Obtaining Access
PeopleSoft Finance
The University of North Dakota in conjunction with the North Dakota University System licenses Oracle's PeopleSoft® finance software to manage our financial transactions. Access to PeopleSoft is required to view and update financial transactions.
Individuals desiring access to the PeopleSoft Finance module must complete the required training and submit a request form below.
Required Finance Training
Before access can be granted to the finance module, employees requesting access must complete the Employee Data Privacy Training.
- Data Privacy Training Instructions
- Financials Role Definitions
- Instructions for Obtaining Access to PeopleSoft Finance Module
Request Access for Financials
Requestor completes the "Access Request for Financials" form and emails the completed form as an attachment to their supervisor. The supervisor forwards the form to laura.knox@UND.edu indicating their approval in the body of the email.
Access Request for Financials-Inquiry/view only - Use this form for inquiry roles in the PeopleSoft Finance module.
Users who require roles in addition to the inquiry roles should complete the "Access Request for Financials" form. For assistance with roles appropriate for your positions, contact laura.knox@UND.edu.
Access Request for Financials - Use this form to request additional roles or to delete access in the PeopleSoft Finance module.
Perceptive Content
The University of North Dakota in conjunction with the North Dakota University System uses Perceptive Content, a document imaging and workflow management software. Several Finance departments utilize Perceptive to accomplish various tasks within the organization. Please review the details below request access.
Accounts Payable & Procurement
Accounts Payable and Procurement have individual workflows within Perceptive Content. Access to view and/or approve invoices/reimbursements/payments (Accounts Payable) or to view/process Purchase Requisitions (Procurement) may be obtained by completing the Procurement and Payment Services Perceptive Content Access/Modification/Removal[BROKEN LINK] form.
Budget Journals
Changes to the annual operating revenue and expenditures must be submitted using a Budget Journal in PeopleSoft Finance. To request access to this module of PeopleSoft Finance, please complete the Budget Journal User eForm Request.
Departmental Receipts
Please email melissa.mager@und.edu to request PC access to view department receipt details.
UND utilizes TouchNet Marketplace to accept online payments. Departments with a uStore or uPay site will require access.
TouchNet Marketplace Access
TouchNet Marketplace is an online payment site for departmental use, for the collection of payments. Advance approval for a site must be obtained from the Director of Treasury. If a site is approved, departmental employees working with the site will need access to the site.
To obtain access, the employee’s supervisor should complete the TouchNet Marketplace Access form and email it to the Treasury Department at UND.treasury@UND.edu.
Campus Connection (PeopleSoft Student Finance)
The University of North Dakota in conjunction with the North Dakota University System licenses Oracle's PeopleSoft® campus solutions software. Access to this module of PeopleSoft is required to view accounts receivable transactions.
Campus Connection Access
Access to the Student Finance module of PeopleSoft which contains Accounts Receivable information is controlled by the Office of the Registrar. Detailed access information is available on the Campus Connection Access Request Information page.
Employee Self-Service (PeopleSoft HRMS) Budget Module
The University of North Dakota in conjunction with the North Dakota University System licenses Oracle's PeopleSoft® Human Resources Management System (HRMS). Access to the HRMS module is managed by Human Resources & Payroll Services and is available to all employees of the university for access to their personal information, payroll and compensation details, benefits, etc. It is also used or the Annual Budget process.
HRMS Access
Detailed access information is available on the Human Resources & Payroll website.
Budget Module Access
For access to the Budget Module, which is utilized during Annual Budget, please complete the Budget Module Access Request Form and email it to cynthia.fetsch@UND.edu.