Prevention, Education and Training
UND offers on-line, on-campus, and module-based educational opportunities for University students and employees for preventing and responding to discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct. We also provide resource guides that explain our process and provide information on support.
Trainings Provided by the EO & Title IX Office
The Equal Opportunity & Title IX Office offers a variety of customized on-campus or virtual training sessions that cater to both students and employees. These training sessions are designed to cover UND policies and procedures and discuss broader equal opportunity topics. Additionally, the Office offers the flexibility to adjust session length to fit scheduling needs. To request a training for your group, please consult the list of trainings and email with “Training Request” in the subject line.
Equal Opportunity & Title IX Trainings
Module-based Training
In addition to the customized training listed above, UND employees and students have access to module-based training through VectorSolutions (formerly SafeColleges).
Discrimination and Harassment Prevention
All new employees are enrolled in the on-line course Discrimination Awareness in the Workplace. The course provides awareness of discrimination and aims to create an inclusive and welcoming environment.
- Additional courses focusing on supervisory practices are available through VectorSolutions.
- In-person educational opportunities are available upon department request to Equal Opportunity & Title IX.
Sexual Misconduct
All new employees are enrolled in the on-line courses that provide information about recognizing and responding to sexual misconduct and employee obligations under Title IX regulations. All employees are required to complete the Title IX Compliance training annually. Department chairs or directors may request to have an in-person training in lieu of the annual on-line Title IX Compliance training. Employees who do not complete the mandatory training will not be eligible for pay increases.
First-year and transfer students new to UND are required to complete an interactive on-line program about consent, healthy relationships, bystander intervention, as well as the realities of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and more.
- Additional courses related to sexual harassment are available through VectorSolutions.
- Customized in-person education for employees and students relating to sexual misconduct policies and campus resources is available through Equal Opportunity & Title IX.
- Our CVIC at UND campus prevention and educational specialist provides in-person education to students and employees around sexual violence, healthy relationships and bystander intervention.