Travel & Expenses
UND uses the PeopleSoft Finance Travel & Expense (T&E) module to reimburse all UND employees for eligible business expenses.
NDUS Travel & Expense Approver Guide
NDUS Travel & Expense User Guide
Summary Table of Allowable Expenses
Employees must comply with North Dakota Century Code, as well as, North Dakota University System (NDUS) and UND policies and procedures for their expenses to be reimbursed. Please review the laws and policies governing your travel/purchase prior to completing the transaction.
We encourage the use of a University purchasing card while traveling. Most travel expenses (excluding meals) may be charged on this University issued MasterCard allowing the payment of the expense to be made directly by the University.
The business purpose of all travel must be documented.
Travel & Expense Resources
Travel Reimbursement FAQs
With a receipt or paid invoice, UND will reimburse business expenses for internet charges, rental cars, copies, faxes, shipping, and postage.
In addition, with written business justification, UND may reimburse for other business expenses such as mandatory bellman/maid charges, late check-out fees, business calls, cancellation charges; and international travel expenses such as currency exchange fees and immunizations. In very limited cases, UND will reimburse for travel insurance or GPS charges.
If you do not have a receipt/invoice for a transaction, you will need to contact the vendor for a replacement receipt/invoice. If you are not able to get a replacement receipt/invoice, the missing receipt form will need to be completed.
(Note: UND will reimburse for a cab without a receipt costing $10.00 or less.)
Although discouraged, University of North Dakota may advance funds for the payment of meal and lodging expenses incurred while an employee is on business travel. All travel advances must be preapproved by Procurement & Payment Services. To qualify for a travel advance:
- Travel must be in excess of five days per month (does not need to be consecutive)
- Requested funds cannot exceed 80 percent of estimated expenses
Submit travel advance request in writing (email) to Procurement & Payment Services. Request must include:
- Travel dates
- Business purpose of the travel
- Estimated expenses
- Explanation as to what other options other than a travel advance were considered
- Supervisor’s signature/approval
If approved, Procurement & Payment Services will notify the department and process the advance through the electronic payment process.
- The request for reimbursement of remaining expenses must be submitted via the Travel & Expense module in PeopleSoft Finance. (All travel expenses for one trip can be submitted on the same expense report)
- Please reference the Travel & Expense User Guide for instructions on entering an expense report
- The Travel Advance voucher number must be documented on the expense report.
- The business purpose of the travel must be documented.
- Traveler must be the one to submit the expense report. This electronic submittal is accepted as the signature of the traveler.
Please contact PPS at with further questions.
To request a personal assistant for travel as a workforce disability accommodation please complete the Workforce Accommodation Request Form.
Complete and submit a Non-Employee/Student Reimbursement Worksheet attaching all receipts/supporting documentation via the Non-Employee Reimbursement Form in UND Marketplace(Jaggaer).
How to process a Non Employee Refund Reimbursement Form
See UND Non-Employee & Student Travel Policy for additional details and restrictions.
Yes! Once one expense line has been created, the option to change funding for the entire report is achieved by going to the “Actions” in the upper right corner of the report. Click the drop down arrow and select “Default Accounting for Report” and click “GO”.
Yes, Employees can assign their own delegates. One or more "Delegates" can be assigned to create an expense report for an individual, but the individual receiving the reimbursement will need to submit the report once it is completed. If additional assistance is needed to set up your own delegate, please contact PPS at
Yes, Copied expense reports do not bring over the attached receipts.