The Committee on Sexual Violence Prevention and Response (CSVPR) is a multi-disciplinary, coordinated, community response advisory team comprised of university and community partners. The CSVPR is committed to:
- increasing prevention and education efforts to reduce sexual violence on campus;
- providing support to the impacted individuals for healing; and
- promoting accountability and policies that are reflective of this commitment.
CSVPR Mission
The CSVPR supports UND’s efforts to prevent sexual misconduct and respond with support and accountability when it does occur.
- Donna Smith, Assistant Vice President, Equal Opportunity & Title IX (Chair)
- Dean of Students (Deputy Title IX Coordinator)
- Director of Policy & Administration, Academic Affairs (Deputy Title IX Coordinator)
- Title IX/Civil Rights Investigator, Equal Opportunity & Title IX (Deputy Title IX Coordinator)
- Athletics Senior Woman Administrator (Deputy Title IX Coordinator)
- Associate Vice President, Human Resources & Payroll Services (Deputy Title IX Coordinator)
- Director, Office of Community Standards (Deputy Title IX Coordinator)
- Equity Compliance and Education Manager, Equal Opportunity & Title IX (Deputy Title IX Coordinator)
- Director, Pride Center
- Director, University Counseling Center
- Campus Confidential Advisor, CVIC at UND
- Campus Prevention and Education Specialist, CVIC at UND
- Vice President of Prevention, Education & Violence Intervention, CVIC
- Assistant Dean for Law Library and Information Services, School of Law (Title IX Liaison)
- Director of Housing, Housing (Title IX Liaison)
- Associate Vice President for Public Safety/Chief of Police (Title IX Liaison)
- Associate Vice President for Student Affairs (Title IX Liaison)
- Associate Dean for Student Affairs & Admissions, School of Medicine and Health Sciences (Title IX Liaison)
- SANE Coordinator, Altru Health System
- Student Government – Current President or designee for one-year term
- University Senate – Chair-Elect or designee for one-year term
- Staff Senate – Current President or designee for one-year term
- Legal Advisor
Functions and Responsibilities
CSVPR will be charged with completing the following actions.
- Collaborate with all areas of the campus to prevent and address sexual misconduct on campus.
- Develop an annual comprehensive plan for sexual misconduct prevention and response for UND.
- Provide an annual summary of the Committee’s activities to the President of UND by July 1 of each year.
- Provide support and guidance to the working groups of the CSVPR in completing their goals and objectives.
- Consider any recommendations brought forward by the working groups and act upon them, as appropriate.
- The CSVPR and working groups will engage the community in conversation regarding actions and outcomes.
- The four working groups are:
- Policies and Procedures for Accountability
- Support for Impacted Individuals
- Awareness and Prevention Education
- Assessment and Evaluation
CVSPR Working Groups
Policies and Procedures for Accountability Working Group
- Alex Pokornowski, Dean of Students
- Donna Smith, Assistant Vice President, Equal Opportunity & Title IX
The mission of the Policies and Procedures for Accountability Working Group is to review policies and procedures related to sexual misconduct at the University of North Dakota and recommend modifications to maintain fair and equitable processes for all.
Support for Impacted Individuals Working Group
- Lindsay, Confidential Campus Advisor, CVIC at UND
- Nathan Ellenson, Licensed Clinician, UCC
The mission of the Support for Impacted Individuals Working Group is to provide recommendations for campus and community efforts to protect, support, empower and inform those directly impacted by sexual violence, including complainants, respondents, friends and family. These supportive measures focus on providing security and safety, counseling, medical services, advocacy, academic support, and accommodations to those impacted.
Awareness and Prevention Education Working Group
- Allison, Campus Prevention & Education Specialist, CVIC at UND
- Beth Valentine, Equity Compliance & Edu Mgr, Equal Opportunity & Title IX
The mission of the Awareness and Prevention Education Working Group is to make recommendations regarding educational and programmatic initiatives to improve campus culture and climate.
Assessment and Evaluation Working Group
- Donna Smith, Assistant Vice President, Equal Opportunity & Title IX
The mission of the Assessment and Evaluation Working Group is to review assessment results that address campus culture and climate related to sexual misconduct and utilize that information to inform the activities of the CSVPR and working groups. This working group is comprised of the co-chairs of the three other working groups, along with UND’s Chief Data Officer.