Web Elements & Styles
Web content that is themed with UND styles should follow UND's accesesibility policies.
Focus Styles
All elements need appropriate focus styles. The following focus style is UND's standard focus treatment.
outline: 2px dashed; outline-offset: .25rem;
Accessible Color Contrast
This Text Color Contrast Grid for UND can help prevent the common issue of low contrast due to the usage of our brand green on white which only satisfies accessible color contrast at large text sizes (18px and bold or 24px).
The darker green #00662c should only be used to meet contrast requirements for green text on white or light gray backgrounds at sizes 24px and under. Our brand green #009A44 should be used in all other cases.
Basic Typography
UND uses rem based on a 16px root size.
- Body text links should be underlined and #00662c.
- The underline can be removed on :hover.
Text Alignment
Text alignment guidance for UND is in line with guidance from Typography | U.S. Web Design System (USWDS)
- Left align text in almost all cases. Left aligned text is easier to read because it gives the eye a constant starting point.
Most headings use the following margins: margin: 1.2em 0 0.5em;
. Be aware that some headings (like the h1) have different margins.
Example Heading 1
h1 = is a fluid font size, 43px to 72px, and #000.
The following CSS can be used to achieve fluid type for the h1 element.
h1 { margin: 0 0 0.67em 0; font-size: 43px; } @media ( min-width: 320px ) { h1 { font-size: calc(43px + 29 * (100vw - 320px) / 1120); } } @media ( min-width: 1440px ) { h1 { font-size: 72px; } }
Example Heading 2
h2 = 2.25rem, #009a44
Example Heading 3
h3 = 1.625rem, #009a44
Example Heading 4
h4 = 1.25rem, #000
Example Heading 5
h5 = 1.125rem, #000
Example Heading 6
h6 = 1rem, #000
CSS Font Stacks
Trade Gothic | 'Trade Gothic', 'Oswald Medium', 'Oswald', Arial, sans-serif |
Sentinel Medium | 'Sentinel SSm A', 'Sentinel SSm B', 'Trocchi', 'Georgia', serif |
Helvetica Neue | 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', Arial, sans-serif |
Fallback Fonts
UND's fallback fonts, Oswald Medium and Trocchi, are available from Google Fonts and typography websites like FontSquirrel. Arial is a websafe font that does not need to be imported.
Official Font | Fallback Font |
Other Typography and Common Elements
Marketing/Serif Jumbo text (1.75rem, #009a44)
Intro Paragraph—Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam et tellus vel lacus dapibus dignissim. Nam non commodo lacus, id.
Integer faucibus ipsum vel elementum placerat. In a ipsum ornare, venenatis nibh vitae, hendrerit mi. Nulla pharetra dictum laoreet. Pellentesque interdum nisl eu orci tempor feugiat. Vestibulum nisl erat, feugiat quis turpis ut, commodo semper metus. Vestibulum volutpat arcu in sem iaculis bibendum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer malesuada elit non mi aliquam, ut feugiat nulla tincidunt. Maecenas iaculis, tortor id ultrices molestie, nisl lorem pulvinar odio, at molestie lorem odio vitae dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam in maximus tortor. In non purus quis diam elementum sollicitudin. Sed sit amet mauris urna.
Phasellus orci justo, cursus id tincidunt vitae, egestas id risus. Nam tempor diam id mi placerat tristique et at lacus. Donec id maximus dolor, ut sodales justo. Integer faucibus ipsum vel elementum placerat. In a ipsum ornare, venenatis nibh vitae, hendrerit mi. Nulla pharetra dictum laoreet. Pellentesque interdum nisl eu orci tempor feugiat.
- List Item A
- List Item B
- List Item C
- List Item A
- List Item B
- List Item C
Decorative Links & Buttons
File Types
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse maximus tempor neque, Example PDF Document et accumsan mi rhoncus sed. Nunc sit amet fringilla risus.