Discrimination & Harassment
Discrimination and harassment have no place at UND.
The University of North Dakota is committed to preventing and addressing discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in its academic, working, and living environments.
- UND strives to create a welcoming campus for all. The Equal Opportunity & Title IX Office supports these efforts by providing care and support for individuals impacted by discrimination or harassment and by addressing behavior that violates our policies.
- UND's Discrimination and Harassment Policy prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, pregnancy, marital or parental status, veteran's status, relationship or association with an individual with a disability, relationship or association with a veteran, and political belief or affiliation, or any other protected characteristic under applicable law.
- If you feel you have been treated unfairly, Equal Opportunity & Title IX staff can help you understand your options and the support and resolution resources available for you.
We Are Here To Help
If you have experienced discrimination or harassment or need to make an accommodation request, please contact us.
Report Discrimination or Harassment
Respecting your privacy is important. Information regarding reports of discrimination or harassment and accommodation requests will only be shared with people who need to know so they can help. If a formal complaint is filed, then the respondent will be informed. However, making a report or contacting the EO & Title IX Office is not the same as making a report, and supportive measures are available even if no formal complaint is filed.
Employee Reporting Obligations
UND policy requires most employees to share reports of potential discrimination/harassment with the Equal Opportunity & Title IX Office This is because UND has resources and support available to help. We are concerned for the safety and well-being of the person who experienced the misconduct (called the complainant) as well as the campus and community.
We all must work together to create a safe and inclusive University. To that end, all members of our community are encouraged to report potential violations of our policies relating to discrimination and harassment. Moreover, the following individuals have specific obligations to report to the Equal Opportunity & Title IX Office under UND Policies and/or federal law:
- Supervisors and managers must immediately report all known information regarding suspected or potential discrimination or harassment occurring in the workplace.
- All employees except temporary employees and most student employees must report all known information regarding suspected or potential discrimination or harassment affecting students. This obligation extends to suspected or potential discrimination or harassment involving students that occurs off-campus.
- Resident Assistants, Resident Managers, Hall Directors, and Undergraduate Instructors must report all known information regarding suspected or potential discrimination or harassment against students. This obligation extends to suspected or potential harassment or discrimination involving students that occurs off-campus.
Please consult our Discrimination and Harassment Policy for the official statement on reporting obligations and actual knowledge.
Retaliation Prohibited
We can't address a concern if we don't know about it. UND employees and students should feel confident that they can report behavior that violates our policies or ask for help without fear of retaliation. Retaliation against a person because they made a report or participated in an investigation is prohibited and will be grounds for disciplinary action.
Safeguarding UND Is Everyone's Responsibility
Managers and supervisors must share information about suspected incidents of discrimination or harassment with the EO & Title IX Office.
Please reach out to the EO & Title IX Office if you have any questions or concerns about UND's nondiscrimination and harassment policies, procedures, or resources.