UND Logo System
The University of North Dakota is represented by several official logos and marks.
The graphics in this logo system must be used in accordance with the UND Logo Usage Guidelines. Appropriate alternative text must be provided when the logo is used in a digital format. Contact identity@UND.edu for assistance with logo usage.
The official mark of UND, the logotype should be used whenever possible on all advertising, publications and communications. The vertical logotype should be used when space is limited or when the UND logotype must be placed in a grouping of other logos (sponsorship or partnership listings).
The logotype lockups pair the logotype and our external brand promise. They are interchangeable with the original logotypes and mostly commonly used on recruitment materials and when content connects to the external promise.
Primary Logotype

Vertical Logotype

Primary Logotype Lockup

Vertical Logotype Lockup

Unit Logos
Unit logos are available to colleges, departments, schools, administrative offices, institutes and other University units. Unit logos are not created for degree programs.
Primary Unit Logo
The primary unit logo represents one unit, typically the highest level in the organizational structure. It is used on external communications designed at the unit level, including advertising, publication cover designs and other collateral materials.
The primary unit logo is an acceptable alternate for our UND logotype. A unit is not required to have a unit logo and can continue to use the UND logotype.
Vertical Unit Logo
The vertical unit logo is used for internal audiences and for external audiences when space is limited. A unit is not required to have a vertical unit logo.
Informal Unit Logo
The informal unit logo is used for internal audiences and when a more casual mark is adequate. A unit is not required to have an informal unit logo.
The informal unit logo is replacing the secondary unit logo using a phased approach. During this process, units can continue to use their secondary unit logo until they are ready to transition to an informal unit logo. When the transition occurs, their secondary unit logo will be retired.
Multi-Unit Logo
The multi-unit logo is used to identify two levels in a unit and requires a larger imprint area. A unit is not required to have a multi-unit logo.
This mark was formally known as the unit stamp.
Flame Logos
The flame logo may be used for internal audiences (e.g., campus signage, flyer for current students). It can be used for external audiences when space is limited on apparel or promotional items with prior approval. The orange flame, a symbol of our Eternal Flame, should not be used alone or as a design element.
The flame logo lockups pair the flame logo and our external brand promise. The lockups are interchangeable with flame logo and are used when the content connects to the external promise.
Flame Logo
Horizontal Flame Logo Lockup

Vertical Flame Logo Lockup

University Seal
The University seal symbolizes the formal authority vested in the University. It is reserved for official and ceremonial uses such as diplomas, legal documents and formal invitations. The seal also can be used for specific environmental branding. Its use is at the sole discretion of the Office of the President with approval from the Division of Marketing & Communications.
- The University seal is a registered trademark. It should not be paired with other University marks such as the logotype, unit logos or unique logos, unless it appears on different pages/surfaces/plains.
- A retail version of the UND seal is available for licensed vendors.
- For permission to use the University Seal, contact identity@UND.edu.
University Seal

University Seal - Retail Only

Nickname and Mascot
The University Fighting Hawks nickname should be used to communicate and inspire school loyalty. Campus is encouraged to use the nickname when referring to the broad UND community. With prior approval from identity@UND.edu the nickname may be used in the naming of space, events or groups.
The Fighting Hawk
When referring to our campus community and our nickname, we are all Fighting Hawks. The official name used to identify our mascot is The Fighting Hawk.
Mascot Mark
The University mascot mark is used to promote and display school spirit. This mark should be used in addition to official UND logos. It is not a substitute for the primary UND logotype, vertical UND logotype or unit logos. When using it externally, the words University of North Dakota must be included on the overall piece.
The preferred use of the mascot mark is the full-color version. The Fighting Hawks marks may be used as a black and white version or an all-white version only when the full-color version is not practical. Additional mascot marks may be available for use with prior approval from identity@UND.edu.
Clear Zone and Size
The mascot mark has an established clear zone to maintain its integrity. No other type or graphic element should fall within the area shown. The clear zone is equal to one eighth of the height of the mark. The size of the mascot mark should not be less than 1.25 inches in length and proportions should not be altered.
Athletics Logos
The Fighting Hawks logo system is used to formally represent the University’s NCAA teams, Athletics Department and related groups such as the Spirit Squad, Pride of the North Band, NoDak Nation and Champions Club. Non-athletic use of the primary mark, wordmark, secondary marks, and fonts requires pre-approval by the Athletics Department.
For third party, co-branded usage of the Fighting Hawks Logo, a Fighting Hawks Sport Properties Sponsorship is required.
Additional information about UND Athletics branding, including additional color and layout options, can be found in the UND Fighting Hawks Brand Standards Guide. Contact identity@UND.edu for additional details.
Primary Fighting Hawks Mark
The primary mark features a stoic hawk head icon emphasized by a resolute hawk eye to personify the persistence, hard work and determination of UND student-athletes. The icon rests within a “ND” ligature to place UND athletics at the heart of North Dakota.
The stacked wordmarks can be used to further communicate the UND Athletics brand exclusive use.
Primary Mark and Wordmark Lockup
The primary mark and wordmark lockup can be used to further communicate the UND Athletics brand.
Secondary Marks
Secondary marks are simplified variations of a primary logo and used in instances where brand awareness is established. Secondary logos do not replace primary logos.
The Hawk Head is a simplified version of the Athletics Primary Fighting Hawk logo. It features the Fighting Hawk profile. The Hawk Head secondary logo can be used by North Dakota NCAA teams, the Athletics Department and related groups, if prior approval has been given by UND Licensing.
The UND Mark uses Athletics’ brand font to connect the University of North Dakota brand to the North Dakota Athletics brand. The UND Mark can be used by campus partners to show school spirit, much like the Fighting Hawks Mascot. The UND Mark cannot be used to officially identify or represent any program or department. Contact identity@UND.edu for usage guidelines and access to the mark.
Student Organizations and Club Sports Logos
Student organizations and club sports are not official entities of the University and can only include certain UND trademarks in logos. Available trademarks are outlined in the tabs below. UND trademarks may not be manipulated or otherwise altered in any logo design.
Student organization and club sport logos must be approved via email UND.licensing@UND.edu.
Student Organizations
UND Licensing Requirements for Student Organizations
- Officially recognized student organizations, as defined in the Code of Student Life, are encouraged to create their own logos.
- Verbiage such as ‘North Dakota’, ‘University of North Dakota’ or ‘UND’ can be used to associate your organization with the university.
- No Academics or Athletics logo can be used (UND Flame, Fighting Hawk, wordmarks etc.).
- Mascot marks can be used in secondary locations on apparel to show UND school spirit.
- Licensed Vendors must be used when producing UND Trademarks.
Club Sports
UND Licensing Requirements for Club Sports
- Verbiage such as ‘North Dakota’, ‘University of North Dakota’ or ‘UND’ can be used to associate your organization with the university.
- Mascot Head Pose 1, Mascot Head Pose 3, and UND Mark can be used by club sport teams.
- No other academic or Athletics logo can be used (UND Flame, Fighting Hawk, wordmarks etc.).
- Text cannot overlap approved UND logos.
- The word ‘Club’ must be included with the sport name (i.e., Club Basketball or Basketball Club).
- Licensed Vendors must be used when producing UND Trademarks.
Unique UND Logos
The UND logo system is the standard structure for UND units. In some cases, the Division of Marketing & Communications may determine a unique UND logo is required to properly identify a specific service, event or externally funded unit.
What constitutes a unique UND logo?
- It incorporates all or part of the UND logotype, including the interlocked UND letters, the flame, and/or Friz Quadrata font.
- The clear zone is adjusted or altered for unique UND logos.
When is something a unique design, and not a unique UND logo?
- It does not incorporate all or part of the UND logotype, including the interlocked UND letters, the flame, and/or Friz Quadrata font.
- It may incorporate UND colors, other brand fonts and verbiage trademarks.
- Any UND logo system mark paired with the design that maintains the proper clear zone.
Historic Logos and Trademarks
The University of North Dakota maintains the licensing of historic nickname and logo trademarks through the Dacotah Legacy Collection.