Constitution of the Staff Senate
Article I - Name
The name of the organization shall be Staff Senate of the University of North Dakota.
Article II - Authority, Objectives & Purposes and Status
A. Authority
The Staff Senate was established with the encouragement and approval of the President of the University of North Dakota on March 31, 1998.
B. Objectives & Purposes
The Staff Senate of the University of North Dakota shall be the representative body of staff to serve the following objectives and purposes:
- To foster a spirit of unity, pride and cooperation by being recognized equally with University Senate and Student Senate as participants in advising University administration.
- To serve as an active communication link for meaningful information exchange between staff and administration relative to issues of mutual concern.
- To provide open meetings to express, propose, represent, investigate and debate issues. The Staff Senate, acting as an official and responsible voice in University affairs, will recommend action on issues which receive majority approval of the senators.
- To advise the President with regard to working conditions and employment practices, including recognition, compensation, and other pertinent issues.
- To promote awareness of opportunities and encourage involvement in the activities and operation of the University.
C. Advisory Status
In fulfilling its stated objectives and purposes, the Senate shall be advisory to the President.
Article III - Membership
The Senate shall consist of approximately 3% of the staff, up to 50 senators elected in accordance with the Bylaws of the Senate.
Article IV - Officers
The officers of the Senate shall be the president, & immediate past president, vice president/president elect, secretary, treasurer, membership officer, historian, and three (3) members at-large.
Article V - Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the Officers of the Senate and the Chairs of the Legislative; Constitution, Bylaws and Elections; Public Relations; Staff and Professional Development; Staff Recognition; Fundraising and Community Relations Committees.
Article VI - Bylaws
The Senate may adopt or amend Bylaws as required for the accomplishment of its purposes.
Article VII - Amendments to the Constitution
A. Proposals for amending the Constitution may be initiated by:
- The President of the University of North Dakota; or
- the voting members of the Executive Committee; or
- of voting members of the Senate; or
- Petition signed by 50 full-time, benefitted staff; or
- The Constitution,Bylaws, and Elections Committee.
B. Proposals for amending the Constitution made by A.1-4 must be made in writing and given to the Constitution, Bylaws and Elections Committee for formatting and presentation to the Senate for consideration of a first reading with a vote to follow at the next meeting. The Constitution, Bylaws, and Elections Committee can recommend changes and must bring to the full Staff Senate for a vote.
C. Amendments shall be approved by a 75% vote of the full Staff Senate and concurrence by the President of the University of North Dakota.