Alerts are used to communicate important, time-sensitive information on the UND website.
Marketing & Communications uses global alerts to communicate messages across all websites in Omni. To meet accessibility and template guidelines, global alert content must be short in length and include only one link.
Campus Message
This is a customizable message/alert with many possible uses. It has been used to communicate the current campus safety level in respect to COVID-19, with a link to the COVID-19 blog for details.
Campus (Emergency) Alert
The orange campus alert appears above the Campus Message if a weather closure or safety information needs to be communicated to the entire campus community immediately.
Alert Snippet
The Alert Snippet is available to communicate information on individual web pages. The UND website uses universally accepted alert style colors to indicate:
- Information (blue)
- Warning (yellow)
- Error or emergency (red)
- Success status (green)