Suggestion Box
Have a comment or question that Staff Senate can answer? Previous suggestions and responses can be found at the bottom of the page.
Questions by Date
Question from December 23, 2024
Question. Recent legislation at the ND state level prevented the observance of Juneteenth as day when the University closes. In reviewing NDCC 1.03.18, it states Juneteenth is now recognized as a holiday. NDUS HR Policy 19.2 does not list all the holidays recognized following section 1.03. What is the process for state institutions to have this holiday included? That is to say - how does NDCC inform NDUS HR policy, and therefore, UND policy on holiday observance?
Response from Peggy Varberg, AVP for Human Resources
Thank you for the great question regarding Juneteenth.
If you review NDCC 1-03, you will see several days noted, specifically regarding 1-03-06 through 1-03-20, that are officially a day to be recognized for something. For instance, NDCC 1-03-20 is recognized as ‘Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder awareness day” and NDCC 1-03-06 is in recognition of Mother’s Day , however, these are not state holidays for state employees or offices and business is open as usual. This is true for NDCC 1-03-18, Juneteenth. This is a day to be recognized, but is not an official holiday where state offices, which includes NDUS, are closed.
In the last Legislative session, they voted down this day as a paid holiday for state employees, in addition to two other days, one being the day after Thanksgiving and the other First Nations Day, in October. Only the Legislature can grant a paid holiday for all state employees on a continuous basis. The Governor (or US President) can proclaim a day as a holiday outside of the normal legislative process but those are generally for a single day, one off, and not on a continuous basis.
Question from December 10th, 2024
My suggestion is a shuttle stop marker for the armory, please. 12:40 pm, 12/10/24 - red route shuttle driver tells me there's no armory stop. As of 12:47, the armory is still listed as a valid stop on the posted schedule (as it should be! parking is terrible and we should use shuttles when we can)
Response from Kristi Slominski - Paratransit Supervisor, City of Grand Forks
I apologize for this error again. It was a new driver on this route, but it does not excuse that they do not know the stops on their routes. We are having a driver meeting next week and this will be discussed with all of the drivers about knowing all the correct stops on their routes. The suggestion of a marker is a great idea, but there are only a couple stops (like Memorial Union) that have signs for bus stop locations. This is up to UND as to if/where to place them. We will make sure the drivers are picking up at the correct spots.
Question from September 26, 2024
“How are people selected to be on the Wake Up to UND guest list? It seems always the same people get to go and others never get to go. It would be nice to get an invite sometime.”
Answer from Monica Evavold (Events and Projects Coordinator) and Brooke Conlin (Director of Ceremonies and University Events)
“Although Wake Up to UND is on UND’s campus and the President is the host, technically, it is a Chamber event and one of their annual fundraisers. The Chamber sends out email invites. To see how you can be added or notified, reach out to Kim Strom ( who works with UND for this event. Anyone can reach out to the Chamber to purchase a ticket.”
Questions from August 23, 2024
“There has been so much talk about Parking lately, but no one has seemed to address these two glaring issues that I’m hoping someone in the upper admin can address.
Number 1: Many of the “privileged” can afford to pay for Reserved spots without blinking an eye. But what it’s really doing is creating a rift between the “haves” and the “have nots.” It makes UND look like money grubbers that cater to the elite. So, the lowly staff who work every day, all day, are the ones who once again end up at the bottom. While I’m on the topic, why does “Reserved” automatically translate to “The Best” spots? The closest to the buildings? Lastly, is there a cap on Reserved parking because every day, there are more and more A/S spots taken up by these ridiculous reserved spots that are used 2 days a week?
Number 2: So there is now a shuttle from Jimmy Johns to the Memorial Union that goes in a loop during working hours. However, there are many of us who work on the west side of campus (Gorecki, Wilkerson, Gamble), so why can’t this shuttle accommodate those of us who work 4-5 blocks from the union? I might consider using it then.
These issues have left me feeling bad about working here. Those who are allowed to work remotely won’t ever have to worry about such things.”
Answer from Karla Mongeon-Stewart, Vice President for Finance and Operations/COO
Answering Number 1: “Thank you for the feedback. The reserved spots decision was made with the best of intentions. Faculty voiced significant concerns about being able to find parking after 8:00 am. This was an option that we implemented based on that feedback. This interim solution was never intended to create a culture of have and have nots, and I apologize if that is how this effort was received. We will be reassessing reserved parking in general based on this feedback and the recommendations of the Parking consultant who will be presenting their findings and recommendations for FY 26 and beyond to Executive Council on September 12, 2024. We will be sharing that information with the Parking Committee and the Campus Community at large as soon as recommendations are reviewed and it is determined what UND will implement, etc.
Hopefully, everyone received the email that I sent out on Friday, August 30, 2024 on the Staff and Faculty listserv. Parking Services will be working with me to reassess all lots and add back some A only parking in lots that were converted to A/S. Please be patient as we work on converting these spaces the week of September 2nd, for implementation by Monday, September 9, 2024.”
Answering Number 2: “That is a great suggestion. If there is significant use of this lot, we will make changes to the routing and the number of shuttles to better accommodate our faculty, staff and students. Usage during the first week of school was very limited so we will continue to monitor that lot and make adjustments as needed.”
Question from August 29, 2024
“If the armory isn't actually a stop, could the maps/timetables be updated accordingly? I checked the posted resource before riding, signaled a stop, and the driver kept going, said it wasn't actually a stop.”
Answer from Kristi Slominski, Paratransit Supervisor, Cities Area Transit:
“This has been addressed with the bus driver on this route. The armory is a stop and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused the rider. The maps on the website are correct and again we are sorry this happened.”
Question from August 23, 2024
“Is it just me or do the red llillesin front of the Memorial Union smell like rotten flesh? Is this the right thing we want for the public to experience when they walk onto campus?”
Response from Karla Mongeon-Stewart, Vice President for Finance and Operations/COO:
“The City planted ‘Prairie Dropseed’ grass along University Ave and it has a strong scent, however it’s been described as that of buttered popcorn, coriander, licorice, sunflower seeds, or soap. Others have described the scent as vaguely reminiscent of chemicals or hot wax. What we’ve found is peoples’ sensory perceptions of how different flowers smell can vary widely. What smells great to one, may offend another.”
Question from August 27, 2024
“Volunteering was highlighted at the beginning of the recent State of the Union. Are staff permitted to use paid time for volunteer work? If not, could the Senate suggest implementing a policy where staff can accrue community service paid leave to use for eligible non-profit organizations? At least some other colleges and universities have a policy similar to this.”
Response from Peggy Varberg Associate Vice President – Human Resources
“Great question!
Staff can absolutely use their annual leave to volunteer for service organizations. All a person needs to do is request the time off ahead of time, according to the Annual Leave policy and following their department request procedures. A person does not need to provide a reason for their annual leave to their supervisor, just the dates they would like to use their annual leave.”
Question from August 2, 2024
“When we receive emails about conserving energy on-campus, why is remote work not listed as an option? UND should encourage employees who can to work remote when there are concerns about energy consumption on campus after confirming that the employees have turned off the AC in their office and unplugged electronics, as appropriate.”
Response from Michael Nord, Assistant Director of Energy and Sustainability
“In many of our general energy awareness communications we try to make a conscious effort to reference home, work and etc. Although when a control period is declared that is targeting specifically the UND campus where we operate the electrical grid and must comply with the controlling authority. If a person wants to work remotely during a control period that would be something they would have to discuss with their supervisor(s).”
Question from July 10, 2024
Why does the planned parking shuttle for the upcoming year end at 4:00pm when core business hours go until 4:30? Alternative Parking Map
Response from Parking:
We would have the last run between 445-5pm. It is now updated to the correct time. I also added a note in there with the image of the map.
Question from June 6, 2024
Hello, these questions are for Parking.
With all of the lots switching from A to A/S, will there be any lots left specifically for A parking next year? Since students can now park where all of the A zones used to be, will we still be charged more for parking than students? If so, what is the justification?
Thank you.
Response from Jennifer Duffy, Director of Auxiliary Services:
The lots converting from “A” to “A/S” include the Gustafson, Burtness and Hyslop lots. The South Campus lot will remain an “A” lot. The price of parking permits is not changing at this time.
Question from May 24, 2024
“Hello! Just a question for our landscaper/crew. Are there thoughts or a plan on bringing some biodiversity to our lawns, or specific areas of lawns? Such as white Dutch clover? Or replacing some grass with more native plants & flowers in some areas? Thank you for all that you do, our campus is beautiful!”
Response from Mark Johnson, Interim Associate Vice President for Facilities
“In general terms, the work that we do planting flowers, trees, and bushes does provide biodiversity already. There are likely specific areas where species like the white Dutch clover could be incorporated. It would not be a candidate for the general open space on the campus. We mow to a height of 2 ½-3 inches throughout. With a height of 4-8 inches tall this species would not fit in general. In addition, we have a maintenance plan for the grass that has weed prevention that may conflict with this. The plan also includes fertilization but that would probably benefit the growth. There are several storm water retention ponds on campus that have native plant species within them. There is a large storm water retention pond that is going to be constructed on the east side of the Fritz Pollard Performance Center that we’ve recommended have True Native Short Mix as the area will not be maintained at the level that the rest of the general area is.”
In regards to replacing grass with more native plants: “Some of the specifics for the first question would apply here. As you mentioned it may be a possibility in certain areas. The Soaring Eagle Prairie located in the center of the academic core directly south of the Chester Fritz Library is a great example of a specific area. We have a horticulturalist on our landscape team that would be able to plan out these areas if the idea was approved. Any new large construction project, such as the remodel of MMerrifieldHall have the plant species to be planted incorporated into the design element at the beginning stages of planning. UND does review all of those plans so if anything of this nature were to move forward, staff in the Planning, Design, and Construction department of Facilities Management would be made aware. UND Marketing has an interest in plant variety for the campus, especially in high visibility campus core areas, so we would include them as well.”
Question from May 22nd, 2024
“I realize there maybe a better place to direct this question, but here goes anyway. Has Burgers on The Boulevard went away? If so, that makes our department very sad. Please, let us have that fun, deliciousness back.”
Response from Orlynn Rosaasen Director of Dining Services
“Dining is planning to offer burgers on the boulevard starting the first full week in June, weather permitting. The format will be slightly different this year. Orders can be placed on the 1883 Grille self-order kiosks or through the 1883 Grille section on the Grub Hub app. Guests will pick up their sides and beverage from 1883 Grille and take their receipt outside for the grilled options. Receipts will be provided when picking up the side and beverages.”
Question from January 17th, 2024:
“Any updates on the Huron Consulting progress?”
Response from Peggy Varberg Associate Vice President, Human Resources & Payroll Services
“Huron has completed their data work for UND and has made draft recommendations. The Executive Steering Committee-the President, Vice President for Finance and Operations, Provost, Associate Vice President for Human Resources, Assistant Vice President for Equal Opportunity & Title IIX UND's Compensation Manager and General Counsel, are reviewing the information and working towards a new, presidentially approved, compensation philosophy to share with the campus. It is anticipated that a new compensation review approach and new professional development and job laddering program for staff, in addition to the results of the equity study will be shared soon with discussions being held with area leaders and the UND Community at large in the coming month. As there are several pieces to the new plan to develop, implementation of the full plan will take 3-5 years. Progress will be continuously shared with the UND campus community.”
Question from November 8th, 2023
“I am proposing the parking ramp get mirrors mounted on every level so students and non-students can see around corners when driving in the parking garage. Nearly every time I use the parking ramp I am almost hit my another driver because of awful visibility. I would also like to suggest some sort of speed monitoring. With the 5mph posted speed limit I often see people doing at least 20mph throughout the entire ramp.”
Response from Mike Pieper Associate Vice President for Facilities
“We are in the process of performing an analysis of the parking ramp in conjunction with the parking services consultant work that is ongoing and will be completed this spring. I will add this into that ongoing conversation / analysis by the consultant. In addition, I will review it now with parking/facility staff to improve safety within the ramp based on our findings.”
Question from October 27th, 2023
"Hello Staff Senate. I am a long distance, fully online, senior civil engineering student, and I implore the board to consider providing all students with more free (or at a discounted rate) software that we can download on our home computers. For example, a lot of professors want homework submissions in .ppdfbut the University does not offer any Abode software for at-home use. Thank you for your consideration and time exploring more options for students."
Response From Madhavi Marasinghe CIO
"The following is a knowledgebasearticle on UITresources for UND students.
Regarding PDFs anyone can print to PDF without needing a paid license using Acrobat free version.
Following is a web site that will allow editing as well. This is not a product that UUITsupports though.
If the student has questions regarding these software, do ask the student to submit a hhelpdeskticket so we can do our best to help."
Question from October 26th, 2023
"While the plants and flowers in the center median of the University are beautiful and well kept, they do pose a bit of a challenge and safety risk seeing people in the crosswalks on the opposite side of the road, especially in late fall when the plants reach their biggest/tallest and it starts to get dark in the mornings. Is there any way this could be considered when choosing the plants next season?"
Response from Mike Pieper Associate VP of Facilities
"Yes. UND's horticulturalist is working on new plant selections / layout plan to improve the site lines in some of the challenging areas. The new plan will be put in place next spring."
Question from October 18th, 2023
"How is it that UND is open on the day after Thanksgiving? There are no classes and literally no students on campus. Resources and time are wasted by people having to sit around doing nothing all day, when the President has the authority to close campus. Closing campus this day would go a long way to improving morale."
Response from Andrew Armacost President
"Thank you for bringing this up to me. I had the same question when I first arrived to UND. It seems like the perfect time for an extra day off to spend with family. I do ask the question of NDUS leadership each year, and I still do not have the authority to make that decision. There are certain circumstances that permit me to close the campus (like weather), but offering a vacation day is not one of them. By the way, this applies to all state employees, not only those at the universities and colleges.
Please speak with your supervisor about what you can do on that day to be more productive even though students aren't around. I've always found those days good to get ahead on required training or other work that requires focus and uninterrupted time.
The other choice is to take annual leave on that day and enjoy a four-day break with family and friends."
Question from September 29th, 2023
“For the A/S parking lot that is along University just to the north of the Gershman is it possible to remove a portion of the black barrier so that lot can be accessed from the sidewalk? Or perhaps a sidewalk is installed from Oxford over? Additionally, that lot does not have any lighting and it's really dark at night. Are there plans to improve or expand this lot?”
Response from Mike Pieper Associate VP of Facilities
“This lot was originally designed to serve the residence halls that once occupied that block. Now that the residence halls have been removed UND's Landscape and Grounds department will be installing a temporary sidewalk this fall from the parking lot to the sidewalk on Oxford Street close to University Avenue. In addition, the lot is served by a sidewalk further to the north that connects to Oxford Street. The lot will be cleaned and restriped after the demolition has been completed and the truck traffic is gone.
Conversations are ongoing in terms of how that block will be used long-term, and it is our hope to resolve those plans over the winter. If the existing parking lot remains long-term it will be improved. The current plans are to expand parking in this area of campus by expanding the parking lot around Burtness Theatre/ across from Merrifield when Gamble Hall and the JFS residence halls are removed.”
Question from September 21, 2023
I am wondering if the barricades on the bottom N end of the parking ramp can be removed so the main floor Pay as you go is accessible from the main entrance of the Ramp on 2nd? If the barricades can't be removed, can it strongly be considered to navigate a solution on what can be done to remove them? Scenario. Parking in Columbia Parking lot is now incredibly difficult to find a spot due to the East of Columbia Road parking lot going offline. The next option would be to use Pay as you Go parking in the Parking Ramp, however, the only way to get into the lower section of Pay as you Go in the ramp is on the North End of the ramp, through the Memorial Union loop -- which can only be accessed going East on University toward the ramp. This is almost impossible to get to coming from the Columbia Parking lot. The easiest way from this direction is to go South on Columbia and enter the ramp on 2nd. It is incredibly frustrating not to find parking already, and it adds frustration when something like this is not as accessible as it could be-- especially when our option is to pay by the hour for parking on top of our permit pricing. The 4th floor pay as you go is not a reasonable solution, when you know there are open spaces on the main floor.
Response from Mike Pieper Associate Vice President of Facilities
The barricades were originally placed there to discourage cars from existing out the northwest corner and Union parking (if they pull in the driveway/front loop). UND has hired KimleyHorn, a national parking consultant with a lot of ramp design/operation experience, I will ask them to review the situation and give the Parking Committee a recommendation for moving forward.
Question from July 10, 2023
What is going on with all the streets being closed off without any notice and having to dodge signs to get out of a parking lot?
Response from Mike Pieper Associate Vice President of Facilities
This has been a little different summer with Xcel replacing several of their gas lines on campus, they are not a UND contractor simply replacing some of their older underground infrastructure. We have been working with Xcel the best we can, and when we are aware of sidewalk and roadway disruptions, we get notices out ASAP. We have had a few last second notices that we had to get out, we are working to reduce those inconveniences. UND plans and communicates its closures in-house with our contractors, and actively updates its construction blog along with other campus communications. For the most part this has worked very well over the last few summers, but we still get hit every now and then with an unplanned emergency outage that might be cause for an emergency repair and corresponding closures.
Question from May 4, 2023 (Posted June 29th)
Merit is so subjective and unfair. Why do some qualify - there are supervisors who think their employees are the best and some of us have supervisors who would NEVER give anyone a merit raise because they won't get a merit raise themselves We have all put in the time throughout all of this. So could there at least be some transparency as to WHY those who got merit pay deserved it?
Response from Peggy Varberg Associate Vice President, Human Resources & Payroll Services
Thank you for the question regarding distribution of "merit" increases.
Merit is based on the annual evaluation of how well the employee did with regard to those duties assigned to them. Each area only has so much money in the merit pool. Generally, in most areas there is some level of review or team approach at looking at that performance of the team as a whole. The narrative the employee and supervisor provide in the evaluation document is used to guide level of work, above expectation work, additional duties, etc. that might have been displayed by each the individual. This year at UND, in almost all areas, each eligible employee received a minimum of a 4% increase for Merit/Market. To thank individuals for their great work and with a bit of a nod to inflation, the President made the decision to require the 4% percent minimum for each eligible employee. From there, department and/or divisional leaders made further decisions based on merit or market where needed to provide additional increases. Merit pay is based on performance only. As noted earlier, the annual evaluation, developed by both the employee and supervisor, is the guide. Each evaluation has a skip level reviewer to ensure it is a balanced evaluation. Bottom line is, the only way an employee does not get a merit increase is if they are on probation or did not meet expectations in an area of their performance review.
Question from June 26, 2023
As a spinoff question from the Huron Consulting question, what is the salary survey that AVP Varberg referred to?
Response from Peggy Varberg Associate Vice President, Human Resources & Payroll Services
In December/January of each year, UND HR/Compensation provides our annual salary data to 6 different companies such as CUPA (College University Personnel Association), Bureau of Labor Statistics, State of ND, various athletics conferences, EEduComp etc. Each entity gathers data and then provides market data back to each entity, by job (job code), to those who participates and purchases the data. We then use that data to determine the appropriate market ranges (salary ranges) for the next year.
Question from June 19, 2023
Can we get an update on the Huron Consulting firm progress?
Response from Peggy Varberg Associate Vice President, Human Resources & Payroll Services
We have signed the contract with Huron for our pay study. We are currently managing end of year processes for salary budget for FY 2024 and will compete our salary survey work and then we will begin with Huron. Once we begin the work with them, which I expect to be no later than the end of July or early August, it will take about 17 weeks for them to complete their process.
Question from June 19, 2023
Juneteenthshould be recognized as an official holiday.
Response from Peggy VVarberg Associate Vice President, Human Resources & Payroll Services
Thank you for the suggestion box submission.
If you have not had a chance to view President Armacost's recent video address to the campus, please take a moment to do so as he highlights Juneteenth UND supports the celebration of this new federal holiday. However, only the legislature can enact approved holidays for state employees, and they did not approve that legislation in the recent open session. Therefore, UND/NDUSand ND State Government are not allowed to add an official holiday without the approval of the ND State Legislature.
Question from May 5, 2023 (Posted June 14th, 2023)
Where is the EAP code listed? It is a bit frustrating when you want to access the program and you are blocked for not having the code. It also feels intrusive to have to ask for it.
Response from Peggy Varberg AVP HR & Payroll Services
Thank you for the questions regarding the EAPpassword. The password is Village EAP We will be making sure that it is located on our webpage.
Question from March 10, 2023 (Posted June 14th, 2023)
Hello - given the emphasis on campus of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, I was surprised to see Staff Senate hosting a ham bingo this spring. Individuals who practice Islam are not able to consume pork products, so this event feels exclusionary of that population. While I do not personally identify with this faith, I wanted to provide feedback to ensure future events can be inclusive of our diverse faculty and staff on campus. Thank you!
Response from Jordan Eberhardt Staff Senate Engagement Committee Co-Chair
We have gift cards available for people that might win and don't want ham. I will add something to that effect on the UND calendar event and I'll add it to the fflyer
Question from May 26, 2023
Any news on free shredding day for 2023? thanks!
Response from Chris Carper, Records Manager
Free Shred Day will take place on Tuesday, August 15th, 2023 from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM. The shredding truck will be located in the Chester Fritz Auditorium parking lot. During this event, the UND community is invited to bring their personal records for secure destruction.
Question from March 8, 2023
Whatever happened with those food delivery robots from dining services? i'maware they were doing testing, when will they launch for ordering?
Response from Director of Dining Services, Orlynn Rosaasen
The delivery robots are still in the works. We are working through the contract pieces with Grub Hub and the build out of the parking/charging area for them. Once this work is completed, the robots will be on campus
Question from March 1, 2023
Any chance a pedestrian light can be installed for the crosswalk between Wilkerson & the CFA It's really difficult to see pedestrians at this location. Something similar to the one that's between Aerospace & Loaf 'n Jug.
Response from Associate Vice President for Facilities, Mike Pieper
The determination of enhanced crosswalks (lighted) is made by the City. A traffic engineer would evaluate the traffic count and pedestrian count at that crossing. I will reach out to the City and ask them to evaluate the crossing.
Question from February 23, 2023
It is my understanding that there is a shuttle that help disabled students get to class but no similar service for staff and faculty. How can we better support our disabled colleagues in getting around campus?
Response from Peggy Varberg AVP HR & Payroll Services
There is a shuttle for staff or faculty who have gone through the Americans’ With Disability (AADA accommodation request process. If an employee feels that they have a need, they should reach out to the following link and begin the process Employee ADA Accommodation Request
Question from February 14, 2023
I am curious if there are plans to continue placing barriers in the middle of University to prevent pedestrians from walking across, specifically jaywalking where they shouldn't be? This has been a huge safety concern on the other side of Columbia, where members of the sororities and fraternities frequently jaywalk, sometimes entitled jaywalking, forcing cars to slam on their brakes. There is someone trying to cross there almost every time I drive there. Is there a plan to guide them safer across and also to block them from crossing so close to the lights?
Response from Mike Pieper Associate Vice President for Facilities
The City of Grand Forks is planning to reconstruct University Ave. from Columbia Rd. on the west to 25th St. on the east within the next three summers. The project will rebuild storm water infrastructure under the street, and finish with rebuilding the street surface. The City will study traffic and pedestrian movement on this stretch of University Ave. The City will use this data to analyze parking on the street, medians (“barriers”), street crossings (lighted or unlighted), and bicycle traffic. UND will provide input to the City, along with a request to upgrade street lighting and pedestrian lighting like what was installed on University Ave. further west.
Question from FEBRUARY 14, 2023
When do the December and January notes get posted?
We did not have any Staff Senate activities in December due to the inclement weather closure, therefore we had nothing to post. January minutes were approved at the February meeting and will be posted soon. Thank you for reaching out!
Question from FEBRUARY 9, 2023
Any updates? This was last updated in December!
We did not have any Staff Senate activities in December due to the inclement weather closure, therefore we had nothing to post. January minutes were approved at the February meeting and will be posted soon. Thank you for reaching out!
Question from November 14, 2022 (Response 12/16)
Winter is here and it would be nice if there could be a couple of pathways carved out of the snow banks for folks who have to park behind Christus Rex and Archives.
Response from Tom Eastman, Landscape Operations Coordinator
We cut paths sort of straight back from the north face of the building last year. We can sure do that again. Please let me know if that addresses all concerns.
Question from December 5, 2022 (Response 12/16)
Where are the October and November minutes? Is Staff Senate doing a winter clothing drive this year?
Response from Paula Cox, Staff Senate President
Here are our meeting minutes.
The Staff Senate does our Tubs of Love for a different charity each year. This year it will be for United Way. This will be starting around the 19th of December look for information to come in the next week or so.
Question from December 12, 2022 (Response 12/16)
Has the Staff Happens Newsletter gone away since the last posting was 2020. Perhaps a message could be put on the website to indicate this?
Response from Paula Cox, Staff Senate President
We have new committee members that are working on getting this Newsletter back up
and running. Should see something in the near future.
Question from November 28, 2022 (Response 12/16)
Response to the jeans comment by Peggy on 10/19 --- what's the "incentive" for having Jeans Give Back then?
Response from Paula Cox, Staff Senate President
When supporting Jeans Give Back, you are supporting a different non-profit charity each month. Every dollar raised helps these charities to support the people in our community. Even though you may be able to wear jeans in your department on a daily basis, it is still a great idea to support some of these local charities helping support our local community.
Question from October 17, 2022 (Response 10/19)
Are jeans okay to wear everyday? I have seen many individuals wearing jeans, not just on Friday, especially from HR.
Response from Peggy Varberg Associate Vice President of Human Resources and Payroll Services
There no official university dress code. Each department head makes that decision for their areas of responsibility. There are many areas of the university who allow jeans to be worn everyday.
Question from October 14, 2022 (Response 10/19)
When is the parking lot by Carnegie getting released to non-construction/paid A-zone users? To echo other users, it is getting challenging to find a place to actually park and utilize our expensive parking passes, and at any time now, snow is going to make the whole situation worse.
Response from Mike Pieper Associate Vice President for Facilities
The Carnegie lot is an "A" permit lot. We are looking to get it cleaned up for this weekend and turned back over for UND parking.
Question from July 13, 2022 (Response 9/27)
Follow up questions to Mike Pieper While reducing your complaints is great for parking services, how do you conclude that employees should have to pay a higher rate right now for spots that have now been given to students at a much lower rate? If the rates cannot be changed until the committee meets, why have the lots been changed before this? How do you conclude that this will help with employee morale? Will the A lots around Twamleybe changed to A/S as well? Employees are already charged for merely coming to work, and now they have to fight for a spot should they leave for any reason during the day. This move, while great for parking services work load and complaints, has made more problems for UND employees that will affect an employee's ability to return to the office efficiently and they are paying a higher rate for this. The entire point of having an A designation was to avoid exactly this issue. The reason people were getting cited for parking in the wrong row, was because there was not adequate parking in the S lot, so the student parked in the A spot and was cited for doing this and then they complained. It seems that the solution is merely robbing Peter to pay Paul. How does administration justify/conclude that these changes are helping UND employees? How will UND administration allow employees to address issues that arise from this? What recourse will an employee have should their supervisor discipline them for returning late for not being able to find a parking space?
Response from Associate VP of Facilities, Mike Pieper
While reducing your complaints is great for parking services, how do you conclude
that employees should have to pay a higher rate right now for spots that have now
been given to students at a much lower rate?
We are monitoring the utilization of lots and have only adjusted the lots that have
lower utilization and capacity to handle the changes.
If the rates cannot be changed until the committee meets
(the committee is an advisory committee, universally all University rates are reviewed
and established by management annually), why have the lots been changed before this?
Parking Services makes annual adjustments to the lots based on use, use changes from
year to year based on enrollment, more online course work and more remote working.
How do you conclude that this will help with employee morale?
UND has a long-standing history of utilizing a hunting permit system. Hunting permit
systems only allow use of parking lots with no assurance of parking availability.
This is an issue the committee will discuss, if morale is based on having a more “assigned”
system the committee will review.
Will the A lots around Twamleybe changed to A/S as well?
As stated above, Parking Services will monitor all lots and make adjustments as needed.
The Twamley Armory-NDMOA lot has ADA reserved and pay-by-phone spaces.
Employees are already charged for merely coming to work, and now they have to fight
for a spot should they leave for any reason during the day. This move, while great
for parking services work load and complaints, has made more problems for UND employees
that will affect an employee's ability to return to the office efficiently and they
are paying a higher rate for this. The entire point of having an A designation was
to avoid exactly this issue. The reason people were getting cited for parking in the
wrong row, was because there was not adequate parking in the S lot, so the student
parked in the A spot and was cited for doing this and then they complained. It seems
that the solution is merely robbing Peter to pay Paul. How does administration justify/conclude
that these changes are helping UND employees? How will UND administration allow employees
to address issues that arise from this?
Work with your senate and provide feedback through their parking committee membership.
What recourse will an employee have should their supervisor discipline them for returning
late for not being able to find a parking space?
The employee should reach out to their HR representative and voice their concerns
with this issue if it would occurs.
Question from September 14, 2022 (Response 9/27)
Can someone from upper administration please justify why staff and faculty have to pay more than students for parking in the A/S lots? It's bad enough that we have to actually pay to work here, but now we have to fight for parking with students who pay less? Why does upper administration constantly chip away at what little perks staff have left at UND?
Response from Vice President for Finance and Operations/COO, Karla Mongeon Stewart
Thank you for the question. In discussions with student leaders with Parking representatives, there was a desire by student leadership to improve parking opportunities on-campus as well as a reduction of parking violations for students due to parking in the correct lot, but not in the correct row as many lots contained A and S permitted parking. Parking made the decision to do a trial in a few A and S lots that were historically underutilized lots and rebranded them as AS lots for students and employees to see if this would permit the closure of less desirable lots long term. This trial, as well as many other aspects of parking will be considered for review as our Parking Committee is reconstituted this fall and meetings are scheduled.
Question from June 16, 2022 (Response 8/25)
I am wondering if there will be wayfinding in the 3 elevators surrounding the Columbia Road skywalk? Specifically indicating which button to push for the skywalk, which button brings you to the Swanson/Memorial Union tunnel, which one brings you to the pay station, etc. I can see the lack of way findingin this area to be super frustrating to students, new students, and to visitors, so enhancing the wayfinding will provide better customer service to all.
Response from Associate VP for Facilities, Mike Pieper
Yes. Currently PDC is working on the E-Sports remodeling project in the basement of Swanson Hall and the tunnel connection to the parking ramp. As part of this project PDC is also reviewing the wayfinding signage in the stair/elevator towers (skyway) and exterior signage in this area.
Question from July 23, 2022 (Response 8/25)
Does UND have any plans to start planting more native plants/grasses instead of Kentucky bluegrass? It's better for the environment, looks better, and it would be less maintenance. I love the soaring eagle prairie garden and hope to see it expand.
Response from Associate VP for Facilities, Mike Pieper
UND's Horticulturist is amending the University's list of approved plants for our contracted landscape architects to use, this includes changing out some of the grasses for more native grasses.
The Soaring Eagle prairie garden will remain. The extension of the second avenue pedestrian mall will bypass the prairie garden and connect CF Library and Nistler Hall to the pedestrian mall.
The University manages its own storm water permit, in doing so the University will expand its use of "rain gardens" and bioswales to hold back the first flush of storm water before it enters the coulee The new "rain gardens" and bioswales will contain a
Question from July 5, 2022 (Response 7/27)
In 2022, the U.S. inflation rate has exceeded 8%, the highest les UND intend to look at additional pay increases beyond the average, legislative approved, pay increase of 2%?
Response from Associate Vice President for Human Resources & Payroll Services/CCHRO Peggy Varberg
Thank you for the question. The current rate of inflation is absolutely something that UND is taking seriously. We are working with the NNDUSoffice, State Board of Higher Education and ND State leadership regarding our concerns about inflation at creating a ddialoguefor our state legislature regarding a higher merit pool for the new biennium in addition to the potential of a cost of living allowance/adjustment (COLA). These discussions are very important and will continue into the fall and early winter as the Legislative Session opens for the new biennium.
Question from July 19, 2022
I'm wondering if there is a UND organization chart available somewhere. There are times when I would like to know who oversees a certain department and it is impossible to find this information on the UND web site. It's not appropriate to just jump to the top dog, so a chain of command would be helpful. This should be available to the public, right?
Response from Associate Vice President for Human Resources & Payroll Services/CCHRO Peggy Varberg
Thanks for the great question. If you go to Employee Self Service in PPeoplesoft there is a Tile called, "Company Directory". Click on this tile. In the "Search Company Directory", you can put an individual's name in it and when the name comes up, you can click on the little "Org Chart" Icon next to the title of the individual searched. This will open another tab that shows who they report to and who reports to them. If you choose President AArmacost'sname, you will see all that directly reports to him and then those who indirectly report to him, in his case, all employees including students. You can click on each name listed as direct reports and it will continue to filter. I hope this helps. If you have more questions, please call Human Resources & Payroll Service for assistance at 701.777.4226.
Question from July 1, 2022
Why aren't we off from work at the university on JJuneteenth JJuneteenthis a National Holiday and should be celebrated. As a person of color, I find it very disrespectful and racially insensitive to minorities that this date is completely ignored by UND. If we expect to flourish in areas of diversity, then we must embrace all of our history; good, bad, and indifferent. My official request is that UND celebrate JJuneteenthnext year 2023 and every other year after that or give us the option of receiving a payroll check for that day if we aren't going to acknowledge it.
Response from Associate Vice President for Human Resources & Payroll Services/CCHRO Peggy Varberg
While President BBidensigned JJuneteenthinto a federal holiday and Governor BBurgumsupports the recognition, according to ND State law, only the state legislators can vote in new holidays for state employees. As our state government does not meet each year, we have to wait until January 2023 for a session and that discussion/vote. Please see the Governor’s letter for further details. Thank you for your great question!
Question from June 18th, 2022
What is the most recent information you have regarding tuition waivers for dependents/spouses at other NNDUSschools?
Response from Past President of Staff Senate, Brian Schill
The State Staff Senate Committee working to get NNDUSinstitution specific family & dependent tuition waivers to be accepted at all NNDUSinstitutions has been in touch with State Board of Higher Education Chair Dr. Casey Ryan and his team on this issue. Dr. Ryan has brought the matter to NNDUSChancellor HHagerottfor discussion, but members of the State Staff Committee have not yet received any updates. State Staff Senate leadership will reach out to Dr. Ryan for an update and any new information will be posted on this site ASAP.
Question from May 31st, 2022
Recently UND Parking has moved all parking lots to A/S. This removes any need for an A or S designation. The reason for an A designation and a higher cost of permit was to have reserved spots for faculty and staff so they would be guaranteed a parking spot should they need to leave and return. If this benefit is being taken away and students can now park in the same areas as faculty and staff, they why is there a need to charge more for the A permit? All permits should be the same price. Also will faculty and staff be penalized if they are late for not being able to find a parking spot since the reserved spots are now gone?
Response from AAVPFacilities, Mike Pieper
This situation is something for the Parking Committee to discuss once the membership has been finalized. Student leadership on multiple occasions have voiced support for the same permit fee, with the same access to parking spaces.
Parking lots outside the campus core also have A/S spaces. These lots have availability to meet the demand of our A/S permit holders, as our parking lot counts have shown open spaces.
About 70% of parking violations were from parking in the wrong isle. By making some less congested parking lots less complicated it has reduced our violations and customer complaints.
Question from May 12th, 2022
Is there any reason an employee should go above and beyond in their job when everyone, as long as they meet the standard of their job, gets the same 2% increase? Where is the motivation to perform above standards? How do we incentivize exceptional efforts and reward hardworking employees who continually perform above the bare minimum?
Response from AAVPHR & Payroll Services, Peggy Varberg
Traditionally in the first year of the legislative biennium, the legislators require all institutions to provide a mandatory amount. For this two year cycle, all employees who met expectations in their performance were required to receive a minimum of a $1200 increase in their annual salary. It is still based on performance with those who did not meet expectations in each area not receiving any increase.
In this second year of the biennium, the 2% is supposed to be performance based and not across the board. Departments get 2% of their salary monies as their pool, the budget office notifies them of what that amount is, and then leaders in that department decide how to assign increases to the pool according to the performance of their employees in that pool. Everyone is not supposed to receive the same amount. So some may get more like 3 or 4% and some might only get 1 or 1.5% with those who don't meet expectations in all areas getting zero.
Question from May 12th, 2022
With the price of gas continuing to increase, it’s so frustrating to see the number of staff moving to fully remote work while others simply don’t have that option or shouldn’t have that option. We are an open campus. We don’t look like an open campus. And the inequity in terms of cost of living and take home pay is becoming even more apparent by seeing the number of staff able to work from home. Is this at all being discussed?
Response from UND Staff Senate President - Paula Cox
There is a task force that is being developed to research best practices for Hybrid Remote workforce best practices in higher education. The membership includes a member of Staff Senate (Brian SSchill and a cross section of people from all divisions/areas of UND. Jed Shivers will be leading this effort on behalf of President AArmacost
Paula Cox
UND Staff Senate
Question from May 5th, 2022
This isn't a suggestion, but can someone share what is going on in the Quad behind the CF Library?
Response from UND Facilities
We have a project to extend the 2nd ave pedestrian mall to the west which also includes preserving and enhancing the existing Soaring Eagle prairie. I attached a overview map of our construction work area this summer as well as a rendering showing the final design (facing east).
Construction Overview Map[BROKEN LINK]
Soaring Eagle Rendering[BROKEN LINK]
Brian Larson, PE
Director of Construction Management
Facilities Management
University of North Dakota
Question from March 28th, 2022
What is the most recent information you have regarding tuition waivers for dependents/spouses at other NNDUSschools?
Response from UND Staff Senate President - Brian Schill
Thanks for the question--and apologies for the long delay on this matter. A State Staff Senate Committee exploring the issue is meeting in the next week to discuss this issue and move forward. Very generally, we've been waiting on tuition waiver data from the 11 NNDUSschools in the State, at the request of the Chair of the State Board of Higher Education. We now have most of that data and hope to know more about where the SSBHEand NNDUSare at on any possible recommendations re: the tuition waiver benefit before the school year is over.
Brian James Schill
UND Staff Senate
Question from February 18th, 2022
Will i get a ticket if i park in a lot without the correct permit when the school is closed?
Response from UND Parking Services
When the University is closed, Parking Services is also closed and permit parking is not enforced.
University Police may issue citations or tow if they run across any safety hazard concerns or if a possessor of a reserve space calls in a complaint that their space is occupied by an unauthorized user.
Question from January 6th, 2022
Could someone let the person(s) that clean the parking lot behind Archives know that it would be nice if they could clear a couple of paths from the parking lot to alley way and sidewalks so we don't have to climb a snow pile to get to work.
Response from UND Facilities
I will pass this along to Tom Eastman who oversees snow removal.
Brian Larson, PE
Director of Construction Management
Facilities Management
University of North Dakota
Follow Up Response from UND Facilities
Good Morning,
We can make a path there for staff. There is not a sidewalk currently but one could potentially be added to make it easier.
Tom Eastman
Landscaping/Grounds Operations Coordinator
Facilities Management
University of North Dakota
Question from September 16th, 2021
I'd love to attend a "Coffee with Kathy" event but by the time the announcement comes out, I always have something else on my calendar. Any option for both a) putting out the date(s) earlier and b) altering the day of the week time?
Response from Paula Cox, Staff Senate Vice President
The Engagement committee works with Kathy AArmacoston the dates for this event, and we put the date out as early as we can get it. We are looking at doing some different days during the week, but have to work with Kathy’s schedule as well. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Paula Cox at paula.cox@uundedu
Question from September 7th, 2021
Will UND be offering flu shots this month?Response from Student Health Services
Yes! We are working on the planning now and should have them available in the next couple weeks. Stay tuned!
Jessica Doty
Director of Student Health
Student Health Services
Question from August 19th, 2021
Why is the UND Directory so user unfriendly? It's not logical. Want to find Admissions? have to magically know it's under University Admissions. Want to find someone in Facilities?'s divided up into all of these different units: FM-Admin, FM-CCustMMaint Facilities Total, etc. I spend so much time searching for departments/offices. And the acronyms! What the heck is OOEL CCFM AAVP Can't this be made simpler and more intuitive somehow?
Response from Division of Marketing & Communications
The Directory pulls employee data directly from PeopleSoft. The way offices/departments are named in the Directory are the way they are named in PeopleSoft as well. We will continue to pull from PeopleSoft because that is the single source of official employment data we have. We’ve worked with HR on a number of occasions to clean up office names (there were many duplicates).
Tera Buckley
Director Web & Multimedia Marketing
Division of Marketing & Communications
University of North Dakota
Question from August 16th, 2021
Can someone tell me what the timeline might be for the re-opening of Carnegie lot?
Response from Facilities
We expect work on the Carnegie parking lot to be completed by Friday, August 20rd.
Question from June 28th, 2021
Can someone please explain the ridiculous process we must now go through to hire GGTAsand part-time instructors? A process that used to take minutes now takes days and multiple routing for approvals. Was this really a necessary change? Why does HR want to make this process more difficult for staff (especially those of us in downsized departments with double the work)?
Response from AAVPHR & Payroll Services, Peggy Varberg
The process to hire graduate assistants and part-time instructional faculty was impacted by Recruiting Solutions, the applicant tracking software implemented by CTS for all 11 institutions within NNDUS UND HR understands the pain points of the additional steps required by this new system and has been working with CTS on a solution since inception. We are hopeful that a solution is near and we will be sure to communicate to campus and recruiting solutions users as soon as we are able.Question from June 27th, 2021
Every May there was a huge turnout for UND Staff Awards. Prior to the CCovidpandemic the banquet was switched to a different venue and the turnout was extremely low. Unfortunately UND did not offer staff awards in 2020 or 2021 (not even virtually) but they have for Faculty (Founders Day). Also, for years of service of 20+ or more staff were given an additional years of service monetary gift. Why do faculty continue to have awards the last 2 years, but not staff? Are you planning on reimplementing the staff awards whether it is in person or virtually?
Response from AAVPHR & Payroll Services, Peggy Varberg
UUNDHRis actually in the process of getting all the certificates for the last two years done in addition to providing the extra pay for those who hit the mark of 20 years and up. Along with the certificate, there will be an additional gift for those who hit those 5+ years of service benchmarks. Staff have far more people who hit those years of service benchmarks with around 300 each year so it is bit more difficult to manage virtually. However, Founder’s Day honors retirees, both staff and faculty with 15 years or more of service, employees with 25 years of service (Retirees with 15 or more continuous, full-time, benefited years of service to the University of North Dakota are honored)
We are excited to host a grand celebration May 10, 2022 in the new Memorial Union Ballroom. UND Human Resources will be working with both the Staff Advisory Committee and Staff Senate to design a new platform and celebration to accompany the new venue! We will again accept nominations for staff meritorious service awards as well. During this tough pandemic, all staff have exhibited meritorious service and as such we made the decision to delay that award.
Question from June 17th, 2021
Many faculty and staff at all levels are continuing to work remotely. We currently have students living on campus and in August hundreds of students will return. How can we ensure, that offices on campus will be appropriately staffed to meet student needs?
Response from AAVPHR & Payroll Services, Peggy Varberg
The President has instructed each Vice President to manage this issue in their own area as each area and position have different requirements. There are many factors that come into play when considering whether a position can be a remote one. Some offices will have staff rotating so that there is always office coverage; however, not all staff may be physically present at the same time. Each supervisor of a remote employee will monitor service, productivity, etc., to make sure that the services that the position provides are not diminished.
Question from May 20th, 2021
Every year I look forward to the Free Shredding event held on UND Campus.
It is my understanding that each year, Minn-KKotahas donated their time and resources
for this event.
Due to CCovid this event was not held last year or this year (annually in May). The
amount of “shredding” has piled up … waiting for the opportunity for this event.
Suggestion: could the Staff Senate sponsor a “shredding event” for staff, students and faculty? Or, perhaps extend the event to the Greater Grand Forks community -for support shown to UND during the last year/month challenges.
Updated Response from Chris Carper with UIT
I’m happy to say that after following up with MMinnKota we have tentatively scheduled a “Free Shred Day” for Tuesday, August 10, 2021. It will likely be from 10-2 in the Chester Fritz Auditorium parking lot, but I need to submit a request to Safety for event approval. If anything changes, I will update you.
Response from Chris Carper with UIT
Thanks for the question. As the submitter mentioned, due to CCovidwe have not been able to host this event the last couple of years. Usually, we host the event on Reading and Review Day in the spring. I hoped to offer it once again next year, but I can check with MMinnKotato see if they would be available sooner. In the past, they have offered this as a complimentary service, so I will have to see if that is still the case. More info will be shared as it becomes available.
Question from May 6th, 2021
I work on campus, I have applied and been hired in a different position or two on campus, and out of respect for my department at the time I put in my two weeks’ notice at minimum. One thing seems to surprise me about some of my colleagues as it pertains to transferring positions on campus – they do not give two weeks’ notice, whether it be a day short of two weeks or a five-day notice. I would like to suggest Staff Senate work with human resources to see if this is a policy UND can implement. If not, could UND at least require employees who transfer from one department to another on campus to give at minimum, a two weeks’ notice, and the current (soon-to-be previous) supervisor is required to sign off on the transfer effective date before the transfer can be completed?
Response from Human Resources
When an employee transfers from one department to another at UND, the two departments negotiate the time. Generally, it is two or more weeks and then there may be follow-up with the employee going back to the department they are leaving to assist with training. If the time is fewer than two weeks, the departments may have agreed that this is okay. HR does not encourage anything fewer than two weeks at the minimum.
Comment from March 2nd, 2021
Just a thought as we continue to do remote work - is it possible to ask staff to post their work hours on their campus directory profile? Knowing this information would be helpful when doing business with others on campus.
Response from AAVPHR & Payroll Services, Peggy Varberg
I think it is a great idea and we can include it in the remote workplace agreements.
Comment from February 23, 2021
Use the revenue for the vending machines or even just drink machines for floral donation fund. The city does this and it is awesome!
Response from Vice President
UND Dining oversees snack vending on campus. According to OOrlynnRRosaasen director, the commission revenue from the Coke and Pepsi machines covers the operating losses on the snack vending machines. Snack vending on its own operates at a significant deficit. Additionally, the funds become state funds as soon as we collect them and are subject to state policies on how we can use them.
Comment from February 17th, 2021
UND employees and dependents currently receive tuition waivers if they attend UND but not any other NNDUScollege. What is the reason tuition waivers are not granted for other NNDUScolleges when NNDUSemployees receive the waiver for any NNDUScollege? If tuition waivers were granted for any NNDUScollege this could help to retain our dependents in state vs looking at other options if UND doesn't have what they are interested in, the trades specifically.
Response from Peggy VVarberg AAVPfor Human Resources and Payroll Services/CHRO
The reason those who work at the NNDUSOffice and at CTS are able to choose any of the 11 institutions is because they support all 11 schools and are not assigned to any one school. Therefore they do not have a "home" campus.
Response from Brian SSchill Staff Senate Vice President/President Elect
Great question. As you may have heard, the UND Staff Senate is in the process of trying to coordinate a statewide task force to explore this very question. With the State Staff Senate helping lead the way, this group will try to gather data and opinion from all NNDUSinstitutions on how any changes to the NNDUSpolicy on tuition waivers for employees and dependents (e.g., giving UND employees a full tuition waiver on courses taken through Minot State University) will affect institutions. The group is getting underway this year and hopes to learn as much as it can as soon as it can. Because the matter is so complex, though -- involving very different schools with different staffing, enrollment, and budgetary needs and concerns -- we need to tread carefully. That said, we recognize that the issue is important in terms of NNDUSemployee recruitment and retention efforts and should be addressed as soon as possible.
Comment from January 15th, 2021
Staff report to both Student Affairs and Academic Affairs and it feels like there is not continuity in how staff are treated campus wide in terms of fairness of pay increases, compensation analysis and position reviews. Staff in Academic Affairs are almost treated as if they are not worthy of any type of position review or title change. Staff in Academic Affairs are also told that while we are asked to take on additional work it doesn't warrant an increase or even if it does they don't have the money to pay the increase because our UND "taxes" just keep going up to cover the increases of staff pay raises in Student Affairs. Staff were promised compensation analysis campus wide and from what I've heard the only departments that has happened in is HR/Payroll and Facilities, facilities has done it twice. When will Academic Affairs staff start being treated equitable to their counterparts in Student Services?
Response from Interim Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs, Debbie Storrs
As Interim Provost, I am interested in recruiting and retaining quality staff as they are a critical part of the academic team to ensure we meet our academic objectives. I'm also aware of changes to the work environment that can require updates to position descriptions and analysis of compensation as a result of changes and/or market realities. The VVPAAoffice has approved approximately 35 such requests since June of 2020.
Deans and directors are welcome to discuss their interests or plans to conduct a salary review based on market or changes to responsibilities for an individual position or group of positions, with consideration to the availability of funds and overall plans for the area. There is a process by which a formal request for a salary review is submitted to HR, who conducts a salary and position review and provides applicable market information and recommendations. If there has been a delay in any of these processes due to previous VVPAAleadership, deans or directors should bring that to my attention so we can engage in the process.
Comment from January 15th, 2021
I attended the provosts forums and in doing my homework I came across some information on University of Houston Downtown website I would like to share with Staff Senate (and my colleagues across campus), Jed Shivers and Peggy VVarberg
If you navigate under EESOHOME, UUHDhas some great resources that could potentially be useful to UND. Such has standardized position descriptions, salary structures, etc.
One that specifically peaked my interest is: Compensation>Career Ladder Program. This has been talked about at UND but it hasn't come to fruition and what a great way to invest in staff!
Another thing to note, this would especially be helpful in filling staff vacancies and creating new positions as everything would be streamlined and equitable. This would also lead to transparency in pay increases.
How about UND investing in software such as My TTalentSpaceto automate probationary and staff evaluations.
What a way to integrate our Hawks mascot into position titles - Hawks Career AAdvisor Hawks Success Coach, etc.
I look forward to hearing comments from staff senators and administrators regarding suggestions.
Response from AAVP HR & Payroll Services, Peggy Varberg
Thank you for the great comments. I can share with you that we have begun the process of purchasing a system that will assist HR and leadership with compensation work and part of that system is technology to assist UND in managing our position descriptions. We are hoping once that is functional that we will also be able to develop a portal to a bank of position descriptions that individuals can access to learn about other positions at UND at their convenience to consider other paths that they might be interested in following professionally here at UND.
The other piece that we are working on is succession planning/career ladders or career paths. That is another IT functionality that UND is researching to add to our resources as employees and managers. We made the decision to pause on the development of a formal process until we had the IT functionality to make it a much more streamline and efficient resources to our employee community. It is our hope to have something to begin to roll out later this year.
We would love to use the Fighting Hawks branding and will be working with Marketing and Communications and Athletics about how we can do this.
Thanks again for the great information and questions, Peggy VVarbergAAVP HR & Payroll Services
Comment from January 5th, 2021
Please explain Mandatory Student Fee for online registered students. I may never actually see the campus, and I wonder where this 'contribution' to campus life is used.
Response from Vice President
Student fees play a critical role in providing programs and services that support student success. As we provide more online offerings, we are continually looking at how to provide services to all students. For example, the University Counseling Center now provides online support groups and ttelemental health appointments Further, they offer online self-assessment and online resources for academic support and substance use. The Wellness Center offers students access to on-demand workouts they can do anytime, anywhere. While not every student will access every program or service funded by student fees, they receive the overall benefit that comes from attending an institution that provides them.
Student fees are reviewed annually through the Student Fee Advisory Committee. The Student Fee Advisory Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the University President on issues relating to student activity fees covered under State Board of Higher Education (SSBHE policies 805.2. The Student Fee Advisory Committee makes recommendations annually regarding the allocation of student activity fees and was established in 1982.
Comment from January 5th, 2021
I've noticed lately that they've been cutting down a lot of big trees on campus. The biggest shock came from the loss of the large, old trees in front of MMerrifieldand along the ccoulee It would be nice if someone from Grounds could answer why this is being done and what their plans are to replace these trees. It's a shame that we have lost so many old, majestic trees because of all of the construction--it kind of takes away from the beauty of campus.
Response from Michael C. PPieper Associate Vice President for Facilities
UND’s 5,000+- trees are a mmultimillion dollar asset to the University. UND in the past has not taken a very proactive approach to managing these assets, which has led to disease and ppremature damage (mostly caused by weather events). UND has applied to become part of the Tree Campus USA program that will provide UND with proactive planning resources and policy to insure UND has a very beautiful campus for decades to come.
With the help of UND students, faculty and staff UND Facilities has cataloged our trees within a GGISenabled software program so we can actively monitor these important assets. UND Facilities has also hired a full-time aarboristto prune and proactively manage our trees. With the help of the AArboristand other landscape consultants UND Facilities has selected a variety of trees to replant that will thrive on campus, and UND Facilities plants more trees every year than it removes. First impressions of the campus is a key objective of UND Facilities, and healthy trees are an important factor.
So what is going on around campus?
- Winter is the perfect time to prune and or remove trees. UND Facilities is working to remove a backlog of dead or diseased trees on Campus and at the golf course. UND Facilities targets the winter holiday season when less people are on campus for safety purposes, plus the ground is frozen to limit damage caused by large trucks.
- In addition a few trees have been removed because they are too close to a building and are causing damage to the buildings foundation and masonry veneer. In addition, a few trees have been removed for upcoming construction projects.
- As part of UND’s planning and design efforts related to renovating MMerrifieldHall, UND was notified by the Fire Marshal that a component of the project would need to be moving emergency vehicle access closer to the building (i.e. paved surface). UND also needs to rebuild Centennial Drive, the project would straighten the road by moving it slightly to the east on the south end (MMerrifieldTTwamleyturf area). Through a slight adjustment to Centennial Drive and a wider side-walk along Centennial Drive (eeastside, UND will be able to meet our emergency vehicle access requirements.
With greater awareness of the importance of access to proper sanitary supplies across the country and world, why are some campus buildings seemingly void of access to menstruation supplies? (neither by coin operated machine nor by provided stocked supplies). With reduced campus retail options and reduced access to neighboring/nearby buildings on campus, this inaccessibility is exacerbated. I understand that student government has sponsored and placed supplies in student populated areas, but there are faculty and staff that require access to proper supplies as well.
Response from Associate Vice President for Facilities, Michael C. Pieper
A couple comments:
1) We are working on private-development opportunities along University Ave. and Columbia for "mixed-use" buildings. A pharmacy, grocery store and convenience store have been suggested tenants for these privately developed mixed-use buildings. Re-locating the UND Bookstore to University Avenue is also a possibility.
2) The new Memorial Union will reopen this summer with some retail.
3) UND Facility Services does not manage UND's vending operations, adding strategically located vending options should be addressed with UND Food Service. UND Food Service manages UND's coin operated laundry, food and beverage machines, their vendor partners might have some suggestions.
Comment from December 2, 2020
Please provide insight regarding why Gustafson lot was closed. Nearby lots (such as the one near BBurtness are often occupied by construction crews, reducing available spots for staff.
Response from Associate Vice President for Facilities, Michael C. Pieper
UND Parking Services has closed some lots temporarily in an effort to reduce costs and keep permit prices flat for FY2021. UND Parking Services is actively monitoring our lot usage due to less students and staff on campus this fall, if demand changes UND Parking Services will adjust its closures. In addition, construction activities in that area (i.e. Campus Road) have been shut down for the winter as of 11/1.
Comment from August 6, 2020
Some conversations have taken place wondering why staff who are working on campus have to pay for parking when those who are encouraged to work remote or choosing to work remote receive the benefit of not having to pay for parking. Not only are they not paying for parking, they are gaining their commute time to and from work and don't have to pay for their transportation (to and from work). In some cases they are receiving technology reimbursement in order to perform their job duties, remote. What can we do to make staff feel more supported who are working on campus during this time as it pertains to some of the concerns mentioned? Would it be fair to ask if CARES funding could be used to supplement parking during this difficult time for all and eliminate the charge for parking permits until we can all come back to campus? Your time and consideration is appreciated for looking into this matter.
Response from Vice President for Finance and Operations, Jed Shivers
We do not have an explicit line item for CARES Act funding to be used to provide parking reimbursement for staff. The problem is, parking and paying for parking is the norm and parking and paying for parking is NOT due to CCovid You can only get reimbursed for something which is caused by CCovid It’s a creative thought, but I don’t think it will wash. However, there is a larger question which is being asked here and this is: are people who are working remotely advantaged over people who come on campus to work. It’s interesting and definitely a mixed bag. In the same way we have heard this concern in this email, others have expressed concern that remote workers will be somehow less valued than on-campus workers. In all instances all workers are valued for the work they do. There is no way that I can think of to pay all the bills and make everyone completely happy, but we’re trying to make the best of this situation.
Comment from August 4, 2020
Campus has not been made aware of the plan for parking yet but with UND administration encouraging supervisors to have staff work remotely due to COVID I can’t help but wonder how this will affect the purchase of parking permits. And although we were told upfront none of this will be fair and equitable this will continue to be the case and those that are required to return to campus will continue to pay for parking in order to work on campus vs those who have the option to work from home will essentially be saving money by means of not having to buy a parking permit. I can’t help but think UND has considered all options but I have one I want to suggest: could those that buy a parking permit in August this year be incentivized next year by a discount on their parking permit or perhaps we commit to a 2 year parking pass at the current rate and those who choose not to buy a 2 year parking pass will be subject to any increases next year? Policy was sent the day after the question:With the 2020-2021 parking permit year set to begin on Aug. 1, 2020, Parking Services has put together this brief summary with suggestions for those customers uncertain about their parking needs due to COVID-19.
- UND will not be increasing parking permit rates for 2020-2021.
- New for 2020-2021, UND will be making $130 semester parking permits available.
- If your need for on-campus parking in 2020-2021 is anticipated to be reduced, customers might want to consider using UND’s Passport Parking app. Information and an instructional video can be found at the following link: https://campus.uundedu/transportation/parking/passport.html . UND will monitor Passport Parking spaces and add additional spaces as needed to accommodate areas not historically serviced by Passport Parking in the past.
- UND Parking Services will actively monitor parking lot usage and make adjustments when possible to allow flexibility for all customers to access under-utilized parking spaces.
- UND Parking Services will actively monitor parking lot usage and possibly close less convenient, under-utilized parking lots during the winter to save snow removal expenses.
- UND will continue in 2020-2021 to offer open parking from 4 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday through Friday, and all day on the weekends.
- Zone changes in lots around campus: the campus map and signs in the lot will reflect changes.
- Housing permits are valid in the housing lot designated to the residence. The Airport is an exception, and people parking there should use the brown A/S/H zone.
Comment from July 10, 2020:
I am wondering if UND is considering what NNDSUis implementing with the "HHyFlex technology that allows students to be able to opt-in or out of in-person or online only classes? This seems like a no-bbrainer Ease the load on class sizes, especially for any lecture halls, and it gives students who may not feel safe, even with a face covering, to still get an education. Just wondering if UND has anything like this in the works?
Response from Debbie SStorrs Interim Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs and Jeff Holm, Vice Provost for Online Education and Strategic Planning:
Yes, faculty are working with TTTaDAon how to adjust their on campus courses including using the HHyFlexcourse model and providing students an opportunity to engage remotely. Many faculty will integrate these options (though not all) and almost every class will have to rotate students in and out of the classroom due to COVID classroom capacity. Students also have the opportunity to register for online sections if they prefer (we offer many online courses and programs) and can work with their aadvisorsto find online courses if that's that their preference.
Parking questions April-May 2020:
Students had an extension of April 15 for a parking refund, why were employees not offered an extension?
Since we are ordered to work from home and with 400 staff members hours being reduced - wouldn't it be reasonable to have their parking fees reduced as well?
Since UND isn’t requiring parking permits mid-May through the end of July, will staff be reimbursed for parking permits if they paid for them already and will the cost of the permits still be coming out of employees’ checks those months?
Response from Mike PPieper Associate Vice President for Facilities:
UND addresses parking refunds in policy (see below). Employees may request a prorated refund up to March 31st. Since UND addresses parking refunds in its policy it is not a State concern, only a UND Policy issue,
The 2019-2020 parking permit will allow permit holders to park on campus until August, when 2020-2021 parking permits will need to be purchased. A number of people did not request refunds because they did not want to risk paying more for short-term parking permits in order to park on campus before the 2020-2021parking permits would become valid.
Permit Refunds
Faculty, staff, affiliate, and student permits may be returned for a partial refund if it is identified within the refund schedule. Retiree permits, Apt permits, daily/weekly passes, and guest passes are non-refundable. Parking Services must be notified in writing of an individual's intent to cancel permit, and a refund may be issued based upon the date of notification. The refund schedule is available on the Parking Services website.
Permit holders must notify Parking Services in writing upon termination of employment so a return may be processed.
Comment from June 9, 2020:
It appears that a lot of people don't have a basic understanding of systemic racism and implicit bias. Since understanding those concepts is critical to upholding UND's institutional values, perhaps a yearly SSafeCollegescourse could be used to lay the groundwork and outline the basics for all UND employees.
This suggestion will be forwarded to the new Diversity and Inclusion Task Force for consideration.
Comment from 5/26/2020:
Concern that the cost of royalties on branded masks could impact staff jobs.
So, we have budgeted for a lot of the expense to make our campus ccovidresistant. We are hoping to get $’s from the state to improve ourselves. However, at this time, there is no plan nor contemplation to spend money on ccovidresistance vs. a person remaining in any particular job. I actually don’t think that’s a risk. That includes the idea of branded masks as well.
By the way, spending money on branded masks is happening, because we think that it will increase the likelihood of people wearing them and maximum compliance is what we are seeking.
The budget for FY21 is pretty much set up, so if there is any risk it won’t come from ccovidspending, but rather from our failing to meet our budget – i.e. not generating sufficient revenue from enrollment and student credit hours which might cause the need to adjust expenses.
Although we’ll have a lot of good indicators along the way, we probably won’t know that until the 4th week of class when we really lock in what our tuition revenue will be. However, I will say that I think the general perception is that, for the University as a whole, we’re tracking in line with our budget expectations. Of course, that can change.
Jed Shivers
Vice President for Finance and Operations
Comment from 4/6/2020:
Request to share Human Resources consultant report.
[Forthcoming. Checking on private or public status of report draft.]
Comment from 4/6/2020:
What role does Alice BBrekkehave on UND campus? She is listed as a temporary employee for VP Finance & Operations.
She is on a phased retirement. She is available on an as needed basis to assist with financial projects. She is not paid a salary unless she is on a project.
Peggy Varberg
AAVPHuman Resources & Payroll Services
Comments from 4/3 and 4/6:
Request for status of talent mapping, succession planning, compensation analysis for all positions, partnering with local businesses to provide “services” for faculty and staff. Request for compensation analyst and recruiter positions to work with departments.
It does not seem possible that I have been in my new role for one year. It has been a crazy year and we have made many changes in the structure of HR/Payroll. The work that needs to be accomplished is in varying phases and our anticipation is that most work will take 1-4 years to accomplish.
Some of the work with regard to succession planning is dependent on software changes. CTS is helping us with new technology roll out over the next couple of years. We were on track to implement a new recruiting solution and still are but with the COVID-19 environment, we have needed to delay that roll out. Additionally, CTS was to begin a new project for “E-Performance” software, which is an automated performance evaluation system, which is a lead in to succession planning software, however with the COVID-19 pandemic, they have paused that project so we are delayed there.
Here are the highlights of what has been accomplished to date:
- Reorganization of parts of Payroll:
- Payroll is a well-run department but there were little backup mechanisms existing for positions. Some individuals had no backup to assist when they were on vacation, ill, etc. and needed to still do their work, in part because no one else knew how to continue a specific function. We assessed these positions and their duties and have done great work around cross-training and distributing work differently in some cases. This has allowed the workloads of some to be more balanced. Cross training continues to be a priority.
- Retirements in Human Resources:
- HR, like many parts of the university saw a couple of significant retirements. We took the time to reassess those positions and then hire new folks. Additionally, we needed to back-fill my original role. During the recruitment phase, we saw a bit of a challenge with identifying qualified individuals in the GGFcommunity. Fortunately for UND, we were able to hire two seasoned HR professionals who have moved into our UND community well. We are still “down” one HR manager position but have put that recruitment on hold during this current COVID-19 environment.
- HR also cut one position due to budget issues last year. This was an HHRMSSpecialist. Due to this cut, we had to reassess the wworkflowand redistribute.
- Our plan was to hire two specialist to the department, a Compensation Analyst and a Recruiting Manager.
- In October we hired our Compensation Analyst, Jennifer Moe. She had previously worked in Finance as a Budget Analyst and had worked with compensation strategies in that work. The compensation work for UND had previously been only one part of the Senior HR Manager in UUNDHR We made the decision that we needed a full time analyst to lead this work. With the oonboardingof a full time analyst, we were able to develop concrete processes around compensation reviews, salary surveys, etc. Jennifer works with each area conducting market analysis, creating of new positions and their benchmarking salaries, equity studies, etc. If a market/equity study is requested, prior to work beginning, it must be approved by the appropriate area VP.
- Regarding the Recruiting Manager, this work had been a piece of the work being done by many who had additional responsibilities. UND is a large enough organization that it should have at least one position to support that function. This will allow for sourcing to occur where we can actively look for employee in resume banks and notify them of and invite them to apply for opportunities at UND. Coordinate external marketing campaigns with hiring departments and assist HR Managers with the screening function. We began our recruitment last fall but we unable to find the ideal candidate until this past March. Hannah WWollmannjoined our team mid-march and has already contributed in a positive manner to our recruiting efforts. Recruiting is classically a busy function. We managed rrecruitmentsfor around 400 open positions in 2019 for staff alone.
- We have also changed the structure of our HR Managers. Each now have specific areas of responsibility. This allows them to become business experts in those areas and allow us to better serve our internal customers. This has allowed us to review processes and procedures with an eye on what the specific needs of those areas are. They come to the table with a better understanding of how changes affect our community through the connection they have with their business units. They are the voice of their customers.
- Academic Affairs: Becca Jacobson
- UND School of Medicine and Health Affairs: Mel Arnold
- Student Affairs, AAVPFinance, Marketing and Communications, Public Safety: KKelsieCarrier (smaller areas combined)
- Facilities Management: Misty Brustad
- EEERC Sue White
- John D. OOdegardSchool of Aerospace Science: Gary Ebel
- President/Athletics: Peggy Varberg
- We have worked with CTS on the implementation of the new Recruiting Solutions Software to replace AAppliTrack This work is almost complete and some preliminary training has occurred on campus for about 30 of our partners on campus. There is a little more work by CTS to do to make it ready for UND.
- UUNDHRis partnered with TTTaDAon the new hire of the Staff Career and Professional Development Coordinator. A new hire will begin at UND soon. We are excited to partner with them to identify and create learning and development opportunities for our staff. We will also be partnering with TTTaDAto survey the staff community with regards to what opportunities they would like to see offered. This survey may be delayed somewhat due to the COVID-19 issues.
- We are have been developing a brand new, New Employee Orientation called the “Great Start”. This will be a full year program for new employees across UND to assist them in learning about the history of UND, what UND has to offer, culture, etc.. we are hoping to roll this out in some form beginning in later summer. With the current COVID issues we are assessing what changes we might need to make for the fall if any.
We have much more work to do for sure. We are moving in the right direction. With new employees comes more time in training those folks. With much of the base level structure work moving in a good path, we will be able to turn out eyes on other opportunities for our employees such as those services that might help with work-life balance.
Peggy Varberg
AAVPHuman Resources & Payroll Services
Comment from 4/6/2020:
Concern for unequal opportunities for bonuses. Submitted comment reported last year AAVPfor Student Affairs in Diversity & Inclusion gave staff $1000 bonuses, but AAVPfor Academic Affairs did not offer the same bonuses. [Staff Senate cannot confirm this report.]
It is unclear what “Submission reported last year AAVPfor Student Affairs in Diversity & Inclusion gave staff a $1000” means but each area vice president is responsible for managing their own budget. There may be a variety of reasons why an individual could receive a bonus/additional pay which usually relates to an increase in responsibilities for a short period of time, say a significant project, etc.
Peggy Varberg
AAVPHuman Resources & Payroll Services
Comment from 2/19/2020:
UND designated state’s first cardiac ready campus by North Dakota Department of Health" is there a way to use some of this grant money to get an automatic external defibrillator (AAED in our building? Ina Mae Rude or SSkalicky
As a member of the group that initiated the Cardiac Ready Campus program, we would all agree that it would be great to add these two buildings to the growing number of places on campus that now house AAEDunits. Unfortunately, the grant opportunities afforded for this program did not include the purchase of the AAEDitself. By UND policy, it is the responsibility of the department(s) of the building to purchase and maintain the AAEDunits. UND currently has many buildings on the campus that have AAEDswithin them, but we still need many more to ensure adequate coverage throughout the campus. If you have questions such as what is the cost of the unit, why the building should have one, or where they should be placed, please feel free to contact me. I may be reached at terry.wynne@uundedu. Thank you for your interest in the program.
Terry Wynne
Director for Safety
Comment from 2/12:
Multiple concerns that staff reported to work as scheduled when University ccancelledclass and events were rescheduled due to weather.
The University is committing to ensuring the safety of its campus community including faculty, staff, students and visitors. We also try to accommodate our staff as much as possible during adverse weather events such as we are experiencing today. That's why when Grand Forks Public Schools opened late we opened late as well although roads and walkways were in pretty good shape. By 10 a.m. roads and walkways on campus were in good shape, but the wind chill was turning out to be colder than the National Weather Service anticipated. Since students must walk from building to building throughout the day we decided to cancel classes. Since staff were here at work with the late start it seemed reasonable for the campus to remain open. We also declared a parking enforcement holiday so that everyone can park where they need to park in order to minimize exposure to the elements.
Jed Shivers
VP for Finance and Operations
Comment from 2/12:
Front doors to Gillette Hall and the Education Building were locked at 10:15 AM when the University opened at 10:00 AM due to a blizzard.
Operations Center confirmed a staff member was sent over to unlock the doors when I called at 10:30 AM.
End of Year Suggestion Box Items
Compost Stations
It is in the design of the new union. Wilkerson is in the starting stages now.
Parking by the AAltruFamily Residency
When an employee or student parks in patient parking coming in as a patient, will be ticketed. It is appealable and only once per year. AAltrucan validate.
Snow Removal into A parking space
Please come up with a solution. We cannot just say we cannot find places to park. There are three different entities removing snow, they may not all be on the same page yet. Props are going out to the snow removal around engineering. They had it moved within the day.
Concern for cubicles and confidential conversations
We can only suggest that you come up with solutions and discuss with your supervisor.
UND internal hiring process
We are now running the internal and external concurrently because it takes about 15 days to recruit and then the hiring and training process takes too long. Peggy has discussed Career ppathingwith us to help some employees move into supervisory or leadership roles.
Clearing sidewalks on 12/2 by 8 am
They are doing the best they can.
Request for scholarships for UND employee children instead of staff development
Will bring to the next Staff Senate Executive meeting.
Comment from 11/06:
We have received a message in our Staff Senate suggestion box requesting compost stations and eecofriendly to-go containers. Eco Products have been seen on campus, but I don't know how consistent these products are across all dining centers.
Recently UND Facilities met with UND Dining to kick off the planning for a organics
recycling/composting program on campus. The goal will be to divert organic materials
(i.e. food waste and other ccompostablematerials) from the landfill and send that
material to a composting station. After the organic materials have broken down suitably
the compost will be used in improve the soil conditions in our planting beds, turf,
and for new tree planting locations. In the end we will be sending quite a bit less
material to the landfill and also improving the natural beauty of our campus (it's
a big win-win).
The program is in its inception at the moment but with the agreement in place that
this is the direction we want to proceed the new Memorial Union loading dock/waste
pick up areas are being designed to accommodate a separate waste stream for ccompostablematerial.
Please let me know if you have any further questions, here are a few links from the
University of Minnesota for your reference to see how the program would function.
Brian Larson, PE
Director of Construction Management
Facilities Management
University of North Dakota
Facilities Management
3791 Campus Road Stop 9032
Grand Forks, ND 58202-9032
O 701.777.6844
C 701.213.3016
Comment from 10/25:
A concern was submitted that Community Contractor vehicles are parked along the alley behind Archives and the new Fraternity house that are blocking entrance to the “A” lot.
Staff Senate President Whitney Maine confirmed with Associate VP for Facilities Mike PPeiperthat vehicles parked in those areas should be ticketed. Parking enforcement and the contractors have been notified.
Comment from 10/9
Request to have mid-week jean days to benefit more charities.
Staff Senate Community Engagement Committee will be discussing at their next meeting. They will discuss, vote on and bring to Executive Committee and possibly the full Staff Senate if their committee approves this suggestion. Contact co-chairs June NNovacek( and Kari HHolter(kari.holter@uundedu) for more information.
It would be nice if we could have a representative from Parking come and talk to the Staff Senate about the changes coming this year. All I hear are rumors and it would be nice to have some facts. The most common rumor is that there is going to be tiered parking. Depending on the lot/location we'll have to pay more. If that's not bad enough students will have to option to buy these permits as well. What will end up happening is parents will pay for the more expensive permits for their kids so they can park in these lots. If this is indeed true I'm wondering why the staff is being treated this way. We SHOULD have better parking. We SHOULDN'T have to fight for parking just to get to our jobs. We're here all day every day. I don't know about anyone else but most days I have to carry a lot of stuff FOR MY JOB and the stress of having to park further is a lot to bear. Thank you.
Response by Tyler CClauson UND Staff Senate President:
There has been mention of Parking/Facilities holding an open forum in February or March, please watch for this and attend.
I know we always have a positive response but I am wondering if it would be better
to do the tubs of Love at a different time than the Christmas holidays. Many offices
already adopt a family plus individuals donate to private charities such as their
churches. A suggestion would be in the fall focusing on back to school (uundfood shelf
backpack program etc)and/or a second one in March that could benefit organizations
like sunshine house and humane society.
Response by Patricia Reed, UND Staff Senate Community Relations Chair
The spirit of the program is in the season of giving. It is during that time of year that there is the greatest need. Individuals and animals who are homeless tend to feel it more during that time. Holiday season is when there is the biggest stress in families life. The inability to provide or celebrate is the greatest. We try to choose charities who have expressed a visible need. Or a new organization just starting out. We did do a special collection for the UND food pantry when they expressed a need and will probably do so for another charity at another time.
While it would be nice to have a second round of giving in the spring, it would not be feasible and we do not want to burden employees with too many financial strain.
I would like to see the funds be used for Employees children scholarships like they were when it was first set up.
Response by Tyler CClauson President of the UND Staff Senate
A few years ago, Staff Senate decided to put 31 Days of Glory raffle proceeds towards Staff Development when budgets started declining. Staff Senate saw value in providing scholarships to staff development rather than a select number of staff that had dependents attending UND, dependents which already received a 50% tuition break.
It has come to my attention that Facilities is looking to outsource the custodial duties on campus. Do we know the impact this will have on the Departmental costs as well as the over 200 employees who will no longer have jobs? I find this rather upsetting to see fellow Staff members lose their livelihood.
Response by Mike PPieper Associate VP Facilities:
In 2015 my predecessor hired CORE Management Services ( Core America ) to analyze UND’s custodial services program. CORE used their Smart Inspect QQSP(Quality Success Percentage) tool to evaluate the quality level of service being provided by UND’s custodial services department. Custodial services for housing was determined to be over 90% or excellent. Custodial services for non-housing was determined to be just shy of 85% or high fair/low good. I have since combined both departments under the leadership of a new assistant director that was previously in charge of just housing custodial services, it is my desire to have her leadership, experience and processes raise the quality of services for non-housing custodial service.
CORE Management Services also assists institutions with RRFPsto outsource custodial services. In 2017 during the budget cuts I asked CORE (they already had all of our data) to help determine if it would be more financially beneficial to outsource UND’s custodial services and if there was any private company willing to start up operations in Grand Forks, ND. Verbally CORE stated to match UND’s housing custodial services quality level of over 90% or excellent that it would most likely not be financially beneficial to outsource housings custodial services. Verbally CORE stated to match UND’s non-housing custodial services quality level of around 85% or high fair/low good that it was probable that outsourcing non-housing custodial services would result in financial savings. CORE also stated that there were 3-4 national custodial services companies that would be willing to start up operations in Grand Forks, ND.
One other factor to cconsinderin continuing to provide in-house custodial services vs. outsourcing custodial services is UND’s ability to attract, hire and retain quality BBSTs It has been very difficult for UND to fully staff our BBSTpositions, at times we have had 10 BBSTopenings that put additional stress on our existing BBSTsand lowers everyone’s ability to provide quality service. Typically BBSTshave resigned from UND to accept positions with higher wages and lower benefits. UND currently does not have the ability to redistribute total compensation between wages and benefits for specific labor pools to become more attractive in their specific market. UND works within a Statewide compensation system. The redistribution of compensation is not necessarily a cost savings measure, but a measure to improve the overall quality of the labor pool filling open BBSTpositions. Typically a healthier labor pool or higher quality labor pool will lead to higher quality hires and in turn improve the quality of service. Private custodial services providers have the flexibility to stay competitive/current in the market by adjusting its compensation accordingly. Facilities will continue to monitor this situation.
My charge is good financial stewardship. I will continue to monitor these issues and make adjustments and changes as needed.
Suggestion: The New Horizons Food truck has been a welcome addition to the campus. However would it be possible to get a variety of food trucks on campus perhaps on different days. The New Horizons truck while eenjoyabledoesnot appeal to all taste pallets. I think it would be nice to invite all Grand Forks restaurants to bring their food trucks to campus.
Suggestion: As a former staff senate member I was involved in the Tubs of Love Donations during the holidays. I just wanted to make sure that Staff Senate was aware of a new food pantry service that is available to all current UND students called "Food For Thought Food Pantry" and they are welcoming donations.
Response: I was aware of this and I am thinking of a special drive at the beginning of the semester.
Suggestion: In order to use FFMLA- why do you have to burn out all your time first? My question is regarding pregnancy. You are forced to burn out all your time instead of taking leave without pay. Then you come back to work and kids have lots of appointments and you may have complications yet you have no time to use. It puts you in a rock in a hard place with doing what is best for you and the child. You feel obligated to go back to work right away (which might not be best for your work or for you or for the baby) because you want to save up some time for those appointments but still spend that valuable maturity time at home. Wouldn't it be a win win for everyone to have the ability to take a no pay for a couple of weeks then having to hhodgeppodgeleave without pay on doctor's appointments when you get back after burning your time.
Suggestion: Have the option to not use all your vacation/sick time during pregnancy and be able to take leave without pay. The current FFMLAis 12 weeks but in order to use that you have to drain your vacation and sick leave. Which leaves you with 0 when you come back. How do you take that time off to go to appointments with kids when you are at a 0 balance upon return? My suggestion is that you should be able to at least keep 40 hours of each as an option if you want.
Response for the above two issues regarding FFMLAThis is system policy that is currently being discussed further at a system level.
Parking Questions:
Question: I overheard that the parking will go up and any additional car we have to pay extra for?
Response: The only change for FY2019 would be that you could only have 3 active cars per permit vs. 5 active cars permit this year.
Question: My husband is in the military and often times takes my car. So i would have to pay extra to drive OUR other car?
Response: No, but currently you could receive a parking violation if more than one car is on campus at the same time under the same permit.
Question: I have had my car in the shop a few times this year and had to have a rental for a week at a time. How does it work for rental cars?
Response: No change, you would still need to log into the system to add the rental car license plate # to your permit, or stop into the parking services office for assistance
Suggestion/Question: Are we going to have a document shredder pickup soon? I have a suggestion to have them go to the Chester Fritz parking lot or some other big area instead of behind the union. Boxes of paper are heavy and isn't easy to carry if there is no parking. Thank you.
Response: The UND Office of Records Management has tentatively scheduled a “Free Shred Day” for Friday, May 4, 2018 from 11:00-2:00. Approval from the Office of Safety is pending for this request. Currently, the plan is to utilize 2nd Ave N behind the Memorial Union. This location allows for high visibility and has been popular in the past. However, this is a good suggestion and alternative sites will be considered in the future.
Suggestion/Question: Why do we have to do UND Takeover at Bars? Can we not find an alternative? UND and ND have a awful reputation as being a #1 drinking state as it is! Do you offer people rides if they are drinking too much?
Response: These events have been at establishments that are both restaurants and bars and they have all been in close proximity to campus. We are making a conscious effort in advertising food/food specials at these establishments for our events. We expect that people act responsibly and not drink too much but certainly options are in place for people if they feel they need a ride, for example: UUber LLyft cab services or even rides home from colleagues are all options. Moreover, there is no pressure put on people to consume alcoholic beverages at these events and again, we expect that people will act responsibly.
Also, there are some other options from this committee like Staff Intramural League, last summer we had volleyball at the Wellness Center but other ideas are forthcoming and have included: kickball in the quad, horseshoes at University Park, or even attending the live concerts at the ND Museum of Art.
Suggestion/Question: Can we work on getting an absolute on lunch breaks? It is frustrating to me to have the two 15 minutes as optional instead of mandatory. Some people are taking 1 hour breaks some people are taking the half hour with both 15 minutes and some people only take the half hour because the optional 15 can't be an option with the amount of work that needs to get done. I am frustrated to be in a position where I feel like a slacker to take my two optional 15 minute breaks knowing that the majority of campus is getting 2.5 hours of additional breaks a week than I am (and I know I am not the only one who does not take the fifteens).
Response: Normal business hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM. Since the university is a 24-hour operation, there may be variations in shifts. Employees may be allowed a rest period of fifteen minutes each half day. Employees who work more than four hours in one day are allowed a minimum of thirty minutes (unpaid) for one meal.
Suggestion/Question: When is the next UND Take over event? Although I missed the last one the first event in October was a lot of fun. It made for a relaxed environment to get to know co-workers on a more personal level and meet people from other departments I would otherwise not interact with. Myself and several others are looking forward to the next event.
Response: Since we will not be doing another 31 days of Glory, we will possibly do two more Staff Takeovers.
Suggestion/Question: Considering the budget cuts and job eliminations that have been forced University wide why would the Facilities Dept decide to fill a $68,000 per year Assistant Director of Custodial and Landscaping position that has been vacant for over four years and then give that Assistant Director two $48,000 per year manager positions for housing and custodial?
Response: The Associate Director position that was vacant was inactivated as part of the budget cuts. A Director position was vacated due to a retirement. That position was reclassified as an Assistant Director which oversees Custodial and Landscape Services. The two Custodial Manager positions that report to the Assistant Director position have been in existence for over 20 yrs. Overall we eliminated one higher classified position.
Suggestion/Question: Who do we need to contact to get some sand on the sidewalks on either side of Cambridge Street? Not only has this campus taken away some of our closest parking spots but now we have to skate to our offices on the sidewalks. I had a young man fall down just behind me this morning. Thankfully he was ookbut he even complained how tired he is of all the icy walkways.
Response: A very small amount of the Cambridge Street sidewalks are maintained by the University. The majority is the responsibility of the other property owners to maintain. Facilities will strive to make sure our portion is maintained as well as possible, we are currently working with our staff on standard-operating-procedures (SOP) to improve are overall maintenance.
We appreciate being notified if anyone sees an area of concern so we can quickly respond to safety concerns. Concerns with sidewalk maintenance of non-UND owners along Cambridge Street should be voiced with the City of Grand Forks as possible City ordinance violations.
Suggestion/Question: Do to the budget my contract has been reduced to a 10 month contract. I contacted parking to see about arranging for next year's parking and I was told I would have to still pay the full amount regardless of how long my contract is for. The person I spoke with told me that our parking permits were relatively cheap so apparently this does not seem to be a problem for the person I spoke with this morning. I told her this was unfair especially when your pay has already been reduced and no pay raises were expected in the near future. There are people here that have been reduced to 50% and are still expected to pay full price for parking that they will not be using. Yet when you park during the summer months with ample parking you can't use it. The parking permits need to be adjusted for what the University provides per our contract. You are taking money that doesn't belong to you. So in essence I would like to see parking permits based on what our contract is just not yearly. And during the summer months you should be able to use whatever parking space is available (if you have already purchased a parking permit). Most of the summers courses have been reduced as well and that parking is just not being used.
Response: Currently the parking policies and rates do not offer a 10 month permit option.
There was a parking study conducted by an outside firm in 2015, the findings of that report are being reviewed and will be discussed by UND’s Parking Advisory Committee in 2017-2018. My goal would to have updated parking policies and rates in place by July 1, 2018 for the start of the 2018-2019 academic year (permit year). Maybe in the future there will be a 10 month permit option.
It is true our rates are low in comparison to like universities. In developing a mmultiyear rate plan for parking that we hope to put into place for next year we are considering the full-cost of parking since Parking Services should be a break-even enterprise for UND under the MMIRAbudget model. UND is sensitive to rates increase for the 2017-2018 academic year because there was no salary increases for UND employees. All these issues will be presented and discussed to the Parking Advisory Committee this year.
Suggestion/Question: This year's staff recognition ceremony started out with an amazing speech by Coach Bubba. He really has a special way of bringing the UND family together. How can you not want to work harder and try and go out of your way more to better UND after listening to Bubba!?! Unfortunately the experience changed pretty quick thereafter. You have someone asking us to rally behind UND and fully support this institution but then very little appreciation is truly shown to the staff at the annual Staff RECOGNITION Ceremony. I understand time is of concern but when the morale of the University seems so low a little more time could go a long ways. I would suggest you either fully recognize each staff member that is present by calling their name and asking them to walk across the stage or don't even bother including them in your program. If some that works for UND for 5 10 or 15 years is not worth your time than omit those years' of service from your program. Maybe an idea would be to include everyone in the program but only formally recognize the employees that are in attendance that RSVP. Everyone I've spoken to about the luncheon has shared very similar opinions and this has already come up in conversation with multiple staff from multiple departments. Please know I don't intend this to be a personal attack on anyone that worked on this program. Please take this only as constructive criticism for future years. As I said earlier I think an amazing job was done with the opening speaker. I don't recall having a motivating speech like that at prior Staff Recognition Ceremonies. Kudos for that!! Can this be shared with Human Resources and the President's Office?
Response: The Staff Recognition Luncheon has been an annual event for 37 years. Each year,
we receive compliments and suggestions regarding various aspects of the luncheon.
Based on the suggestions provided, we have tried two different options: reading only
the names of the employees who attend and reading only the names of the employees
with 20 or more years of service. Both options were an attempt to shorten the program,
which has been a continuing employee concern.
We know how important it is to recognize our hardworking staff for their longevity
and meritorious service on an annual basis. Although it is impossible to please everyone,
we want to hear your opinions regarding the luncheon and program. To gather your opinions,
all benefited staff will be receiving a survey regarding the Staff Recognition Luncheon.
Your input is valuable, so please respond when you receive that survey in the next
few weeks.
Suggestion/Question: I think the university could save a lot of money if they closed the campus and made everyone take time of from December 26-January 1. A lot of universities do this.
Response: Forwarded to VPFO
Suggestion/Question: UND discounts with Splasher's WaWaterparkAlAltruets them and it would be nice for UND to as well.
Response: Forwarded to Human Resources
Suggestion/Question: With the current budget cuts coming my suggestion for cost savings is: "Meetings!" There are so many meetings reoccurring and others that do not provide any meaningful direction and lead to follow-up meetings that do the same. Administrators Directors Supervisors and Deans have enough to do without more meaningless meetings. The question that should be asked is: What did this meeting accomplish? If you struggle to find an answer that meeting could be once a month instead of once a week or gone all together.
Response: Thank you for the suggestion. These are great questions to consider regarding meetings.
Suggestion/Question: I suggest that the digital TV screens across the UND campus including the one outside the parking garage be used to generate ad revenue for UND. This would require a UND and perhaps NDNDUSolicy-wide change. Judging from REREA'sd prices for its screens the potential for income is real and on-going. The technology is already in place; why not use it to make money in these times of budget cuts?
Response: “Based on initial review, there doesn’t appear to be any legal/policy constraints concerning this suggestion. This suggestion will be passed along to those responsible for marketing and branding for further consideration.”
Suggestion/Question: Could the university save money by offering faculty and staff money to not be on the University's insurance. There could be several families out there that get health insurance through UND that could get it through another business. If there was an option of receiving $5K to get insurance elsewhere and that option was taken would UND save money?
Response: Since, an employer cannot offer a financial incentive to not enroll in employer-provided health insurance, any additional payment would need to be regular taxable compensation or part of a cafeteria plan (where employees receive a specific dollar amount to customize their benefits package). State employees do not have the option to participate in a cafeteria plan. If taxable compensation was offered, this would not preclude the employee from enrolling in health insurance during the next open enrollment period.
Suggestion/Question: Will the staff dependent tuition waiver ever apply to other ND Institutions as well?
Response: The spouse and dependent tuition waiver is provided by SBSBHEolicy 820 Tuition Waivers/Tuition Assistance. Section 3.f.ii – specifically states: The benefit is available to the spouse or dependent at the employee's campus of employment only. At this time, there is no discussion at the SBSBHEevel to change this policy.
Suggestion/Question: My husband wants to know why the staff at the university only works 7 1/2 hour days. Lots of us go to work at 8, have a 1 hour lunch and leave at 4:30. I don't have an explanation for him.
Response: Normal business hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM. Since the university is a 24-hour operation, there may be variations in shifts.
Employees may be allowed a rest period of fifteen minutes each half day. Employees who work more than four hours in one day are allowed a minimum of thirty minutes (unpaid) for one meal.
Suggestion/Question: The Business Office needs an outdoor drive by drop box for departmental deposits. This would save time and would not require any parking by staff in front of TwTwamleyall.
Response: Thank you for forwarding the suggestion to me. We have previously discussed having an indoor drop box, but have not thought about an outdoor drop box. I will look into this, as we will need to research security measures, location, access, etc.
I will get back to you as soon as this has been researched and let you know if it is feasible to implement. Thanks!
Suggestion/Question: Does anyone know why the snow removal on campus is not up to the usual standards as in the past? The ridges at intersections are very dangerous especially by the Law School.
Response: Thanks for the opportunity to follow up with you on this and I appreciate questions/input from others so please in the future let me know of concerns like this one.
I had a debrief with my staff after our latest large snowfall to see what was working and what areas we could improve on. It was a good debrief in that it uncovered some process and prioritization gaps. In short between our increased level of moving departments over break and assumptions made based on classes not in session our main initial focus of getting all areas at least cleared once got delayed. We made some adjustments and will be looking into some other alternatives for dealing with similar situations in the future.
Suggestion/Question: Please post your monthly Agendas PRIOR to your monthly meetings so that we can see who your guest speakers are prior to each meeting. Thank you.
Response: We will do our best to get the monthly agenda and committee reports posted to our website one week prior to the meeting.
Suggestion/Question: It is my understanding that UND will be having regular denim days on Friday every week. Our office used to have Friday denim days and donate to a charity of our choice. Right around Valentine's Day every year Dakota Medical Foundation Alex Stern Family Foundation and Impact Foundation have Giving Hearts Day. Giving Hearts is an opportunity to donate to many of our local charities as well as they may receive matching funds from other sources. Perhaps this could be the February special denim day? Odds are there are a few charities that are already in the pool of eligible charities that the denim day committee has already picked but if it were distributed through Giving Hearts it's possible the donation would be matched.
Response: Thank you for the suggestion. In addition to regular Denim Days, there are special Denim Days held throughout the year. Non-profit organizations may apply for a special Denim Day in conjunction with a yearly fund-raising event. One-hundred percent of the donations collected on that one day are given to that one organization. These organizations are generally national organizations that would not qualify for UND's regular Denim Days, which support local agencies. Non-profit organizations are encouraged to apply for Denim Day Funding by contacting the Staff Senate Community Relations Chair, Patricia Reed, at 701-777-4821 or patricia.reed@library.ununddu.
Suggestion/Question: Finding quality child care in Grand Forks can be a challenge especially for babies. Many UND employees find the best option for child care in in-home care settings. This can in many situations be a good option but sometimes the provider is not available to provide care (e.g. due to illness vacation etc.). Given this UND should offer a back-up care program with prprepproved providers that can be contacted in case of a need for backup. UND should also give staff and faculty priority at the UND child care center and open the same for children younger than 18 months.
Response: “These conversations are important and worth pursuing. UCUCLCnderstands the need and importance of high quality early care and education. UCUCLCoes see the need for care for children younger than 18 months but have many hurdles and constraints that must be overcome. I am definitely open to conversation and ideas. I would love to hear peoples suggestions and ideas. I would be willing to explore options. But UCUCLCs not willing to compromise the quality they are known for providing.” - DaDawnitaiNillesProgram Director at UCC
Suggestion/Question: How come the coke machine has a card reader but the vending machines do not. I use the vending machine very regularly but always have to have cash which I carry less frequently. Can the vending machines get card readers? I think so many more people would use them if they had card readers. I'm too far from the union to get snacks during the day so adding a card reader would be much more convenient.
Response: We have not added credit/bank card readers to the snack machines because of the PCPCIPayment Card Industry) requirements. The cost of compliance with PCPCIn the vending machines for the number of machines UND self operates outweighs the benefit of having the readers.
Suggestion/Question: I have a question regarding the way parking passes will be done in August. I guess that we will not be required to have a hang tag in our vehicles due to parking being able to read license plates. Over in the area by the steam plant where parking is absolutely horrible what is to stop people from parking in the lot when they may not be authorized to park there. Even if parking goes through the lot every hour it still will not help with lost parking spots. I think something needs to be able to distinguish what lot a person can park in so everyone can help monitor this. Also I don't think that graduate students should be able to have a "A" parking pass. They still are students. Many of the grad students are now complaining about having to pay for their own insurance and want the departments to cover it. In our college the Dean is having the departments pay more then the $500 which is what we are suppose to pay because the foreign students have complained enough to him. I know that they will still find the money to purchase an "A" permit though.
Response: You are correct as of August there will not be hang tags issued to identify your permit. Parking and Transportation will utilize enforce based upon the license plate number. I do question if you are out watching for people with different hang tags and telling them not to park in that lot currently? This seems like an issue that doesn’t matter what the system is if someone wants to break the policy they will break the policy. We will enforce that area, but at this point we aren’t going to tow a person parked in the wrong area. Adding hang tags to the permits costs roughly $15,000 per year, plus the cost of administering them, and shipping cost. It is my thought, that any cost we avoid, reduce, or minimize is a good thing as cost drives the permit rates.
Graduate students are allowed to purchase “A” Permits under certain limited circumstances, they must be employed at 50% or more in order to qualify. Non student employees are eligible to purchase an “A” permit as well, but without any restrictions. I understand the loss of ½ of the lot there has put pressure on the parking situation in that area. As we move forward with the Parking and Transportation committee we will be able to address some of those situations.
Suggestion/Question: Has any thought been given to cacancellinghe 2016 Staff Recognition Ceremony? As many employees are loosing their jobs due to budget cuts it seems like a slap in the face to hold such an event. Especially for those who are up for years of service awards that are also being cut. It is like we are saying thanks for your 15 years of service sorry you won't get a 16th. It seems like now might not be the right time for it.
Response: When planning began for the 2016 Staff Recognition Luncheon, we did consider from a budget perspective that the university might want to change what this recognition event looks like. At that point we were unaware that we may be facing staffing reductions. This is an event that many staff and departments at the university look forward to with anticipation each year. While we recognize that this is a difficult time at UND, we felt that it was important to continue to recognize the great work, dedication and long service of staff here at UND.
Suggestion/Question: I was leaving the parking garage the other day and the ticket reader could not read my ticket. I had to then call a number and wait for a staff member to come. Then the staff member had me fill out a form that triggers what I thought I saw as "investigation". I don't get how it is reasonable to make me sit and wait and then fill out a form that could result in me being charged for the reader not working. I think that is a ridiculous practice. If it is for tracking purposes then figure out another way to do it. I used both lanes and the ticket could not be read. The staff member saw me put the ticket in and it say not able to read or whatever the text displays. Why would I have to fill out a form then?
Response: So there are 2 issues expressed here:
Why do I have to wait for customer service to come to the gate?
Why do they take information based upon my ticket not working?
The customer service person comes to the gate to verify that there is a ticket, the status of the ticket (paid, unpaid, or unreadable), and then to lift the gate to let the customer out. The taking of information (filling out the form) is based upon best practices to assure that the same people are not consistently being let out, if they are we will try to identify what is causing the ticket issue. The second reason is an internal control to assure that our staff are not just randomly letting people out and giving away free parking.
We do our best to minimize any delays and I apologize for any inconvenience.
In the near future once the LPLPRLicense Plate Recognition) system is in place the gates will be removed which will eliminate this entire process. We are working with our vendors presently to get this up and running and expect deployment in the summer.
Suggestion/Question: How or why are students able to purchase "A" zone parking passes?
Response: “A” permits are available for purchase to GTGTARGRASA if the student is ½ time or more. Other than that “A” permits are not available to students.
Suggestion/Question: This actually isn't a suggestion but rather a question that has been bothering me a lot. I realize the answer will not change anything but for some reason it seems to be important that I know the answer. With regard to the Voluntary Separation Incentive Program for staff did anyone with the authority to do so ever consider granting a full year's compensation as they did for faculty? And if not why not? In general staff earn a fraction of what faculty and administrators are paid. A full year's salary would have meant a great deal to us even though the amount would probably not have much significance to a tenured professor. Without staff there would be no functioning University. While this seems obvious regarding faculty it does not appear to be as obvious with regard to staff.
Response: The North Dakota University System has established different employment policies for faculty and staff. For tenured faculty that includes a right to continuous academic year employment in an academic unit or program and subject to an annual contract. This right to continued employment presents different policy parameters for faculty and staff. In establishing the tenured faculty and staff voluntary separation programs, UND administration reviewed the differences in employment policies and the budgetary needs of the institution. It is difficult to compare the incentive offered for the Tenured Faculty Voluntary Separation Incentive Program with the Staff Voluntary Separation Incentive Program, due to the following reasons:
A full year of compensation for a staff member would typically be 12 months of pay, for a typical tenured faculty member it would be 9 months of pay.
Staff do not sign contracts
Staff accrue annual and sick leave, which would be paid out in addition to the incentive payment (faculty do not have accrued leave and would not receive this payment).
Suggestion/Question: I am a nine month employee and have to pay for a 12 month parking pass. Why is that? I should be able to have the three months refunded that I don't use.
Response: So I will start with the Parking Policy
Page 8 Parking policy
PERMIT REFUNDS – Faculty, staff, affiliate, and student permits may be returned for a partial refund if it falls within the refund schedule. Retiree permits, as well as temporary and guest passes, are non-refundable. Permits must be brought to Parking Services where a refund may be issued. For a refund schedule visit Parking Services website or reference Appendix 3 - Refund Schedule.
Appendix 3:
Permit (color) |
Type |
Refund |
Refund |
Refund |
A (Red) |
Faculty/Staff |
Prorated according to Payroll periods |
Prorated according to Payroll periods |
Prorated according to Payroll periods |
RCA (Gray) |
Reserved Ramp Parking |
Prorated according to Payroll periods |
Prorated according to Payroll periods |
Prorated according to Payroll periods |
So as a 9 month employee if you are on payroll deduction and return your permit, no further deductions will be taken. Essentially you have paid for what you have used and no refund should be issued.
If you purchased your permit as a one-time payment you are tied to the refund schedule. When you return your permit will determine the amount of refund based upon the date.
Since the cost of our permits is prorated so is the refund, as such the cost is when demand is peaked (during the academic year) rather than a flat rate across the board. For the A permit the refund is calculated based upon a $12.50 reduction each pay period (same as the payroll deduction) until the amount reaches $50 (3/15-3/31) after which there are no refunds given and the permit purchase price has also been prorated to $50. When the cost is broken down, someone who works 9 months and pays the full price for their permit still pays only $1.25 per day for parking on campus.
I am happy to discuss specifics with anyone that has a question, please contact me we can set up a time to discuss.
Suggestion/Questions: I love the new salad line option at Marketplace. I think it is fantastic that we have that option when we go there. However I along with many of my coworkers were extremely disappointed to see the rotating menu - specifically the grilled cheese and soup day and the home style favorites day go. Is there any way they can make the salad option Monday Wednesday Friday and bring back the grilled cheese on Tuesdays and the home style type meals (BBQ Beef Hot Turkey/Beef mashed potatoes etc) on Thursdays? This would be the best of both worlds and would definitely bring some people back to buying lunch at Marketplace.
Response:Based on the feedback Dining Services received through the Dining master plan completed by the Baker Group, Inc. a fresh made to order salad concept was added to the options at OMOMMAs a result of that transition, the counters were redesigned to accommodate the necessary cold pans needed to offer the salad concept. Because of the redesign of the counters, the grill used to make the sandwiches and other hot made to order items no longer fits on the counter.
Suggestion/Questions: Why are Denim Days on Mondays and Wednesdays this year instead of Wednesdays and Fridays? Having denim day on Mondays is one of the worst ideas I've ever heard. First and most notably having a denim day on a Monday makes the entire University look unprofessional. Next some people can't participate in Denim Days when they are on Wednesdays (let alone Mondays) due to supervisors meetings or other professional dress protocol situations. Having them on Mondays makes it even more difficult to participate. Fridays tend to be a more casual day with less appointments and meetings for most so having a denim day is appropriate and appreciated on those days. Denim days in my opinion should only be offered on Fridays. If anything at least one of the days should be a Friday. Denim Days do not belong at the beginning of the week.
Response: This fall the Denim Day Committee saw a large decrease in Denim Day donations on Fridays. The timing appears to be in direct correlation with the implementation of UND Spirit Days on Fridays. Word reached the Denim Day Committee that many offices across campus were allowing their staff to wear jeans in conjunction with Spirit Days; and even though it was also a Denim Day on some Fridays, it appears that individuals did not donate on those Friday because their office allowed them to wear jeans. As a result of a significant amount of lost funding the Denim Day committee discussed and voted to change Denim Days from Fridays to Mondays.
Selecting Denim Days has always been a “you can’t please everyone” situation. There are individuals on campus that do not want Denim Days on Wednesdays because of church related activities on Wednesday nights. There are other individuals who do not want Denim Days on Fridays because they don’t work on Fridays or because their office allows casual Fridays (even before Spirit Days was implemented). Similarly, it is not surprising that some do not agree with Denim Days on Mondays for other reasons. The committee will re-evaluate the selection of best days for Denim Days in 2017.
Suggestion/Question: Can the garbage dumpster on the backside of the Memorial Union
that is used by dining services please be replaced so that it does not leak? It is
absolutely disgusting and a safety hazard to have it leaking garbage juice all year
long. I for one do not appreciate having to walk through a sticky stream of garbage
drippings every day on my way to and from the ramp. It makes my shoes sticky it smells
terrible (especially when it is hot outside) it is slippery and it takes away from
the beauty of the campus. I know for a fact that I am not the only staff member who
feels this way.
Response: Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention. The dumpster will be replaced immediately. We are working with Dining Services also to ensure that the waste is disposed of properly.We are sorry that you had to tolerate the nuisance. In the future, please call Operations Center (ext. 2591), or send us an email at Contact Facilities Management, and we will address the issue as soon as possible.
Suggestion/Question: There is currently a water fountain on the 1st floor of McMcCannelall. Would it be possible to convert this to a hydration station? Especially during cold and flu season it would be helpful to have a more sanitary option to fill my water bottle.
Response: When a water fountain malfunctions and requires replacement, Facilities Management will replace the water fountain with a hydration station using Facilities repair funds. A Department may request, and pay for the installation of a new hydration station at any time.
If the Department in McMcCannrelall desires a new hydration station, the Department may submit a Project Request with appropriate funding information. The link to the Project Request can be found on Facilities Management website.
Suggestion/Question: Now that the snow has arrived it concerns me when sidewalks, doorways and parking lots are not cleared in a timely manner. I noticed on Wednesday, December 4th that the sidewalks I had to walk on was barely cleared enough to walk on in the morning and was still not cleared when I was leaving for the day. The parking lot was still not cleared when I came at 8 am and when I left for the day and the sidewalks into our building with a handicap door were still not cleared properly at 4:30 pm. This doorway is used by students, faculty and staff.
Response: All buildings have custodial staff assigned to the buildings to clean them. When it snows they also have to shovel/clear snow at building entrances and portions of the sidewalks.
We generally go out a minimum of 6 feet from the building, more often it is 9 feet or more depending on the situation and configuration of the building. There are times when we have to go further and may make a path that is free of snow to walk on. It may not be the entire width of the sidewalk due to many factors.
Most of the staff works 11pm – 7am. After 7am we have a smaller crew to clear snow as best we can, as it comes down.
When we have snow we focus on the critical areas first and try to get to all areas in a timely manner. We have over 200 buildings on Campus and we try to keep the sidewalks clean for the safety of all people who use them.
I would very much like to address this particular incident but I would need a little more information to do that such as building name, entrance, and snow conditions. If you ever need further assistance or have other concerns please contact facilities as they occur so we can correct them.
Suggestion/Question: The study area in the basement of the union is very useful but why isn't it open 24/7? There should be a place that everyone can go to study 24/7. I find it unfair that the only way to get a 24/7 study area on campus is to be in the business school. All students should have the resources available to make themselves the best that they can be. Also with the basement study area is there any plan to put a door between the pipingpongnd pool room and where the tables are? The noises from the games are very distracting and makes it hard to focus.
Response:The suggestion was forwarded on to Student Government. Thank you for your suggestion.
Suggestion/Questions: I am very confused why there are special parking places for people who ride motorcycles to work. This is especially frustrating since they are allowed to park on the TwTwamleyall main lot where parking spaces are few. The rest of the staff needs to get to work early in order to park on the main lot but motorcyclists automatically get a space. I would appreciate if this was looked into with the parking office. Thank you.
Response:Thanks for expressing your concerns regarding motorcycle parking. There are three (3) ways that parking operations primarily handle motorcycle parking.
Motorcycles park in designated motorcycle spaces.
Motorcycles park in regular vehicle parking spaces.
Motorcycles park in yellow hashed out areas.
Right now UND allows motorcycles to park in all 3 of these manners in different locations around campus.Each has its merit in terms of the overall parking plan, but we will be standardizing this as we move forward with our plan for the future.In the TwTwamleyot there is a motorcycle space, that was created based upon safety issues. The main reason for creating designated motorcycle spaces is safety. Hashed out areas are designed to keep vehicles out of drive lanes and protect safe access for all, when motorcycles park in hashed out areas they can be a hazard in those safety buffer zones. On the other side of the coin when motorcycles are allowed to or required to park in normal parking spaces it is hugely inefficient. As a result the best practice is to create motorcycle spaces that are both safe and maintain a smaller footprint allowing for the maximum number of “cars” to park.As with all of our lots, spaces, rules, and operations they are being reviewed at this point. Please feel free to contact me with any further questions.
Suggestion/Question: The study area in the basement of the union is very useful but why isn't it open 24/7? There should be a place that everyone can go to study 24/7. I find it unfair that the only way to get a 24/7 study area on campus is to be in the business school. All students should have the resources available to make themselves the best that they can be. Also with the basement study area is there any plan to put a door between the pipingpongnd pool room and where the tables are? The noises from the games are very distracting and makes it hard to focus.
Response:The suggestion was forwarded on to Student Government. Thank you for your suggestion.
Suggestion/Question: With all the meetings that have to deal with the new budget model or updates on imimagenownd apapplitracktc. why not have a video of these instead of people needing to physically go to a meeting. The parking alone is terrible and the meetings although important are time consuming. Maybe a link so people could ask questions would also be helpful.
Response Part A: Thank you for sending the question. I can only speak from the MIMIRAerspective. In the future, we do plan to stream and/or record the presentations. At this time, the information is very fluent. We are continually updating and refining the presentation to insure the most current information. We are also revising the presentation as questions are asked and feedback is received. The Central Budget Office will be collaborating with the University Senate Budget, Restructuring and Reallocation Committee on all future presentations. In the meantime, Margi Healy did a voice over PPPPTalled Budget 101. There are a few out of date slides but it does provide an introduction to MIRA.
Response Part B: Thank you for your question. Learning & Development (L&D) strives to bring training forth in a variety of ways. This includes: in person, live streamed, and archived recordings to assist individuals with their learning. Many of the sessions we offer we do live stream and record to reach individuals who can’t attend in person. Please know if there is a session you would like to see streamed live or recorded all you have to do is ask. If the presenter approves and L&D staff are available we are happy to do so. Thank you for your suggestion and we appreciate your feedback.
Suggestion/Question: As a staff member who is 36 weeks pregnant I was very disappointed to find out the hard way the lack of parking options that construction has created. I chose not to invest in a parking ramp pass due to taking maternity leave thinking the A lots were going to be sufficient enough. Unfortunately now that I have to leave campus for regular appointments during the day there are very few options left for spots now that three lots have been taken due to the construction on the CECECYesterday it took an extra 20 minutes driving to all the parking lots to be forced to park over by EEEERCnd walk to McMcCannelall. Not only was I late for my student appointment I had to take extra vacation time to cover my time away from the office...30 minutes for parking. I understand that parking on this campus is an issue everywhere. However, I am thoroughly disgusted that zero options have been opened up in the parking ramp for A passes; one must buy the special pass and pay an arm and a leg for that luxury. Please keep fighting the good fight for us our voices need to be heard against Parking Services.
Response: We are sorry that an expecting mother had difficulties in finding a parking space close to her workplace. This concern had been raised in the Staff Senate earlier. The Department of Parking & Transportation Services (PTS) is striving to improve the parking experience for the campus community. After learning about the special needs of an expecting mother, PTS has launched a new program. The details of the program can be found on Parking & Transportation website. We will help an expecting mother find a suitable parking spot and the space will be reserved for her throughout the pregnancy.
We acknowledge that the passes for the ramp cost more than the “A” passes. The ramp was financed using debt. The financial proforma sets the minimum level of revenue that must be collected to make payments for the debt. The cost of passes were set to ensure that these debt payment obligations can be met. PTS, however, is beginning an analysis of the entire parking program, including debt servicing, and will study all fees-related issues facing the campus community.
Please contact PTS at with any questions or comments you may have regarding your parking and transportation experience at the campus.
Suggestion/Question: While attempting to leave campus yesterday afternoon (August 25) I drove by the construction site near UpUpsonore Library. Traffic was stopped due to the crews loading equipment and we remained stopped for about 10 minutes. With classes in session this could delay some students who are trying to get to their classes (I noticed that while I waited to go East a UND bus was waiting on the opposite end of the street to go West). Maybe an email should go out to alert the entire campus community to expect travel delays if they should take that route. Or is it possible that a detour could be implemented? Thank you for your consideration!
Response: We apologize for the inconvenience. This is a rare event, and we work with the contractors to minimize disruptions. We have communicated with the contractor again. All efforts are being made to schedule deliveries and pickups before 8 AM and after 4-30 PM.
We encourage the campus community to find alternate routes, and avoid the construction area.
Suggestion/Question: I have had conversation with others and also have heard others talking about staff having the benefit of donating blood. Is it possible for staff to be allowed time away from work to donate blood? If not as a "benefit" to University employees can employees sick time be used?
Response: Sick leave for NDNDUSmployees is not an earned benefit like annual leave, but rather an insurance benefit, which allows employees to build a reserve of days they can use for their extended illnesses or the medical care of their eligible family members. (NDNDUSuman Resource Policy 7) specifically states when an employee may use their sick leave. The ND State Legislature just expanded the use of sick leave to include maternity leave for both parents and the ability to use additional sick leave to care for the extended illnesses of eligible family members. NDNDUSolicy was updated to include those changes. However, the use of sick leave for blood and plasma donations is currently not allowed by policy or legislature.
Suggestion/Question: I would like to suggest that time be given for employees to donate blood. It's an extremely worthwhile cause and the blood bank fights a constant battle to keep up with the needs. It usually doesn't take much more than an hour and could be limited to once a month. It's 56 days between the time you can give if you're doing whole blood. If you give plasma it's a 2-2 1/2 hour time length.
Response: Sick leave for NDNDUSmployees is not an earned benefit like annual leave, but rather an insurance benefit, which allows employees to build a reserve of days they can use for their extended illnesses or the medical care of their eligible family members. NDNDUSuman Resource Policy 7 specifically states when an employee may use their sick leave. The ND State Legislature just expanded the use of sick leave to include maternity leave for both parents and the ability to use additional sick leave to care for the extended illnesses of eligible family members. NDNDUSolicy was updated to include those changes. However, the use of sick leave for blood and plasma donations is currently not allowed by policy or legislature.
Suggestion/Question: I think the free ticket offer is so great for employees. I did win tickets to the rodeo and enjoyed it completely with my grandson. It would have been nice to know the day ahead..for planning ...but it was great. years ago employees were able to purchase tickets to the Chester Fritz events several days before the event at 1/2 price..I do think this is when there were many tickets left-unfilled seats. I used this option many times to enjoy events. would this feature ever return?
Response: We do agree that the ½ price ticket was a great benefit that we did before. The problem we run into with so many of our shows is that just about all of them are either rentals (a promoter brings in the show and we have no control over ticket prices) or they are a co-promote/joint venture with a promoter or company and they are not interested in dropping prices the day of due to contractual issues. If the opportunity presents itself again on a show, we will offer that discount.
Suggestion/Question: 1. What is the lowest hourly wage paid to full time staff? I have learned that some of my colleagues must use food stamps to feed themselves and their families.
2. I have also learned that about half of my colleagues work full time at UND and at least one other job to keep themselves afloat. Is this wide spread at UND?
3. Are wage rates available for each position on campus? If so are they available online so a job applicant can easily see what the position will pay (entry/mid/high)?
4. Also - I did not hear back or I missed the response on how to view the NDNDUSalaries online. I see that the Grand Forks Herald was able to publish some of them but it would be nice not to require a FOFOIAo get that info. If possible please post my questions and their responses on the Senate web site. Perhaps an FAQ? I'd appreciate reading questions others may have and also avoiding questions that have already been asked and answered. Thanks!
Response: 1. The current lowest hourly wage paid to a full-time staff member is $10.65 per hour ($22,152 per year) + $16,825 in fringe benefits for a total annual compensation package of $38,977.00.
2. The number of UND employees that work more than one job is unknown.
3. There are not wage rates available for each position on campus, since the North Dakota University System uses a brbroadbandingystem to classify employees. BrBroadbandingroups similar jobs together using a few, wide bands defined by the U.S. Department of Education. The salary of an employee is not restricted by a narrow salary band and there is not a salary cap on any position. During each budget cycle, departments are provided with the latest market rates for similar positions outside of the institution. These market rates are used to determine the need for market adjustments to salaries.
4. ND State Government and NDNDUSmployee salaries are posted on the website. Select the agency you wish to access, click on the biennium you wish to view and search for the title of the position you are looking for.
Suggestion/Question: As someone (a 1974 alumnus) who feels cheated out of being able to vote on UND/North Dakota as a nickname option I'd like to suggest that the Student Senate take on a project to put on the North Dakota ballot an initiated measure that would change the date of the existing law that required UND to not select a nickname before 1/1/2015. In other words if through an initiated measure the state law were amended to change the date to say 1/1/2025 it would prevent a new nickname from being selected for an additional ten years. To reiterate the initiated measure would only seek to change the date in the existing statute. I think such an effort would be a great learning experience for students interested in government.
Response: Staff Senate forwarded your suggestion on to Student Government.
Suggestion/Question: With the vote of the new UND nickname it may be helpful to voters if there were sample logos to go with each of the nicknames. It is difficult to visualize what the logo would be if NoNodaksere chosen. Same for SuSundogsUtilize the marketing and/or art students for this so that cost is nothing.
Response: The creation of potential logos can be a very time-consuming and expensive process. Concepts and artwork would need to be developed and trademark searches would need to be performed. Going through this process for five different potential nicknames would greatly increase that time and cost. In addition, even if a potential concept or logo were “assigned” to each potential nickname, there is no guarantee that this would be the final logo design decided upon for the new nickname—so it might establish an unrealistic or inaccurate expectation of what the final logo would look like. Given that, the process of selecting a logo will take place after the nickname has been decided, so that this effort can be applied to the nickname that will actually be used. Utilizing the input of marketing or art students is a great idea, and we are thinking about ways to do that.
Suggestion/Question: Would it be possible to have some sort of student loan forgiveness for staff members that have graduated from UND? I believe we are allowed to take one class per semester for free could we have a voucher for the value of that free class to go to our loan institution instead? I think in many cases this would be more beneficial to young staff members.
Response: There is a student loan forgiveness program for public service employees, which includes UND employees.
Public Service Loan Forgiveness
If you are employed in certain public service jobs and have made 120 payments on your
Direct Loans (after Oct. 1, 2007), the remaining balance that you owe may be forgiven.
Only payments made under certain repayment plans may be counted toward the required
120 payments. You must not be in default on the loans that are forgiven. For more
information, go to Public Service Loan Forgiveness.
STEM Occupations Student Loan Program
The intent of this program is to reduce student loan indebtedness for individuals
who have graduated in a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) related
field and have been employed in a STEM occupation in North Dakota for one year following
college graduation. Funded recipients are eligible to receive up to $1,500 per year
in loan forgiveness for each year they are employed in an approved STEM occupation
in North Dakota, subject to a maximum of 48 months of eligible employment. Individuals
must apply annually for funding consideration. The one-year of employment must have
occurred within the past 24 months.
Suggestion/Question: 1. Why does UND not pay for staff members to take online classes (only 50%) when they pay for staff members to take on-campus classes? Many people have jobs at UND that do not allow the freedom needed in order to take an on-campus class (whether we can't afford the time away and/or we travel for our jobs). It is very frustrating that UND will pay for someone to take time away from their job during regular business hours but will not pay for someone to take an online class which would take no time away from their day job and it may be more convenient for them to do. Furthermore if UND offers tuition waivers for staff dependents one would think that it could first offer full waivers to staff members regardless if they are taking an on-campus class or an online class.
2. Does the 'three classes per calendar year' rule mean that staff members can only take one class per semester (Fall Spring Summer)? Most classes are not offered during the summer (and if they are they are offered online). So does that mean that staff members are "really" only eligible for two classes per calendar year due to the way the classes are set up? Also if an on-campus class actually is offered during the summer it typically does not work with a staff member's day job because they are typically MTMTWHor a total of 3-4 hours - obviously a staff member can't be away for that amount of time. Is it possible for a staff member to take two classes one semester (Fall Spring) and then one class the following semester (Fall Spring) so as long as it falls within the same calendar year?
3. Why doesn't UND offer more online classes? UND makes it EXTREMELY difficult for anyone who is not a traditional student to earn a degree. Most people who decide that they would like to get their degree or earn a different/additional degree can not afford to quit their day job to go back to school. They have rent/mortgages and mouths to feed. UND is extremely behind other Universities in terms of online courses and degree programs offered. It is sad that even with tuition waivers a staff member goes looking to get a degree from another institution because UND does not care about non-traditional students - including their staff. The staff tuition waiver can not be seen as a benefit to staff if it lacks convenience and therefore does not benefit any of us in the way that it is intended to. Than you.
Response: 1. As of Fall 2015, benefited employees may take up to three face-to-face or online classes per calendar year tuition free.
2. Benefited employees may take up to three classes per calendar year tuition free. Employees may take more than one class in a semester, but may not receive release time for the additional classes during a semester.
3. UND continues to increase the number of online classes that are offered each semester. Employees are encouraged to go online and review the selection of online classes currently available. If there is a particular degree in which you do not find the necessary online courses, it is recommended that you contact the department and bring the issue to their attention and see if there is a possibility for an online course or another way that you can complete your degree.
Suggestion/Question: When will the evaluation for Administration be sent out to the staff as promised? Please send out an email notifying everyone when this is going to happen. Thanks!
Response:Several campus groups are considering administering surveys requesting feedback on a number of different issues. Because of the multiple interests and needs, Staff Senate is working with several groups including University Senate, Title IXIXand Diversity and Inclusion to see how timing and content of the survey instruments could be coordinated. Staff Senate continues to be interested in conducting a survey to staff on important issues.
Suggestion/Question: Tossed Fresh is a wonderful addition to the options available at the Memorial Union. However, the menu is very difficult to read from any distance. If there is a line and you are new to the restaurant it is difficult to have any sort of decision made by the time you arrive at the counter. I suggest that the menu also be placed on the pole that is near the order counter. This would benefit the customers AND the staff as it would keep the line moving. Thanks!
Response:Dinning Services will be adding a menu to the pillar by this fall. The menu on the pillar will not include the build your own items, though. The list is too extensive.
Suggestion/Question: A large number of comments were received regarding the closing of the TwTwamleynack Bar. Many wanted to keep it open and other were giving suggestions as to the need for at least a break room with the possibility of vending machines and microwaves etc.
Response C: A break room has been created in the space formerly occupied by the TwTwamleynack Bar on the fourth floor of TwTwamleyall, Room 402. New vending options are available as well as two microwaves. The break room is open from 8 – 4:30 daily.
Please be sure to leave the break room clean and tidy for all users.
Response B: We appreciate the feedback given to us and Staff Senate about the desire to re-open the TwTwamleynack Bar and/or meet staff needs for space to eat lunch. While we understand the value the cafeteria provided some staff, due to location and low sales, it was not fiscally responsible to keep it open. We have opened the space for a temporary staff break room. Later this summer (probably in July due to the need for some re-wiring) we will be adding snack and beverage vending machines. In addition, we will place two microwaves in the space for staff to use. It will be important for staff to monitor their own clean-up.
Response A: The Staff Senate President emailed VP Lori ReReesornd VP Alice BrBrekkeThe response is paraphrased below. Thank you for passing along comments and feedback. Follow up will take place regarding some of the suggestions provided and Staff Senate and staff in TwTwamleyill be updated on the discussions and plans for the space.
Suggestion/Question: I actually have two questions/suggestions: As one of my job duties I have to take the bubble tests and USUSATsver to Robertson-Sayre where they get scanned and then afafterwards go pick them up. Since I often have to drop off/pick up several exams I drive over. There is a nice little area on the side of the building were I can park a service vehicle while I quickly run in. However Robertson-Sayre has NO elevator. Which means I have to carry large stacks of exams up a flight of stairs and then back down again when I return to pick them up. Has there been any talk about putting an elevator into Robertson-Sayre? I would think in this day and age all buildings on campus should be handicapped accessible. Then when I leave to go back to my office I can't make a left turn from Oxford back onto University. I know they prohibited the left turn back when they were working on the bridge in order to help with traffic but that was awhile ago. Are there plans to reopen Oxford to allow for left turns? It is very inconvenient when I have to turn right and then ultimately back track. I have also seen several people make the right turn but then do a u-turn so they can go left which in my opinion is dangerous.
Response: The University desires to make all buildings universally accessible. Improvements in Robertson-Sayre buildings are planned to make the building comply with American Disabilities Act. The University will implement a project to make the building universally accessible, including installation of elevators, when funds are made available by the State Legislature. The University has a huge backlog of projects, but funds allocated by the State Legislature in this biennium is not adequate to fund the backlog. Therefore, the University has to prioritize capital improvement projects. Most probably, Robertson-Sayre building will not be included in this biennium’s list of projects. We will continue to review and prioritize the backlog list each biennium.
The decision for the closure (left turn on Oxford) was made by the city and UND to work on a traffic calming scenario on University Ave. The changes included no left turn off of Cornell street and then the no left turn off of Oxford. That particular intersection has a high volume of pedestrian traffic and to keep vehicular traffic away helps with safety and traffic flow.
Suggestion/Question: Several staff members have expressed an interest in having an ATM on the west side of campus. Is this a possibility?
Response: An ATM has been installed in Ryan Hall, 2nd floor outside of the AeAerostoptore where the vending machines are located.
Suggestion/Question: I would like to see the Staff Senate partner with UND admin and student organizations to recycle more UND campus waste (food, electronics, plastic, paper as well as ususeableoods). This link has several examples of Colleges and Universities who have rerepurposednd recycled to great affect. I think UND could do just as well. Top College Recycling Programs
Response: A small working group from Staff Senate and the Office of the VPVPFOlan to meet a discuss recycling options for UND.
Suggestion/Question: I understand there is a survey that faculty on campus are doing now regarding administration. Do you know if this survey will be sent to staff for their input?
Response:Last week the Staff Senate Executive Committee meet (5/27/2015) and discussed options for a possible staff survey. It was decided that we would conduct a survey in collaboration with HR to send out to staff members in the fall. Our goal is to launch the survey in late August or early September so that we can get the best possible response rate from staff on the overall satisfaction at UND.
Suggestion/Question: During the student government meeting on behalf of the Staff Senate the executive committee stated we supported the President and his executives and were not in favor of a no vote. PLEASE DO NOT SPEAK FOR THE ENTIRE STAFF IF YOU HAVE NOT TAKEN A VOTE!! AS I KNOW THERE ARE MANY STAFF MEMBERS THAT WOULD SUPPORT A VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE.
Response: We at Staff Senate fully support transparency here at the University of North Dakota (UND). We will continue to work with the campus community to better communicate with administration, faculty, staff and students. Your opinion/suggestion has been heard and we would encourage you to join Staff Senate in an effort to continue to take steps forward. Staff Senate is comprised of elected members representing various staff classifications from the campus community. Our goal is to ensure staff from all areas around campus have a voice and equal representation, while providing an active link for information exchange between staff and administration at UND.
Suggestion/Question: I find it troubling the Staff Senate president said Staff Senate opposes the vote of no confidence by Student Government. I'm sure the majority of staff would be too scared to state how they really feel out of fear of losing their job but I imagine more people than you realize are fed up. This administration has caused damage throughout campus. They have lost the respect of many within the community. They have severely damaged the relationship with the state legislature. It sure seems like this administration has no accountability and feels like they have to answer to no one. UND has become so top heavy it seems more like a corporate business than an institution of higher education. I personally believe much of this administration forgot who they're hear to serve. I do not feel they keep the students best interest in mind and I sure as heck do not believe their good stewards to the tataxpayongitizens of this state. Next time you speak up Ms. President I would appreciate you thinking about ALL staff at UND not just your clique of senators whom are so far out of touch with the reality of what is going on at UND. I would suggest you send out a survey to all staff inquiring on this administration and I think you will be much surprised. Maybe you could take some steps to undue some of the damage this administration has caused.
Response: Thank you for your Suggestion on 4/17/2015.
We at Staff Senate fully support transparency here at the University of North Dakota (UND). We will continue to work with the campus community to better communicate with administration, faculty, staff and students. Your opinion/suggestion has been heard and we would encourage you to join Staff Senate in an effort to continue to take steps forward. Staff Senate is comprised of elected members representing various staff classifications from the campus community. Our goal is to ensure staff from all areas around campus have a voice and equal representation, while providing an active link for information exchange between staff and administration at UND.
Staff Senate Executive Committee
Click here to view the UND Staff Senate letter to UND Student Government on 4/16/2015.
Suggestion/Question: I noticed recently that the Denim Day profits were being donated to Relay for Life. Relay for Life is under the umbrella of the American Cancer Society which is one of the nation's largest fundraising organizations. As a past committee member I know first hand that very little if any funds raised for Relay for Life will stay in the Grand Forks community. Staff Senate should seriously consider making all Denim Day donations to organizations within our community, surrounding communities and our state. There are many needs with in our immediate area, it is a shame that SS feels the need to donate to national organizations without researching and vetting how donated funds are being used. Unlike the American Cancer Society The Salvation Army keeps almost 100% of donated funds within the community and has many needs; backpack drive in the fall, kettle campaign, holiday gifts for children in need and their annual Thanksgiving meal. NoNorthlandsescue mission, the GFGFood Shelf, the EGEGFood Pantry, the Humane Society and Toys for Tots are just a few local charities that could use donations. Every single year DD donations have decreased according to your website. It isn't surprising considering the recipients of those donations.
Response:Regular Denim Day funds, which are collected all year, goes to local non-profit organizations. Applications for funding are accepted every year and organizations must apply each year. We offer special Denim Days to those organizations that do not qualify for regular Denim Days, such as national organizations, or for those local organizations that have missed the regular Denim Day application deadline, or prefer to have a special in conjunction with their organization’s special fundraising event. Unfortunately, the Salvation Army does not apply for regular Denim Day funding. A special Denim Day was created by the Denim Day committee for national disaster relief efforts and selected the Salvation Army to receive these funds. Also, the Salvation Army has been the recipient of Staff Senate’s holiday Tubs of Love event. The NoNorthlandsescue Mission has applied for and received both regular and special Denim Day funding. The Circle of Friends Humane Society has applied for, has received, and is currently receiving regular Denim Day funds. Some of the local food pantries have applied for and received regular Denim Day funds in the past. Everyone’s preference and reason for giving is different. Many people have loved ones battling with cancer; many people have a soft spot in their heart for children or animals. Others want to support those individuals with physical or mental illnesses. Some believe donations should go only to basic care needs, like food, shelter and clothing. Others believe that donations need to go to research, education, and outreach in order to find causes, cures, and preventative measures. We try to support all organizations that apply for Denim Day funding. President Kelley has been generous in his support of additional Denim Days; permitting 2 regular Denim Days per month, with an additional 2 for specials, if requested. Please encourage non-profit local organizations to apply for Denim Day funding. Information can be found at: https://ununddu/staff-senate/denim-day.cfm Cheri Williams, Denim Day Committee Chair, Staff Senate
Suggestion/Question: Are there any plans to allow direct deposit changes to be made self-service through HRHRMSgain? This was a great tool that was much easier (and for most safer) than the form through payroll. I understand that it is for our security but employees should be able to opt-in to making these changes again through self-service rather than shutting it off for everyone.
Response:Direct Deposit changes through employee self-service has now been activated again. An additional security feature was added, so you do need to know your current bank account number to make any changes.
Suggestion/Question: To see current and historical salaries for UND faculty and staff you have to go to Chester Fritz Library and review a print copy. Is this available online? Why not? Who has made this decision and what is his/her contact information. Please publish your response so all interested parties will have access to the response especially contact information for the person who makes the decision. Thanks
Response: ND State Government and NDNDUSmployee salaries are posted on the website.
Suggestion/Question: Why are on-line courses excluded from the employee tuition waiver? I would like to take on-line courses because my workload prohibits me from taking classes during work hours. I realize there are some evening classes but they are not available in all subjects. I would think it would be a state savings not to have employees leaving work for class but instead doing it on their own time.
Updated: For off campus face-to-face, hybrid/blended, independent study, online asynchronous, online synchronous or interactive video-based courses, UND will waive or pay 50 percent of the cost, with the employee paying any remaining balance as follows:
For UND employees taking UND courses identified above, UND will waive 50 percent of the tuition and 50 percent of the mandatory student fee, with the employee paying any remaining balance;
For UND employees taking other NDNDUSourses identified above, UND will pay 50 percent of the tuition only to the NDNDUSnstitution, with the employee paying any remaining balance to the NDNDUSnstitution.
Employees may be released from work for one face-to-face class each academic term with approval of the employee's supervisor or department head; approval shall be granted if it does not interfere with completion of the employee's essential job duties and the essential work of the institution.
Suggestion/Question: Would like to see the box tops for education cut out and collected at various sites. Many paper boxes have these on them and the local schools get a lot of money for these box tops.
Response:Staff Senate encourages those interested in collecting box tops to do this in their departments and to help the local schools out.
Suggestion/Question: Would like to see the quad utilized for more events including the involvement expo at the beginning of the year.
Response:Thank you for your suggestion. I will keep this in mind as we plan events. I will share with you that although the quad is a great place for events, it also brings with it a fair share of programming limitations… no bathrooms, noise in the middle of buildings with classrooms that might have windows open, limitations for electricity, parking, etc.
That isn’t to say it isn’t possible, but to let you know that we occasionally consider the quad and then, for various reasons end up programming in other spaces. Again, I appreciate you forwarding the suggestion to me. I will keep it in mind and pass it on to my colleagues.
Suggestion/Question: Is there a way that a staff/faculty member could be notified when their tuition waiver has been received by HR? No notification is sent making the employee wonder if their application was ever received or inputted into the system for the waiver process.
Response: Human Resources & Payroll Services is already currently in the process of looking into getting this into woworkflownd making it an electronic process. Until the process is electronic, the Director of Human Resources & Payroll Services stated they will be calling employees as time allows.
Suggestion/Question: Seeds for Staff Success – Can Seeds money be used to help partially fund something if the department can't cover all of the cost? Make the Seeds for Staff Success program more noticeable on the Staff Senate website.
Response: Yes, Seeds for Staff Success can be used to help partially fund some type of professional development. Please be aware the Seeds for Staff Success money is not intended to replace money a department has designated to fund professional development. Staff Senate focuses on current events on the website and rotates events as they come closer to their date. The Staff Senate website is also in the process of making some changes and will work on making the Seeds for Staff Success more noticeable.
Suggestion/Question: Just wondering why the 2013-2014 U-shine winners are listed on the website and not the 2015. Even the annual U-shine winner is not current.
Response:The Staff Senate website has been updated. Thank you for your suggestion.
Suggestion/Question: Bring back pie on the PORCH to be held somewhere on campus outdoors.
Response:This will be considered in future years; however, weather needs to be considered. In years past it been moved indoors due to rain, bees, and heat.
Suggestion/Question: I get that Staff Chat is a great place to make announcements for UND related events but lately it's been over taken by people selling hockey tickets (and some by the same people EVERY week). Could individuals be encouraged to use the UNDerGround instead? Also several times an email that should just go back to the original sender is sent out to the ENTIRE lilistservhich is rather annoying. I'd say 90% of the messages we get right now for Staff Chat are hockey related. I know we can unsubscribe from the lilistservut I don't want to miss something important when it is used for actual UND Work related announcements. I also found it very inappropriate when the message was approved referencing that the tickets were for the "Sioux v. Miami 11/14/14" game. The messages should be watched a little closer esp given everything with the Nickname and Logo Taskforce right now.
Response: Effective immediately, Staff Chat may not be used to advertise any personal items for sale, including ticket sales. This change is made in compliance with: NDNDUSrocedure 1901.2 Computer Network and Usage, Section 3.8. Personal business Computing and networking resources may not be used in connection with compensated outside work or for private business purposes unrelated to the NDNDUSr institutions, except in accordance with the NDNDUSonsulting Policy. We recommend the use of the UNDerground for the sale of any personal items or the Ralph EnEngelstadicket Exchange for Hockey Tickets (Ralph EnEngelstadicket Info ).
Suggestion/Questions: How does the donation of sick leave/vacation from one employee to another work? Is the donor notified that the transaction has been successfully completed? If the person receiving sick leave/vacation is terminated or leaves the position before the donated sick leave/vacation is used what happens to that donated sick leave/vacation time? Where does it go? Is it returned to the donor? If not why not? Is the donor notified that the time has not been used? Thanks!
Response: The Shared Leave Policy can be found in Section 20.6.
The procedure at UND is as follows: When a person donates leave, they complete the donated leave form and send it to the recipient’s supervisor. The supervisor will verify that all accrued leave has been used and will send the donated leave forms to Payroll for processing, as they are needed by the recipient. The person who has donated leave and the recipient will know the transaction has taken place by seeing the adjustment on their pay stub in self-service. There may be a delay in seeing the donation, due to an employee using accrued leave or other donated leave. Any donated leave deposited into the recipient’s account will be retained by the recipient. However, any donated leave not deposited into the recipient’s account will be returned to the donor. Per 20.6.5 Any donated leave may only be used by the recipient for the purposes specified within this policy and is not payable in cash. Therefore, if the recipient terminated employment, they will not be paid out any donated leave in cash.
Suggestion/Question: I would like to suggest that we close the University on the day after Thanksgiving and remain open on Veteran's Day. It seems that it would fit better with the schedules if we remained open on Nov 11 and closed after the holiday. I realize this a University calendar issue however it seems to make financial sense to remain closed for a 4-day weekend and stay open for one random day sometimes in the middle of the week than to close for that one day then two weeks later close for the holiday then reopen then close for the weekend. Thank you.
Response: The University of North Dakota is required to follow the holiday schedule listed in NDNDUSuman Resource Policy Manual 19. Holidays. This holiday schedule follows North Dakota Century Code 1-03-01. Any change to the observed holidays, would require a change to state law and a change in NDNDUSolicy.
Suggestion/Question: Is there a reason why all applications go directly to HR and not to the department? I feel that it is a bit unfair to the applicant that one person can judge whether or not he/she is qualified for a job just by reviewing a resume some might think that this person may have a biased opinion on who is selected to go forward with interviews. Isn't there a way that the department has some say in the process as they are the ones actually hiring the person not HR.
Response: When recruiting for staff positions at the University of North Dakota, Human Resource (HR) Managers work very closely with the hiring department to determine need and job specific requirements. The hiring department is asked review their current position description and ensure that it accurately reflects what the position entails, what minimum requirements are needed, and what preferred qualifications would be most beneficial. Once the hiring department submits a requisition to initiate the recruitment process and drafts the job posting, HR reviews and approves the job posting. That job posting becomes the criteria for screening applications. HR screens all application materials according to those details. If HR has any questions about whether an applicant meets any of the requirements, they will reach out to the hiring supervisor for their opinion. The screening process is dictated by ND Century Code 37-10.1-02 (3.(b)Public Employment Preference to Veterans. The current process that is used has been in place for decades and has withstood legal challenges. If an employee feels their application material has been reviewed in error, they are encouraged to contact HR for an explanation. If an employee can show in writing that they meet a requirement they were not given points for, HR can adjust the scoring and determine if the employee now meets the scoring cut-off to be forwarded to the department for an interview.
Suggestion/Question: Will the mothers room previously located on the 4th floor of TwTwamleye reopened now that the snack bar is staying closed? We have a handful of mothers who use that room and it is essential that we have access to a room that is close by so we can fit it into our busy schedules.
Response: The TwTwamleyall mother’s room will be reopening again after it was used as a staging area for the elevator remodel.
Suggestion/Question: The diagonal parking spaces on Campus Road by the rail road tracks behind the ROTC building and the Museum of Art are too narrow. The wider straight in spaces that were there previously were much easier to park in. Also traffic on Campus Road in the same area as above goes so fast UND buses and car traffic both. I have witnessed this myself. Maybe speed bumps or a stop sign would help. There is a lot of walking traffic and backing out of parking spaces back there.
Response: The width and length of all parking spaces are within the applicable parking codes. The angled spaces provide a safer method of backing your vehicle into traffic when exiting the parking space. We will work with UPUPDnd Transportation and continue to alert them that the speed through that area needs to reduced.
Suggestion/Question: Parking is very unfriendly for visitors and prospective students/parents. This gives UND a poor image and can influence enrollment. If a new building is constructed you should have to plan for/replace parking spots that are lost. Why do we have to pay extra to park temporarily in the ramp if we need to go to the Union for a meeting? It isn't fair to have to pay to do our job when parking permits are already so expensive.
Response: Parking Department has begun to work closely with the new Student and Parents Programs Coordinator, Alumni Center and other groups to welcome prospective parents and students. Some of the things we are doing are, Free Parking with detailed maps mailed to them prior to their visit, and directional signage on campus helping guide them to where they need to be. If a driver violates the Motor Vehicle Code, we are obligated to issue citations. For other violations, if they occur, we have begun issuing warning citations only.
We agree that when a new building goes up, the impacted parking spaces must be adjusted. We are making plans to accommodate Staff/Facility/Students. An example of this is the how we have adjusted the “A” spaces in and around the CECECnd Core Library projects.
“A” permit holders may park in the ramp between 3:30 P.M. – 12:00 A.M. Ramp permits have a different pricing structure, and it is not fair to those permit-holders if “A” permit-holders are allowed to park in the ramp during peak hours. To allow the employees attend meetings in Memorial Union, a Department may purchase Service tags. That will allow the holders to park in service spaces around the Union. There are other surface lots available with a short walking distance to the Memorial Union that are available to use.
Suggestion/Question: Regarding the Parking report - a couple of small areas of improvement could be implemented: First start giving out the 'I forgot to hang my permit' card that used to come with new permits. It showed a willingness to work with staff/faculty/students when a simple mistake occurs. I don't know why it was stopped but it would be nice to bring it back. The second suggestion relates to the 'No SUV/Van/Truck Parking' designations by the railroad tracks. SUSUVsrucks and vans regularly park in these spots. What is the point of the signs if this isn't being enforced? I believe the purpose of limiting high profile vehicles is due to lack of visibility inherent with the natural curve of the road. It becomes a safety issue when trying to leave a parking spot for those of us in lower profile vehicles whose visibility is blocked by a larger vehicle. I believe these areas should be enforced. Notice could be sent out to the campus and warnings given for a period of time before tickets are given out.
Response: Instead of a citation, we will issue one warning in a 12-month period to all vehicles that have purchased a current permit and have forgotten to hang their permit or have it displayed improperly. The vehicles that are cited in the 'No SUV/Van/Truck Parking' parking area near the Armory are extended length vehicles such as extended length trucks and Suburban’s
Suggestion/Question: Students (Grad Students) should not be allowed to purchase "A" parking passes these passes should be for faculty and staff only. Many times the Grad Student is already receiving a stipend or tuition waiver and parking is at a premium for employees already.
Response: If a Graduate Student is doing any type of teaching they are allowed to purchase an A pass.
Suggestion/Question: Pro-rate the parking pass for part time employees. Vacation/Sick leave is pro-rated why not pro-rate the parking pass since we don't use the parking services as often as full time employees.
Response: All Staff/Faculty/Student parking rates will be reviewed in the near future. We will review this suggestion at that time.
Suggestion/Question: "While this configuration may require more turning movements for exiting traffic it is likely to improve overall egress and result in fewer conflicts on the exit of the garage and improved customer satisfaction." MOVING EXITING TRAFFIC TO UNIVERSITY AVENUE IS NOT A SOLUTION you just move the congestion to a busier street. HAVE YOU TRIED TO GET ONTO UNIV. AVENUE AT 4:30 OR 5? MAYBE STAFF PARKING IN THE RAMP IS ALALOWEDO LEAVE WORK AT 4:15 OR SOONER TO BEAT THE TRAFFIC ENTERING 2ND AVENUE FROM WITHIN CAMPUS
Response: We will review the situation in the near future.
Suggestion/Question: When I first started as a UND staff member 10 years ago our parking permits were much less expensive. After the building of the parking ramp our parking permits tripled in price. As staff we continue to pay extremely high parking permit prices yet at the same time this past academic year our ability to park in the ramp with our "A" permit was completely taken away (except after 4PM). I think it is ridiculous that we have to pay to park where we work. So a few suggestions: 1) Provide "A" permits as part of the benefit of working at UND as a full-time staff or faculty member (this would work if parking wasn't a stand-alone entity) 2) change the parking ramp structure back to how it was previously (reserved on floors 1 and 2; A, S and pay-as-you-go on 3, 4 and 5)
Response: All Staff/Faculty/Student parking rates will be reviewed in the near future. We will review this suggestion at that time. It should be noted that current regulations do not allow use of appropriated funds for supporting parking operations.
Suggestion/Question: There is no way that extending the island in front of the parking ramp exit so you can only turn right will work. There is too much traffic by Swanson Hall now. You will have people trying to do a U turn at the end on 2nd Ave in a very busy student foot traffic intersection.
Turning right out of the ramp will not help as getting on to University Avenue would be a bottle neck. I suggest stop lights or for traffic from TwTwamleyeing rerouted and having them come out on 2nd Ave by the field house.
Response:We will review the situation in the near future.
Suggestion/Question:I walk on the ramp pretty much daily. In no way is the parking ramp used in to capacity. I realize UND and Parking intend to use the ramp as a money making business rather than additional parking for staff and students - as was the stated intent at the meeting I attended with others prior to the construction of the unit. We are not all university administration who can afford guaranteed parking.
Response: The Parking Ramps permits are completely sold out year after year and there is a waiting list. When you purchase a Ramp Pass we guarantee you a spot to park on level 1, 2 or 3 so if there openings it means a person with a ramp pass is not in the ramp.