Marketing Tools
Tell your story.
Use the My UND app, social media, student newsletter and more to market your events or services.
Please note:
- All events must be submitted to the UND calendar prior to using any other marketing tools.
Events that serve alcohol, are only open to 21+ and have alcohol as the main focus are not allowed in student promotions. To be included in student promotions, events that serve alcohol must be open to all ages and alcohol must not be the main focus of the activity (e.g. hockey game).
Current Student Communications
The UND events calendar is a dynamic listing of all public university events to help you promote your event.

Student Life Weekly (SLW) is an electronic newsletter emailed to current UND students every Monday during the academic year.
SLW Guidelines
- Submissions must be an event or service sponsored by a UND department and must pertain to a large portion of the student body.
- Anything date related (event or deadline) must first be submitted to the UND events calendar before being submitted to SLW.
- SLW submissions may be added automatically to Student Life Instagram as deemed appropriate by UND Marketing.
- Off-campus events will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- The maximum time a post can run in SLW is 2 weeks.
Submit an Event to SLW
Submit events, deadlines and opportunities to by providing:
- Title
- 2-3 sentence description
- Date
- Time
- Location
- Registration
- Link to website or events calendar
- RGB graphic sized 300 x 170 px
Submissions will be accepted no later than the Monday before SLW is emailed.
Student Life Instagram
Text, videos, photos and graphics can be submitted to:
Hayley Kuntz
UND Social Media Manager
Include all relevant information and UND Marketing will craft and schedule posts as availability allows.
Use #UNDproud on your social media posts for exposure on the UND homepage. Posts drop off the feed as new ones are accepted.
Class of Facebook Groups
Encourage students to join the Class of Facebook Groups to connect with classmates. UND Marketing does not schedule promotional posts in these groups. Content is driven by the group itself.
The University of North Dakota hosts this group as a service to the UND community and it is subject to Facebook’s terms of use. We will respond to complaints, and you are encouraged to report inappropriate content to UND and/or Facebook, but we do not actively monitor or moderate posts or discussions. We do not control or direct what people and others do or say, and we are not responsible for their actions or conduct (whether online or offline) or any content they share (including offensive, inappropriate, obscene, unlawful, and other objectionable content).
Texting Guidelines
- Text requests must be for an event or service sponsored by a UND department and must pertain to the majority or entirety of the student body.
- Only UND faculty and staff are able to request texting services from UND Marketing.
- All requests must first be submitted to the UND events calendar before requesting
text. - Off-campus events will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Requests will be accommodated as availability allows. Texts are up to the discretion of UND Marketing and are scheduled based on availability.
- Due to the SMS texting system requirements, texts must be, at maximum, 160 characters or less. A link counts towards the number of characters.
- Texts are restricted to how many can be sent out per week and per day. Based on
availability your text request may not be accepted if scheduling limits have been
To submit a texting request, email and provide:
- Title of text
- Exact wording of the text requested to be sent out (within 160 character limit)
- Date of when text is requested to be sent out
Promote your event with digital signs that are displayed in high traffic areas around campus.
The My UND app offers content to current students and guests. The app is managed by University Information Technology.
Student Opt-In Channels
Opt-In channels allow app users to opt-in to a specific channel and receive messages that pertain to the selected topic. To opt-into channels, visit your My UND message inbox, select Opt-in Channels and subscribe to channels.
University Communication Channels
UND produces communication channels to amplify your story.
- UND Today: UND's official news source is managed by the UND Today editorial team.
- U-Letter: UND's faculty and staff newsletter is emailed weekly.
- News Releases: UND news is archived. Distribution lists are managed by Marketing & Communications.