Legal
SBHE and UND policy protect academic freedom and free speech for students, faculty, and staff.
SBHE 401.1 states a “commitment to ensuring that the institutions of the NDUS shall foster a free and open academic community for faculty members, students, and all other NDUS employees who engage in scholarly work.”
- The SBHE and UND academic freedom policies are based in the American Association of University Professor’s 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom with 1970 Interpretive Comments
- SBHE 401.1
- SBHE 605.1
- UND Faculty Handbook, 1.VI
Related Policies
- UND Political Activities Policy
- UND Events, Demonstrations, Fixed Exhibits, and Short-Term Rentals policy
For UND Policy Questions please reach out to:
Jennifer Rogers
Director for Policy
For SBHE Policy and UND Faculty Handbook Questions please reach out to:
Heather Wages
Director for Policy & Administration
Yes. UND works closely with our representatives both at the federal and state level to advocate for the university and share the important work that our faculty and staff do to serve the people and communities across North Dakota.
Information on the current North Dakota legislative session, UND’s legislative priorities, and statewide initiatives can be found on our website. Please reach out to UND.officeofthepresident@UND.edu with questions about current North Dakota legislation and potential impacts to UND.
Yes. The university is gathering guidance from peer institutions, academic experts, and higher education advocacy groups such as the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU), the American Council on Education (ACE) and the Association of American Universities (AAU) which can provide additional resources to better understand policy changes.
As circumstances develop, UND will continue to assess potential impacts to our campus and provide guidance and next steps to students, staff and faculty as soon as possible.
No. Federal student financial assistance programs, such as grants and loans, have not been impacted by current executive orders or other federal actions.
We understand the status of student loans and grants is a great source of concern for students and their families. UND administrators continue to monitor the situation and will communicate any changes with students.
For questions, please reach out to:
One-Stop Student Services
International & Travel
If a United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Officer or any Federal Law Enforcement Officer comes to campus looking for someone, you should refer the officer(s) to the University Police Department (UPD) while assuring them you are not obstructing their work. The UPD will serve as the liaison with the relevant Federal Agency to assist them in their duties.
For questions, please reach out to:
Rodney Clark
AVP Public Safety and Chief of Police
UND’s immigration counsel has provided the following guidance:
- For permanent residents (green card holders), counsel is not concerned at this time (as long as the administration doesn't reinstitute travel bans or other policy changes).
- For people traveling on advance parole, counsel strongly advises against travel; people would be traveling at their own risk.
- For people with expired visas traveling pursuant to the automatic revalidation rule, it is recommended to use extreme caution.
- For people with a current and valid visa, in general there are likely no concerns, but it would be prudent to use caution.
No. UND requires all employees traveling internationally to register their UND-affiliated travel with the institution. Travel registration forms will be reviewed based on the US Department of State Advisories.
Study Abroad programs at UND are not currently impacted by federal regulations.
Students planning to participate in Study Abroad programs may be affected by the U.S. State Department's temporary pause on processing passport applications with an 'X' gender marker. This may impact those who have already applied and are awaiting issuance, as well as those intending to apply for a passport with an 'X' marker.
The Study Abroad Office is following NAFSA updates on the current administration and how it may affect study abroad.
International students and employees whose immigration and visa documents are sponsored by the university can contact the following offices.
UND International Center
Faculty and Staff
Heather Wages
Director for Policy & Administration VPAA
For those looking for an outside resource, the National Immigration Law Center is one of the leading advocacy organizations in the U.S. dedicated to advancing and defending the rights and opportunities of immigrants and their family members.
Campus Communications
- Letter from President Armacost on state legislative session, testimony and federal funding (Jan 28, 2025)
- Listening Session (Feb.10, 2025)
- School of Medicine & Health Sciences Town Hall (February 18, 2025)
Campus Working Group
Not knowing what the future holds can be unnerving, but making changes without solid information can create additional confusion and stress. UND has established a working group to serve as a locus for the study of new, emergent, and evolving directives from the federal government as they intersect with and potentially impact our campus community. This group includes representatives from:
- Office of General Counsel
- Division of Research & Economic Development
- Office of the Provost
- Office of Community & Belonging
- School of Medicine & Health Sciences
- Division of Finance & Operations
- Energy & Environmental Research Center
- Division of Student Affairs
- Office of the President
- Equal Opportunity & Title IX
- Division of Marketing & Communications
You can contact the working group with questions using the Q&A form, or by emailing UND.officeofthepresident@UND.edu.