Department List
Use the department name exactly as it is listed here in the "People List (Auto, from directory)" snippet. These are the department names as listed in PeopleSoft.
- Academic Affairs
- Academic Support Services
- Accountancy
- Air Force ROTC
- Alumni & Community Relations
- Anthropology
- Army ROTC
- Art & Design
- Associate VP for Finance
- Athletics
- Atmospheric Sciences
- Aviation
- AVP Student Success
- Biology
- Biomedical Sciences
- Bismarck CFM
- Career Services
- CEM Research Institute
- Center for Biomedical Research
- Center for Innovation
- Ceremonies & University Events
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Chester Fritz Auditorium
- Chester Fritz Library
- Children and Family Services
- Children's Learning Center
- Civil Engineering
- Cntr for Bus Engagement & Dev
- College of Engineering & Mines
- Comm Sciences & Disorders
- CommStandards&Care Net Local
- Communication Dept
- Computational Research Center
- Continuing Medical Education
- Controller
- Corp Engmt & Commercialization
- Counseling Center
- Criminal Justice
- Dean's Office A&S
- Dean's Office CNPD
- Dean's Office CoBPA
- Dean's Office Med
- Deans Office Aerospace
- Dining C Stores
- Dining Memorial Union
- Dining Residence
- Dining Retail
- Dining Support Services
- Dining Vending
- Earth System Science & Policy
- Economics and Finance
- Education & Faculty Affairs
- Education & Human Development
- Education Resources
- Education, Health & Behavior
- Emergency Medicine
- Energy & Petroleum Engineering
- English
- Enrollment Management
- Entrepreneurship & Management
- Equal Opportunity & Title IX
- ESports
- Facilities Total
- Family & Community Medicine
- Flight Operations
- Flight Support Services
- FM-Cust / Maint
- FM-Parking Services
- FM-Transportation
- Geography
- Geology & Geological Eng
- Geriatrics
- Golf Course
- Graduate Medical Education
- Graduate School
- Grant & Contract Accounting
- History & American Indian St
- Honors Program
- Housing Residence
- Human Nutrition Center
- Human Resources
- Indians into Medicine
- Indigenous Health
- Indigenous Student Center
- Information Resources
- Institutional Effectiveness
- Integrated Clinic
- Internal Medicine
- International Center
- Languages
- Marketing & Creative Services
- Marketing Dept
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Memorial Union
- Minot CFM
- Music
- NE Campus - Grand Forks
- Neurology
- Northern Plains UAS Test Site
- Nursing
- Nutrition & Dietetics
- NW Campus - Minot
- Obstetrics / Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy
- OEL Support
- Office of Emergency Management
- Office of Extended Learning
- Office of Safety
- One Stop
- Pathology
- Pediatrics
- PharmPhysiologyTherapeutics
- Philosophy & Ethics
- Physical Therapy
- Physician Assistant Studies
- Physics & Astrophysics
- Political Science & Public Adm
- Population Health
- President's Office
- Pride Center
- Procurement & Payment Services
- Psychiatry and Behavioral Sci
- Psychology
- Public Health Program
- Public Safety
- Radiology
- Registrar
- Research & Sponsored Prgm Dev
- Research Affairs
- Research Compliance & Ethics
- Resource Planning Allocation
- Rural Health
- School of Law
- SE Campus - Fargo
- Shared Service Center
- SMHS Library Resources
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Space Studies
- Sports Medicine
- Stdt Dsblty Res & Acad Supp
- Student Affairs & Admissions
- Student Diversity & Inclusion
- Student Finance
- Student Health Services
- Student Involvmnt & Parent Pgm
- Surgery
- SW Campus - Bismarck
- Teaching & Leadership
- Theatre Arts
- Thormodsgard Law Library
- TRIO Programs
- UND Communications
- UND Online
- UND Print & Mail Center
- UND Simulation Center
- Undergrad Student Success
- Univ Analytics and Planning
- University Admissions
- University IT
- University Police
- Veteran & Military Affairs
- Vice Provost of Faculty Affair
- VP Finance & Operations
- VP Marketing & Communications
- VP Research & Economic Dev
- VP Student Affairs
- Wellness & Health Promotion
- Work Well